Page 6 of The Other One

“Abigail has been waiting months to check out Club Noir. Let’s not keep her waiting,” Kasey tells him, and we head out, dressed to the nines and ready to see what kind of mischief we can get into.

This is it?It’s just a nondescript steel double door with the address in red neon above it. Obviously, they can’t have it advertised on the street what’s actually inside, but the plain and dreary entrance of the building isn’t exactly eliciting any high hopes for the evening. We don’t stop in front, instead heading to a private underground parking garage that gives the impression of being for an entirely different building.

“Jackson takes the privacy of his members very seriously,” Kasey explains as she looks over at Donovan with a small smile playing on her lips. He reaches over and squeezes her knee, a conversation obviously taking place between them without words.

I’m not going to lie, I kind of feel like a third wheel here, and I’m not a fan. I think a couple good, stiff drinks and dancing my ass off to shake this icky feeling in the center of my chest is in order. Maybe it’s just nerves at seeing Jackson again. I know he’s here a lot of the time, but hopefully I’ll luck out and he’ll have called it an early night. One can dream, right? Or maybe it would be better if he’s here. Rip the Band-Aid off and get over the awkwardness of seeing each other for the first time since I put a swift and complete halt to our little make-out session in Costa Rica.

After exiting the car, we walk to a private entrance just as plain as the first one, except for the burly security guard whose neck seems to blend with his head. This man definitely gives off the vibe that no one is getting in here without express permission. The whole secret parking garage and private entrance make me feel very important. I realize it has nothing to do with me, but I’m enjoying the feeling, nonetheless.

We walk through a hallway with several doors on either side. I can’t see what’s going on in any of the rooms we pass, but I have a sneaking suspicion I would catch an eyeful of some serious hanky-panky if one of the doors swung open.

When we get into the main area of the club, I’m blown away at how classy yet sexy it is. I knew Jackson had money to throw at the place, but I’m pleasantly surprised to see it’s not some sleazy decor with whips and chains hanging from the walls. I don’t know exactly what I was expecting, but nothing really screams sex club in here. Until I get a look at the patrons. Some are dressed in designer suits and dresses, and some are in barely anything at all. When I spot a couple on the dance floor, I see the man’s hand dip under the woman’s very short skirt and move tantalizingly under the fabric. The look of ecstasy on her face is a solid indication of what his hand is doing under there. You know what? Good for them. I can respect people who have no problem relaxing their inhibitions in a place like this. That’s what it’s here for, right?

Donovan leads me and Kasey to a shrouded booth off the dance floor, and we have a seat on plush red velvet couches with a bottle of champagne on ice waiting for us.

“It’s like they knew I was coming,” I say, looking at the label on the bottle. My favorite.

Donovan chuckles as he takes the bottle and begins pouring the three of us a glass. “I let Jackson know we were coming tonight so he would have a booth ready for us.”

Of course. For as irritating as the man can be, one thing I will never fault him for is his taste in expensive alcohol. The fact that he was probably the one who put this bottle in here because he knows my taste in champagne is giving me a feeling I don’t want to look too closely at when I’m trying to get the man out of my head.

I lean forward to talk to Kasey on the other side of the table. “Hey, not to put a damper on the night, but how is it that Donovan’s comfortable walking through here? Isn’t he afraid someone is going to take a picture or video of him being here?”

Kasey and Donovan have been here a few times together. Not saying anyone in here would have the malicious intent to out the senatorial candidate as some sort of sexual deviant, but I figured it would be something he would be concerned with.

“Cell phones aren’t allowed in here. Usually members or guests check them when they come in,” she replies.

“We weren’t asked to hand ours over,” I say, confused.

“We’re the exception to the rules. Perks of having an in with one of the owners.” Kasey smiles mischievously. “Don’t take it out of your purse, though, or someone might get the wrong idea, and that would look bad for the club. And Jackson.”

I nod my head in acquiescence. I’m not asshole enough to test that theory, no matter how much Jackson grates on my nerves. Though, it wasn’t mynerveshe was on in Costa Rica.Stop it, Abigail.

Sipping on my champagne, I look across the dance floor and spot Jackson. Damn, that man is fineness personified in a custom-tailored suit. I can almost look past the horrid personality. Oh, who’s kidding who here? If he didn’t come with a truckload of baggage, I would have ridden him from here to kingdom come and back again. He’s everything I used to go for in a guy. Tall, handsome with a killer body and cocky personality to match. But I’ve grown up dammit, matured, and I refuse to fall into bad habits. Been there, done that and it crashed and burned spectacularly.

Jackson makes his way over to us with a confident swagger that has several pairs of hungry eyes, male and female, appreciating him. If they only knew the evil that lies beneath, or maybe he reserves that side of his personality just for me.

He reaches our booth and gives Donovan one of those manly hugs with a loud smack on the back before bending to kiss Kasey’s cheek in greeting. When he looks at me, his eyes are full of mischief, making me uncomfortable. Not in the “I need to get away from this weirdo” way but in the “I need my panties not to go up in flames” way. What kind of strange power does this man have over me? When his perusal stops at my earrings, he chuckles.

“Nice earrings,” he says.

“I know, they’re fabulous.” The way he said it wasn’t complimentary, but I ignore the deliberate dig. It’s typical Jackson behavior.

“I was surprised when Donovan told me you were coming tonight to check the place out. You’ve been avoiding me since Costa Rica.” I can’t believe he’s bringing that up right in front of Donovan and Kasey. Is he trying to embarrass the hell out of me? This is Jackson, so of course he is.

“Why do you think I’m avoiding you? Is your ego so fragile that when I don’t drop everything and run to my phone to answer your call, you sit alone in a dark room and think about all the better ways I’m spending my time?”

“Oh, She-Devil, if I’m in a dark room, I’m rarely alone, and I’m certainly not wasting my time wondering about you,” he snarks back.

“Good for you, but your hand doesn’t count as company.” I wave my hand dismissively and turn to Kasey. “Come on, let’s dance.” I grab her hand and hear Jackson behind me, trying to call after me, but I pay him no mind as we make our way to the dance floor.

When we make our way through the crowd, a sultry beat is running its way through my body as I sway to the music. My girl is feeling the music as she moves her hips, casting seductive glances at Donovan. Again, that feeling of being the third wheel pops up. I quickly try to shake myself out of it by closing my eyes and letting myself get lost in the music.

“Hey,” Kasey yells over the music. “What was Jackson going on about you avoiding him since Costa Rica? What happened?”

Okay, play it cool, Abigail.“Who knows.” I roll my eyes. “Jackson just being his annoying self as usual. Avoiding him is practically second nature to me at this point.”

I think I played that off. Hopefully.