Page 58 of The Fragile One

It makes sense to me why he had to go with Liam, even though I’m scared beyond belief of the idea of him putting himself in such a dangerous situation, but that’s what Aiden does. He’s a protector. I should know. He was the one who ran into a situation because he knew Kasey and I were in danger. He didn’t wait until the cops showed up. He did what had to be done. In the cold light of day, I see how wrong I am. Regret and hangovers are a terrible combination.

Finding my phone under the coffee table but having no memory of how it got there, I sit on the couch and melt into it. My stomach is in knots because I don’t know where Aiden is, and he hasn’t tried to get ahold of me since yesterday.

There’s a knock at my door, but I debate answering it. Why anyone would be here this early is beyond my comprehension right now. I feel like dog shit and don’t have the energy or wherewithal to even attempt entertaining any sort of company, but knowing it’s either my sister or Jackson, since they’re the only people who ever stop by, I decide to make the trek to the door.

Opening the door, I find Kasey and Donovan waiting on the other side.

“Hey, sis, what time did you leave last night? I don’t even remember.” I rub a hand over my face trying to get my shit marginally together.

“After I put you and Abigail to bed, Donovan picked me up,” she replies as they enter the apartment and close the door behind them.

Good thing Kasey’s responsible side was in the driver’s seat last night. Lord knows there’s nothing worse than waking up in an awkward position on the floor after a night of drinking. That kink in your neck takes days to work itself out. Been there, done that.

“We have news, Lindsey.” Donovan is using his concerned “don’t scare the crazy girl” voice that’s all too familiar. It’s then I notice the matching worried expressions on their faces. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and I’m certain whatever is about to come out of his mouth is going to devastate my world.

I take a deep breath. “Shoot.”

Kasey walks up to me and puts her hands firmly on both of my arms.

“There was an incident with the mission Aiden went on. Apparently, there was an explosion, and he was caught in the blast. They’re taking him to Costa Rica. They needed to get out of South America fast and that was the closest place where Liam knows a couple of doctors he can trust.” She lays out the facts without emotion in an attempt not to have me completely flip my shit.

Numbness fills me as I digest what she just said. It’s a good thing she’s holding on to me, otherwise my legs would have given out. I think she senses that I’m seconds away from collapsing as she leads me over to the couch to sit down.

“Why didn’t they bring him back here?” I ask her.

“There wasn’t time, honey. Liam told Donovan the injuries from the blast were extensive. They had to get him somewhere safe, fast.”

My head is pounding, and the words Kasey just said are swirling through my brain, making their way to my stomach. The reality of what’s happening slams into me like a fucking freight train. Oh, God. I jump off the couch and run to the bathroom, barely making it in time to lose the contents of my stomach in the toilet. When I finish, I lay my head on my arms while tears stream down my face. I feel someone behind me and see Abigail handing me a tissue. Guess the commotion got her out of bed.

“Kasey told me. Come on, honeybunch. We need to get you cleaned up and figure out what we’re going to do.” She holds out her hand to help me stand on very shaky legs.

When I walk back into the living room there’s a banana and a cup of coffee on the table. I didn’t even know I had bananas.

“You guys ordered bananas with your wine last night. Don’t ask me why. I have no idea.” Kasey must have seen the confusion on my face at the fruit.

“Huh. Me neither.” Abigail not so helpfully responds.

“I have to get there. Costa Rica. I need to see him with my own eyes.” When I was in the hospital after my kidnapping, Aiden didn’t leave my hospital door. He stayed to make sure I was safe and healing. I’ll be damned if I don’t do the same for him.

Kasey and Abigail share a look while Donovan stands back and watches my sister’s reaction. It’s obvious what they’re thinking. That I’m not ready for such a big step. Maybe they’re right, but I know in my heart there’s no choice in the matter. I’m going.

“Lindsey, do you think that’s a good idea? There isn’t really anything you can do there and the last thing anyone wants is another incident. That won’t help Aiden’s recovery,” Kasey says.

I understand she means well, and she’s trying to take away the responsibility she thinks I feel from my shoulders, but my sister doesn’t understand. I love him.

“If it were Donovan, what would you do?” The challenge in my voice is clear, and she leans back a little, looking me in the eye like she’s making up her mind about something.

“Donovan, how fast can we get there?” Kasey asks him, barely sparing him a look as she studies my expression.

“I have a plane ready to go. As soon as you’re ready, we can leave for the airport.” God love a man with a plan.

Donovan gives me a knowing smile as though he knew how deep my feelings ran for Aiden before today. Donovan knows when you love someone, you will go to the ends of the earth for them, no matter if you’re together or not. I’m not entirely sure what Aiden and I are at this moment, but I’m not about to leave him alone fighting for his life.

Still in a complete daze, I soundlessly walk to my room to pack. Hangover forgotten, all I can imagine is Aiden lying in a hospital bed bleeding and broken. I throw whatever is next to me in a bag, not really seeing what I’m packing. Abigail and Kasey come in and look at me with pity in their eyes. I don’t need pity. I just need to get to Aiden.

Abigail comes over and starts taking things out of my bag, like the footy pajamas and bachelorette-themed tank top that has “bride’s bitch” bedazzled across the front I had from a wedding I was in four years ago that I threw in my drawer and forgot about.

“Honey, why don’t you let me do this? Kasey will pack a bathroom bag for you.” Though her help is appreciated, I’m not fond of the placating tone she’s using. But I’m not going to turn down the help because of pride. If it gets me to Aiden faster, she won’t hear any argument from me.