Page 12 of The Fragile One

I head to the kitchen to grab our drinks when I hear a key in the door and see it open. I know Donovan and my sister are the only two with a key to the apartment. I know that. It doesn’t stop my body from going instantly numb with fear and dropping Aiden’s beer on the floor, though. My body screams intruder even though my mind is telling me there’s no threat. Just as it shatters, Kasey walks through the door. Seeing her instantly snaps me back to reality. I bend down to pick up the glass and take a deep breath as the feeling in my limbs slowly returns.Stupid, Lindsey, real stupid.Tears sting my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall.

“Lindsey, you okay, little sister?” There’s worry in her voice. This is supposed to be a fun night, not one where we play the “Is Lindsey Going to Have Another Emotional Breakdown For No Real Reason” game.

“Fine. Just clumsy tonight, I guess.” I try to laugh it off, but Kasey knows me too well. She surely hears the insincerity in my voice.

Just then I notice Aiden’s sneaker-clad feet in front of me. I’m still looking at the ground, trying not to cut myself on the glass as I pick up the big pieces. He bends down and I force myself to look him in the eyes. Concern, not pity shines in them. There’s a little relief in that.

“You okay?” He mouths so my sister and Donovan don’t hear him. I nod and give him a small smile. He squeezes my knee gently before he takes the glass from my hands, stands, and dumps it in the trash.

“Jeez, Sunshine, you haven’t even started drinking yet and already breaking things. I thought you were happy about the change of menu. No need to start throwing bottles.” He’s trying to defuse the situation and I could kiss him for it.

Wait… what?Bad girl, Lindsey. No kissing the roomie.

He grabs my hand and helps me stand. I’m still a little shaky from my mini freak-out. As soon as I’m upright, he wraps an arm around my waist and lifts me bridal style. My eyes widen with surprise and something else I’m not going to think too much about as my sister and Donovan look on with keen interest at the scene unfolding before them.

“Don’t want you stepping through the glass. I’ll clean this up and grab you a glass of wine if you promise not to break it.” He gives me a wink as he carries me over to the couch and sets me down.

I. Am. Speechless.

All I can do is stare at Aiden as he casually walks back into the kitchen, past Donovan and Kasey, and begins cleaning up the broken shards.

Kasey makes her way over to me while I’m busy staring at Aiden.

“Are youreallyokay? I didn’t even think about it when I used my key to let myself in,“ she asks, concern evident in her voice.

I hate seeing the worry creasing my sister’s face. She has been through so much herself these last few months and it isn’t fair she still has to fret over her little sister, the basket case.

“I’m fine. Really. It just slipped through my fingers. Promise.” I give her a beaming smile to cover up my anxiety. I can tell she isn’t entirely certain whether she should believe me or not.

Just then, Aiden comes over with a glass of wine for both me and my sister. “Ladies.” God, could this man have any better timing? He better be careful, or taking care of me may become his full-time job.

I give him an appreciative smile and take the glass from him. His fingers graze mine for a moment too long to be considered coincidental before I take a huge gulp of the delicious red he went to the store for earlier. I need to cool the hell off already, but good Lord, I could get used to this side of him.

We all hear a commotion at the front door. Sounds like the circus has arrived. Damn, I was hoping those two wouldn’t show up at the same time.

“Watch it, Chucky. I pulled up first. Stop trying to race me to the damn door and don’t try to steal this bottle again. Hey, give that back.” Jackson bellows as Abigail throws herself through the front door and slams it behind her with a triumphant smirk. Jackson comes barreling through, slams the door, again with the theatrics, and grabs the bottle from Abigail.

My sister’s lips curl in amusement.

“Chucky?” I ask her.

“Psychotic redheaded doll from those horror movies,” she murmurs out of the side of her mouth as she rolls her eyes.

I shake my head. “Where does he come up with this stuff? Does he have a list somewhere he pulls from?”

Kasey laughs at their antics.

“They have no idea what they’re in for,” she says, a knowing look lighting her eyes.

I give her a questioning glance as Donovan walks up and smiles down at my sister. If she thinks they’re in for anything other than dual assault charges, she’s sorely mistaken.

Aiden gives Jackson a withering look as he sips the beer I didn’t get him. Huh. I knew he wasn’t necessarily friends with Jackson, but the disdain that crosses his features hints at a deeper dislike.

“Real original there, pretty boy. Don’t waste too many of the already small amount of precious brain cells you have left.” Abigail is not a fan of the redhead insults. Like, from anyone, but especially Jackson.

“You think I’m pretty?” He bats his eyelashes at Abigail. She is not amused.

“I think you have the over-inflated ego of someone with a tiny little bitty penis. Is that why you’re so against repeats? Embarrassment for your lack of functionality?” She gives him a faux-sad smile and glances at the crotch of his pants.