Page 9 of The Fragile One

We sit out here for a few minutes, enjoying the cool night air and comfortable silence. She yawns before finishing her glass of water.

“Okay, I think I’m going to lie down again. See if I can get a few more hours of sleep.” She stands and pauses, looking down at me with a soft smile on her lips.

“I’m really glad you’re here, Aiden.” She turns and leaves me on the patio with my own thoughts swirling in my head. I’m glad I’m here too.

I’m the first one up the next morning, so I make the coffee as per her instructions last night and decide to give my mum a call in London. She’s only five hours ahead, which makes it early afternoon there. Plus, I haven’t told her about moving in with Lindsey yet. I wasn’t keeping it a secret, I just didn’t know how to tell her. The thing with my mum is she’s waiting for me to settle down and give her grandchildren. Losing my sister left a hole in her life and she wants more family, specifically babies, to fill it and love on. Being that I haven’t had a serious relationship, well, ever, she’s never had much hope in that department. I certainly don’t want to raise those hopes now.

“Hello, Son.” My mother always answers on the first ring, no matter what she’s doing.

“Hello, Mum. How goes it?”

“Good, good. How about you, Aiden? We haven’t talked for a couple of weeks.” While my mum may always answer my calls, I can’t say the same about myself. She always leaves a message, so if it’s important, she knows I’ll call her back. My work has kept me busy these last few years, but I still feel like a heel for not calling her back sooner, like any dutiful son would.

“Sorry about that. I’ve been pretty busy these last few weeks. Say, I wanted to let you know that I’ve moved. I’m sharing an apartment with Lindsey Albright now. Donovan’s girlfriend’s sister.” Best to rip the Band-Aid off, I think.


“Mum, you there?” I ask as I look at my phone to make sure the connection wasn’t cut.

“Yes. Sorry, I’m just a bit surprised. I didn’t realize you were looking for a new place. Lindsey? Isn’t she the sister who was kidnapped by that horrid woman? I read about it in the paper.”

“I’m surprised the news made it all the way to London,” I tell her.

“I get a couple of the Philadelphia papers. I like knowing what’s going on around you.”

If that doesn’t hit me square in the chest. My mum was supportive of my decision to move after Grace died and I left the military. The plan has been for her to retire in the States closer to me and those future grandchildren she dreams about.

“Yes, it’s that sister. Sweet girl, still dealing with it, but working through it.” And beautiful and funny, but I don’t tell her that.

“She sounds lovely. I’ll have to meet her when I come to visit for Christmas.” The quiet excitement in my mum’s voice makes me a bit nervous.

“Now, Mother, don’t get any ideas in your head about Lindsey.” I hear her light laughter through the line.

“What? You’re single. I’m assuming she is as well. A mum can dream.” She heaves a dramatic sigh and I laugh at her theatrics.

“That’s enough out of you. Listen, sorry to cut this call short, but I have to get going. I love you, Mum.”

“I love you too, Son. Call an old lady back every once in a while, yeah?” She’s joking, but I feel a quick pang of guilt, nonetheless.

“Fair enough. We’ll talk soon, I promise. Bye, Mum.”

“Goodbye, Son.”

She hangs up and aside from the brief moment of guilt I had for not calling her enough, I feel lighter after our short talk. When I got out of the service, the nightmares happened every night. She would wake up and offer me warm milk, every mother’s sleeping aid. I don’t know if that did the trick or if it was the company, but I was able to fall back asleep for a few hours, at least. I think she figured if I moved to the States, the fresh start would help. Can’t say if it did or not. The nightmares happen less and less, but they’re still there, waiting to plague me in my sleep.

There’s movement in the hallway and Lindsey emerges from her room, as though the scent of fresh coffee has beckoned her from slumber. She doesn’t acknowledge me straight away, too focused on her task at hand, and pours herself a mug. After taking her first gulp she lets out a deep exhale, like she found the secret to life in her cup and can relax. Finally, she turns and gives me a sleepy half smile. Watching her morning ritual warms something in my chest that I haven’t felt for a very long time.

“Morning, Sunshine.” I raise my coffee cup to mimic a toast.

“You make some damn good coffee, Aiden. I might let you get up first every morning.” Her voice is raspy from sleep, and I must admit I like the sound. Or maybe I shouldn’t admit that.

“I have an idea. I’m trying to do things that bring me ‘joy’,” she says, using her fingers for air quotes. “My therapist says I need to find things that relax me. How about I try my hand at cooking dinner? Kasey left some ingredients to make lasagna, our mom’s specialty. I could cook for us tonight.” A bit unsure of her idea, she taps the countertop while sipping her coffee.

“I didn’t realize you cooked. That sounds great. Let me know if there’s anything you need from the store.” I like that she wants to try something new. And with me.

“Well, I don’t really cook, but how hard can it be?” She shrugs her slim shoulder and gives me a small smile. “I’m gonna grab a shower. What do you have planned for the day?”

“I have to meet with Donovan to go over security measures for his upcoming campaign appearances, but I’ll be home before dark.” Knowing she doesn’t like being here alone after the sun goes down is the reason for the early meeting time. Donovan is aware of this, too, so we’re scheduling our meetings in the morning. He’s also hired security for his out-of-town trips so I can be here with Lindsey.