Page 8 of The Fragile One

That’s what got me into the situation with Helen in the first place. They had no idea I was missing because it was my MO to pull away from them when I was working through something. That’s a tough pill to swallow.

“I can see that. It’s difficult being the one who has to take care of everyone. I guess people like your sister and I don’t always think about what it’s like for the people we’re trying to take care of. Maybe they don’t always want or need that.” A regretful look flitters across his face as though he’s apologizing for wanting what’s best for the people he cares about.

“Hey, sometimes we do need it. We just don’t want to admit it.” I laugh a little and remove my hand from his thigh. This night is getting a little intense for me and I need to shake some of these memories off.

“Thanks for sharing a pizza and watching a movie with me. It’s been a minute since I’ve talked about my dad with a friend. It feels good.” I smile again as I stand and raise my arms over my head, stretching away the sad conversation.

“Anytime, roomie. I had a good night. It’s nice to know I’m living with a girl who can polish off half a pie with me.”

We both laugh as I head to my room, the sadness and melancholy brushed away for the moment.

I pause and turn to him just before closing the door to my bedroom. “Oh, house rule. Whoever gets up first has to make coffee.”

Aiden stands and stretches his arms above his head. I get a peek at that blond happy trail leading to his belt. Aw shit, he has that damn V. My fucking kryptonite.

“I hope you like it strong, then.” He gives me a wink.

“Give it your best shot. If there’s one thing I can handle, other than my wine, it’s a strong cup of coffee,” I sass back.

“I’m beginning to realize there’s a lot you can handle, Sunshine.” The corner of his lips tip up.

“Good night, Aiden. Sleep tight.” I smile as I close the door.

Sunshine, huh? Can’t say I hate it. And that might be a problem.

Chapter four


“Getdown!Incoming!Goddammit!Clarke! Clarke! Are you with us?”

I wake up in a sweat. Fuck. Another nightmare. When will these damn things stop? Talking about Grace trudged up all the memories again. It’s been so long since I’ve shared her with anyone. It took me right back to where I was at the time and the nightmares returned. I swipe my hand over my face a few times and take a deep breath. I need some water.

Walking into the hallway, on my way to the kitchen, I hear Lindsey murmuring in her sleep. Stopping at her door for a moment to make sure she’s okay, I’m met with silence. Maybe I’m not the only one with nightmares tonight.

It’s still warm in Philadelphia. Not so strange at this time of year. The apartment is stuffy, so after getting myself a glass of water, I head to the patio for some fresh air. I’m only out here for a moment before Lindsey enters the kitchen doing the same. She looks exhausted. Blonde hair, an adorably, wild mess and eyebrows pinched with dark circles under her eyes. I give myself a moment to look at her since she hasn’t seen me yet. She’s younger than me by a few years. The oversized T-shirt she’s wearing accentuates her smooth thighs and petite stature. It makes me wonder whose shirt that is and if she has any sentimental attachment to it. Weird thoughts for 3:00 a.m.

I decide to let her know I’m here. I don’t want her getting scared thinking there’s an intruder.

I clear my throat softly before I speak. “Can’t sleep either?” She jumps a little, which makes it apparent she isn’t wearing a bra. Sue me for noticing. I am a man, after all. Her blue eyes are wide when they swing my way.

“Aiden, what are you doing up?” She’s nervous about being caught in her pajamas in the kitchen if the way she keeps pulling at the hem of her shirt is any indication.

“Sorry I scared you, I was actually trying not to. Couldn’t sleep. New place and all.” I nod toward the inside of the apartment.

“Yeah, I get it. Sometimes I get nightmares that wake me up, then it’s a bitch getting back to sleep.” Her honesty and embarrassment at the admission hit me in the chest.

“I had a nightmare too. It happens from time to time,” I admit.

“So does being in a new place really have anything to do with it, then?” She quirks her brow in my direction.

“Nah. I didn’t want to sound like a pansy.” I give her a lopsided grin and she chuckles.

“Secret’s safe with me.” Lindsey walks out to join me on the patio and sits down next to me on the sofa, only an inch or two separating us. Having a little courtyard like this in the city is definitely a plus.

“I love this time of night. We can actually see some stars,” she says, looking upward.

“Beautiful.” I’m looking at her, not the stars, though. I always thought she was beautiful. When I saw the pictures of her that hadn’t been mutilated in her old apartment all those months ago, I thought she was stunning. Her eyes and smile were so vibrant, I couldn’t look away. The light has dimmed, and her smile doesn’t reach her eyes as easily as it looked in the photos, but I saw glimpses of that girl yesterday. Especially when she was giving me a hard time.