Page 30 of The Fragile One

I give her a confident nod and an all too brief kiss before I wrap my arm around her shoulders and continue walking.

“I almost feel like I’m in a dream. Like this isn’t real. I’ve wanted to get out for so long but was so scared. Now that I’m doing this, taking a walk, it’s surreal. There were so many times I was worried this would never happen, worried I wouldn’t be strong enough.” Lindsey pauses, turning under my arm so we’re standing chest to chest as she looks up at me. “Thank you for helping me feel strong.”

“Lindsey, there is no doubt in my mind that you’re ready for this. I’m here with you every step of the way if you need me. You had to come to the same conclusion in your own time. I’m just the lucky guy who gets to stand next to you while you face your fears. I didn’t do anything. This is all you, baby.” I rub my hands over her shoulders as I smile at her sweet words.

I lean down to give her another kiss, and she sighs softly in my mouth. Taking her hand in mine, we resume our stroll.

“You’re really good at these pep talks. You have much experience talking people off ledges?” She laughs.

“More than I would like. I’d often try to get through to my sister when she was going through shit with her boyfriend. Try to make her see how strong she would be without him.” My mind briefly goes back to that time, but I shut it down just as fast as the thought comes.

“Aiden, I’m sorry. I didn’t think.” She looks at me with a regretful expression for saying something that brought up my sad past.

“No, none of that now, love. It was a long time ago.” I give her hand a reassuring squeeze. “I had to realize no matter how hard I try, I can’t save everyone. To be honest, I’m still trying to accept that.” I don’t want to mar this perfect moment with talks of the person I couldn’t save. “How about we head back to the apartment and I cook you a victory dinner? Then we’ll see where the night takes us. Sound good?”

“That sounds amazing. Although I have a pretty good idea where the night’s gonna end up.” It’s her turn to shoot me a saucy little wink.

“Insatiable.” I stop and fuse our mouths together to show her I’m one hundred percent on board with any of her ideas. The way Lindsey responds to my touch is intoxicating, making me feel on top of the world. It only takes a moment for the kiss to steer in a direction that probably isn’t fit for public consumption. It’s that easy and that dangerous with this woman in my arms.

When we get back to the apartment and sift through the cabinets, we realize we need to go shopping. We’ve been eating takeaway most nights and the cupboards are looking pretty dismal. After scrounging through our meager supplies, the only thing I can come up with is pancakes and eggs. Not exactly the celebratory meal I would have liked, but beggars can’t be choosers, I suppose.

“We seem to be short on just about everything, love, unless you’re in the mood for breakfast.”

She sends a smile in my direction as she opens a bottle of wine. That’s one thing we’re never in short supply of around here.

“Breakfast for dinner is my favorite.” She pours a glass for herself and takes a sip, leaning over to give me a kiss. Wine and Sunshine. My new favorite flavor. Well, one of them.

We have music playing in the background as we eat our food, enjoying pancakes and conversation. Her favorite song comes on and Lindsey stands, holding out her hand to me.

“I love this song. Dance with me?”

I’m not one for dancing, but I’m also not one for passing up an opportunity to have Lindsey in my arms, either. The song is upbeat, talking about falling in love and the wilder days of being young and invincible. God, I remember that feeling. When there was nothing holding me back and I could let the wind carry me anywhere. Lindsey makes me want to go back there. She brings out the side of me that doesn’t need to be closed off and stiff to protect myself. I want to show her what it was like, what I was like before I became the man who put work first. The man I was before the pain of losing someone found its way into my life.

We’re so close and the need to kiss her and lose myself in her lips to forget all the shit whirling in my mind is strong. The smile on her face is carefree and so damn open. The happiness radiating from her lights up the apartment and everything in it, including me. I take her hand and twirl her out, then pull her back to my chest, kissing her while she laughs.

“You’re not a bad dancer, mister. Did you have a lot of practice sweeping girls off their feet back in London?” We’re swaying back and forth, not keeping time with the music, but not caring either.

I smile down at her, enjoying this playful side.

“No, not in the least. I guess when you have the right person in your arms, it comes naturally.” I take the opportunity to dip her deeply and pull her back into my embrace.

She barks out a laugh. Okay, not the reaction I was expecting.

“How do you always say the right thing? I swear if it was anyone else, I would think it was a total line to get laid. I don’t know if it’s impressive or scary that you’ve had so much practice wooing ladies.”

It’s my turn to chuckle.

“‘Wooing ladies’? I didn’t realize I was dancing with my great-aunt Gertrude.” I reply.

She playfully smacks my chest.

“You know what I mean.” She rolls her eyes with humor dancing in them.

I take her hand and softly kiss the top of it, slowing our sway.

“Maybe I just want to get laid then.” I whisper, losing myself in the blue depths of her gaze.

“Well, obviously, but there’s something you should know.” She leans on her toes and brings her lips to my ear. “I’m a sure thing.” Her breathy voice sends chills down my spine, straight to my cock.