Page 5 of The Other One

“Not at all. I was just thinking I read that too.” No, I haven’t, but I’m not about to let on how caught off guard I feel.

Stretching out my legs to rest my feet on the coffee table in front of us, I stare into the dark waves. There’s something about being here with Abigail that’s seriously fucking with my head. Why are we the way we are? I mean, I get now why she thinks I’m a complete asshole, but why have I always risen to the challenge when she throws barbs at me? I could have asked her months ago why she hated me, but instead I played this game with her of who could hit below the belt the hardest.

Looking at her profile, it hits me how damn beautiful she is. I’ve always thought she was a looker but seeing her in the moonlight with a soft glow coming from the house behind us, it punches me in the chest how truly stunning she is. Her copper hair sets off her milky skin and mischievous green eyes. She’s got one of those cute little noses that turn up at the tip and full lips made for soft kisses, or maybe sharp jabs in her case.

She turns her head toward me. “What are you staring at?” she whispers.

The wind has blown strands of hair across her face. I reach out to tuck the unruly locks behind her ear. Abigail closes her eyes and gently leans into my touch. What is happening here? Not one to waste an opportunity, I lean in close to her mouth, breathing the same air.

“I want to kiss you,” I whisper, my soft voice thick with desire.

She looks at me with wide eyes. I see indecision, but I don’t hear a no, so I lean in and press my lips to hers. Abigail hums and brings her hand that was resting on her knee to the side of my face and gently runs her fingers into my hair, pulling me closer. I open my mouth to deepen the kiss, our tongues swiping and swirling. Fuck, she tastes amazing, a mixture of the wine from dinner and something else uniquely Abigail. I grab her knee and pull it over my hip so she’s straddling me. My hands run down her shoulders, over her spine to her ass as I tug her hard against my quickly growing erection. We’re a frenzied mess of teeth and lips and pants and moans. Goddamn, this is the hottest fucking kiss of my life, and it’s with the one woman who I swore off months ago.

Abigail gasps when she feels my cock straining through my pajama pants, searching for purchase against her center. I bite her lip and move her up and down over my length. Shit, I might come in my fucking pants like this.

Just then, she looks behind us and jumps off my lap. What the fuck? I turn my head and see Lindsey with her back to us, grabbing a pill and some water, presumably for Aiden. She’s completely unaware of our presence on the patio.

“Abigail,” I start, but it’s too late. She’s headed to the door, flushed cheeks and embarrassment clear on her face.

“This never happened,” she tells me before slipping inside and closing the door.

Goddammit, cockblocked by Captain America.

Chapter 3



We’vebeenhomefromCosta Rica for a few weeks. I haven’t seen or heard from Jackson since. Well, that’s not entirely true. He tried calling a couple of times when we got back but I sent his calls straight to voice mail, and he didn’t leave a message, so I guess technically I haven’theardanything. I made sure to keep my distance the rest of the week we were there and never ventured onto the deck again after our kiss. A kiss that was very close to being something a lot more.

Total lapse in judgment on my part. There was just something about the ocean and the conversation and the way his eyes always dance with mischief that had me ready to throw our feud, or whatever this weird tension we have is, out the window. Thank God we were interrupted by Lindsey. He needs to stay in his lane, and I need to stay in mine. The last thing I’m willing to do is jeopardize our circle. I love Lindsey and Kasey as sisters, and I never want them to feel like they have to choose between me and Jackson. Considering my own blood sister didn’t even choose me, I couldn’t take the heartbreak of finding out they wouldn’t either. Nope, best to let sleeping dogs lie. Woof woof.

Kasey’s been telling me about her and Donovan enjoying the perks of having his brother own a super exclusive and private sex club. The first time I found out she went all those months ago, I was shocked and a little jealous. Okay, really jealous. I’ve never been to one, but of course I’ve read about them. I think it’s safe to say any woman with a healthy appetite for sex has read a few books in her time that were set somewhere similar. No? Just me?Yeah right.But being in one has always stayed firmly planted in the fictional world I sometimes find myself in when I read a spicy romance novel. Until tonight.

“Oh my god, Abs, I love the earrings. Fun and loud. Just like my bestie.” Kasey laughs as I primly move my hair behind my ears and strike a little pose, showing off the marvelous pineapple earrings I saw on my way home from work the other day.

“Yellow sapphires and emeralds. How could I possibly say no?” These beauties make a statement, especially against my red hair. I’m feeling fabulous and sexy in the little black number I have on with these earrings, giving my outfit a pop of color and flair.

“I’m excited to finally see what all the fuss is about,” I tell Kasey. “But promise me you won’t go wandering off with your main squeeze tonight and leave me all alone in a sex club, mm-kay? I don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea about a single girl there by herself. I just want to be a casual observer tonight.”

She waves off my concerns with a flick of her wrist while she puts on a coat of lip gloss. “No way. Donovan is well aware that we’re going for drinks and dancing. And for you to see what it’s like. That’s it.”

I chuckle. “Yeah, I’m sure Donovan is the one who had to be told, you little vixen.”

Laughing because she knows she’s been called out and it’s true, she shrugs her shoulders. “Come on, I need to pull my man away from whatever campaign call I’m sure he’s still on and get him out to have some fun.”

We head down the stairs of Kasey and Donovan’s apartment and sure enough, Donovan’s on a call talking about security for the next event.

“Babe, give poor Aiden a break and let’s go,” Kasey tells him.

He turns to her, putting a hand over his heart as he appraises her stunning red minidress and black sky-high heels with the red soles that she borrowed from me. I can hardly believe this is the same friend I used to have to beg to wear anything an inch above her knee and shoes higher than a kitten heel. Although, I think seeing the appreciation on her boyfriend’s face may have something to do with the shorter hemlines she fancies these days.

Donovan ends the call and beelines to Kasey, wrapping her in his arms before giving her a little lick on the neck.

“Just needed a little taste, beautiful,” he growls into her neck and a very girlish giggle escapes her. I feel like I’m intruding on a private moment that could get out of hand very quickly.

“Come on, lovebirds. Sex clubs wait for no man.” Kasey shakes her head at me as she grabs Donovan by the hand, leading him to the door.