Page 59 of The Fragile One

“That’s probably a better idea,” I respond, nodding to her in thanks.

I’m sitting on the edge of my bed, staring at the picture of my dad and me from when I was seven or eight. It was taken at an ice-skating rink I used to love going to with him. I remember that day perfectly. It was the first time I let go of his hand and actually skated by myself. My dad was so proud of me for conquering my fear of falling.Everyone falls, sweet girl, but you get back up and try again. Then you’ll feel like you’re flying. Ready?

The memory brings tears to my eyes. My dad was so sure I could do anything. I refuse to let him or Aiden down now. I’m ready to let go. I’m ready to fly.

The plane ride is short but not surprising, considering it’s a private jet. None of the pesky waiting around to fly commercial anymore now that my sister is in love with a millionaire, I guess. Donovan and Kasey decide to come with me. Kasey, of course not wanting to leave me to fend for myself, which I’m perfectly fine with given the circumstances, and Donovan isn’t willing to leave Kasey’s side. He’ll make a great brother-in-law someday when they finally tie the knot.

It’s humid as hell when we touch down in San José. I’m glad I let Abigail repack my suitcase for me. Somehow, I don’t think the footy PJs would have been a good choice in this heat.

Donovan hired a driver before we got to the airport, who is now navigating us through the busy streets of the city. Am I nervous being in an unfamiliar country with people crowding the streets? Hell yes, but it sure as shit isn’t going to stop me from getting to Aiden as fast as humanly possible. I’m not going to stop and think about all the horrible things that might go wrong, like the people they ran from in Columbia coming after them and finding them here. If I do, it’ll make me crazy, and I don’t have the time or luxury of that right now.

We get to the hospital and there are so many people hustling around, no one notices us or cares about the three lost Americans who’ve wandered in. Thank God I see Liam only a minute after we enter. Donovan must have called and told him we were on our way from the airport.

He comes over, exhaustion and worry clear on his features.

“How ya doin’, love?” he says to me. He knows my history and what I went through. I’m sure he realizes being in a hospital and away from the safety of my apartment is causing my nerves to go haywire right now.

“I’m fine. Where’s Aiden? How is he?” I ask quickly with a desperate need for an update.

“He’s doing okay, considering the blast he took from the explosion. Those fuckers had explosives set up in a bunch of broken-down cars on the property they could detonate remotely. Honestly, not a bad idea unless you’re the one they’re trying to blow up.”

The blood drains from my face. My God, he was in a more dangerous situation than I even imagined. And I imagined some awful worst-case scenarios.

“Can I see him?” I just need to be close to him and see that he’s alive with my own eyes. I didn’t fly this whole way to chitchat in a hospital hallway.

“Yeah, follow me.”

Liam leads us to an elevator, and we travel up a few floors. When the doors open, I see nurses and doctors going in and out of patients’ rooms, paying us no mind as they do.

“Security isn’t much of a priority around here,” Donovan observes.

“They know me here. I may have been a patient a time or two myself. Plus, paying off the right people does have some advantages,” Liam explains.

Hopefully, they were paid for their silence as well. My mind keeps going back to a bunch of pissed off drug dealers finding out he’s here. See, worst-case scenario aficionado here.

When we get to Aiden’s room, a nurse is just stepping out, surprised by our presence right outside the door.

Liam smiles at her, obviously familiar.

“How’s our boy?” he asks.

“Still in and out of consciousness. His pain is being managed with medication and the internal bleeding has been repaired. He’s a very lucky man. He’s still agitated when he’s unconscious. Mumbling about a girl named Lindsey.”

“Oh my God, that’s me. Please, can I go in and see him?” I’m not too proud to beg at this point to see him.

The nurse gives me a sympathetic smile.

“Of course. If the heavy medication they have him on isn’t giving him rest, maybe knowing you’re here will.” She thankfully opens the door and steps aside allowing me to finally lay eyes on him.

I walk into his room and the sight of him has me weak-kneed with my heart pounding through my chest as though it’s trying to escape my body. It’s not that he looks terrible, considering he was injured in an explosion. Far from it. It’s seeing him in a hospital bed period and knowing how he got here that has me on the verge of tears. He’s pale and his brows are drawn. He isn’t awake, so I know whatever he’s dreaming of is causing him distress.

I walk over to the side of his bed and gently touch his cheek, not wanting to disturb him, but needing to touch him. To feel him alive under my fingertips.

He mumbles my name like the nurse said he had been, but it’s almost as though that’s what’s causing him pain. God, I hope I made the right decision coming here.

“I’m here, Aiden. I’m right here,” I whisper as I softly kiss his forehead.

His eyes flutter open into thin slits, but the medication is making it impossible for him to be fully aware of what’s going on.