Page 29 of The Fragile One


Gettingoutofbedto confirm the security details with the team Donovan will be traveling with took a Herculean effort this morning. Waking up next to Lindsey after just a few hours of sleep, feeling her soft skin next to me, had me wanting nothing more than to stay in bed and go for round four, or maybe it was five. Last night was more than I was prepared for. Not just physically—good thing we’re both in top shape—but emotionally too. I saw the way her mind was spinning before I assured her I wanted her in my bed. I felt her confidence waver. I hated that, but I’m willing to reassure her until it’s simply second nature for her to trust me, trust us.

Honestly, I was a bit nervous too. It’s been a long time since I wanted a woman to spend the night with me. I was worried about the nightmares coming after dredging up all the emotions from yesterday, but they never did. Not that I was asleep long enough to dream. Every time I woke up last night it was with an aching need to feel Lindsey’s body over mine, moving inside her or needing to taste her again. This connection she and I have is more than just a physical release, though I’m not sure how much more yet. That depends on her and what she’s ready for, but I do know I want her with me every night when I fall asleep and when I wake up the next morning.

Seeing her in my shirt, damn, that made the phone call a bit awkward on my end. Trying to concentrate on work when all the blood in my body was rushing south was difficult, to say the least. The thing was practically a dress on her, but it didn’t matter. Knowing she didn’t have anything on underneath and the fact that I was up close and personal with everything under there last night? I needed her to show me the full picture, even though it damn near had my brain short-circuiting. Good thing she got a phone call because I was about three seconds from throwing the phone down and pulling her back to bed.

After finishing up my call, I wander back into the apartment and find Lindsey in the kitchen refilling her coffee. I walk up behind her, trapping her against the counter between my arms, my front to her back, and kiss from her ear to the curve of her shoulder. That earns me a soft moan as her body shivers from my touch.

“Mmm, Sunshine. There’s something about seeing you in my T-shirt smelling like me that has me thinking very caveman thoughts,” I growl.

“Yeah?” she breathes out. Her eyes are closed, her body warm against mine as she leans into me.

“Mm-hm. Thoughts of throwing you over my shoulder and taking you to my bed to have my wicked way with you. Again.” I graze her ear lobe with my teeth and am rewarded with her tinkling, light laughter.

“I can absolutely get behind that idea.” She turns and wraps her arms around my shoulders.

“But I was thinking we could maybe do something a little different today?” She looks at me with a shy smile and bites her lip. That lip needs to be in my mouth. I bend down to suck it in, kissing her gently, relishing the fact that I get to do this now whenever the mood strikes. Her full lips are made for kissing and I’m absolutely up for the job.

“What do you have in mind?” Unable to resist the temptation of her soft curves, my hands wander down to her ass to grab a handful. I reach under the T-shirt and, just as I suspected, no panties.

“You’re going to make me lose my train of thought.” The way her body is moving against mine tells me she’s totally fine with that. Good, I want her to lose all her thoughts with me and just be.

She pulls away slightly and rests her hands on my chest. “Okay, let me get this out before I chicken out and stay in bed with you all day.”

“Is there a problem there? Because I’m failing to see it,” I say, squeezing her cheeks a bit harder.

She smirks at me and shakes her head a touch for added emphasis.

“No, but there’s something I’m ready to try. I was wondering if you wanted to go on a walk with me today. Like, actually outside of this building.” Her voice is nervous, yet relieved, like she can’t believe the suggestion came from her, but she’s happy that it’s out there.

That is a gigantic step for Lindsey. She hasn’t left the apartment in months. The fact that she trusts me to take her means everything and reinforces the connection we made last night.

“I would love to, Sunshine. What say we shower first, though?” I put my hands over hers that she has resting on my chest and give them a light squeeze.

“Sure. Do you want to go first or me?”

Oh, this girl.

Bending down, I give her a quick kiss on her mouth. “If you think I’m going to stand out here while you’re naked and wet in the next room, think again.” I wink at her and pull her toward the bathroom. Like I’m going to pass up this opportunity to wash her back. Mum didn’t raise no dummy.

We make it out after making a mess in the shower and cleaning each other up again. There is no way I’ll ever be able to take a solo shower again living with Lindsey, nor would I want to. After I knelt in front of her, worshiping her and her perfect pussy like the goddess she is, we were a little later getting out than intended. I’m not complaining, though. I’ll kneel at her altar any chance she gives me.

The moment we step out of the building Lindsey takes a deep breath and a wide smile stretches across her face. We walk to the street and turn left to head around the block. Lindsey is holding my hand, but I don’t feel any anxiety coming from her at all. I always knew she was stronger than she thought and taking this walk with me proves it to her.

“So why do you call me Sunshine? Aside from the ridiculous nicknames Abigail comes up with, I’ve never really had one.”

“When we were looking for you and I went into your apartment, I found a couple of pictures Helen didn’t destroy.” I wait for her reaction. We’re out of her comfort zone and I pray that bringing up the crazy bitch who took her doesn’t send her running back to the apartment. When I see she’s more interested in my explanation than reliving that time in her head, I continue.

“You have a smile that lights up everything around you. It had been a long time since I’d seen one like that. It was so pure and happy, like nothing dark had ever touched you.” I look down at her and catch a small smile playing on her lips.

“Good answer,” she says. I lean down to kiss her smile, wanting to taste the sweetness.

“Of course, I know now you had already been through so much, but it just makes it all the more true. The fact that you lost your dad when you were so young but could still have that bright smile just tells me what I already know about you.”

“Yeah? What’s that?” A small smile plays on her lips.

I stop our movement and cup her cheek, needing to make sure she really hears what I tell her. “You’re never going to be down for the count. When life throws a heaping pile of shit your way, you’ll get back up, dust yourself off, and smile again. There’s no way bullshit will destroy it.”