Page 13 of The Fragile One

Aiden chokes on his beer as I jump up to get control of my quickly deteriorating dinner party.

“How are those steaks coming along, Aiden?” I shoot him a wide-eyed expression that’s screaming “a little help here” as he gains control of himself.

“Good, good. I’ll go check on them now. Gentlemen, would you care to follow? Let the ladies have a chat?” Aiden says, catching on to my silent plea for help.

Jackson snorts. “Ladies my—“

That warrants him a swift smack in the back of the head from Donovan.

“Again, with the violence, brother. I thought we talked about this?” Jackson glares at Donovan as he rubs the back of his head.

“I thought we talked about you not being an idiot?” Donovan replies. They continue to bicker as they walk out to the patio to check on dinner. Maybe we can have a little peace from the Abs and Jax show for a few minutes.

Abigail opens the bottle Jackson brought, which I’m sure is expensive as all get-out, and pours herself a generous glass.

“I have half a mind to dump this down the drain just to waste his wine.” Abigail mutters as she pours.

My sister scoffs, and I chuckle.

“Oh, Abs, we all know you would never waste wine, regardless of who bought it.” I quirk my eyebrow and give her a knowing smile.

Kasey laughs. “Yeah, that would be considered alcohol abuse and we aren’t those types of girls.”

Abigail nods solemnly. “You are correct, my friend. I can get past the fact that an asshole bought this fine vintage.” She takes a deep gulp from her glass and hums in contentment. “Correction.Veryfine vintage.”

I laugh at her while she nestles herself between Kasey and I on the couch.

“So, what’s been going on, Linds? How’s life with the hottie from the Old Country?”

“The Old Country? Really, Abs? He’s from England, not thirteenth century Britain.” She is too much sometimes. Maybe Kasey was right. Jackson and Abigail do have more in common than they realize. The shit he comes up with is just as off the wall.

“Pfft. Whatever. How has it been living with him, though? Any fortunate accidents where he loses a towel in front of you?” She wiggles her eyebrows at the question.

“No, Abigail. I haven’t been so lucky yet.”

“So, you admit it would be lucky. Is there something you need to tell your sister from another mister about? Hmm?” Her lips purse before taking another sip of her wine.

My actual sister is sitting next to me, sipping her wine silently. The way she’s staring at me tells me she’s working something out in her head. It’s the reporter in her.

“Nothing to tell. Promise. We’re just getting to know each other, and it’s been nice having him here. He has a chill personality, and he’s actually a lot of fun to be around.” It sounds perfectly reasonable to my ears.

I don’t know if they buy my nonchalant attitude, or if I even buy it myself. Needing to change the subject, I get up and poke my head out the patio door. Now all three of them are staring at the grill.Seriously, what is the fascination?

“Hey, Aiden, did you buy anything to go with the steaks?” I call out.

He looks up from the grill. “Some stuff to make salads. I’ll come in and do it.”

“No, no. You stay out here and stare at your meat. I’m sure I can’t screw up salad too bad.” I give him a smile, and he chuckles.

“Just stay away from the sweetener, Sunshine, and I’m sure you’ll do splendidly,” he says with a wink.

I shoot him a narrow-eyed look and return to the kitchen and to Abigail’s mouth hanging open as she stares at me.

“Sunshine? You have nicknames for each other now?” Abigail practically squeals in my ear after her and Kasey make their way into the kitchen to refill their wine.

“What? It’s no big deal. People always used to call me that. It’s the blond hair.”

“Who? Who has ever called you that?” she asks, obviously not believing me. She then turns to my sister. “Kasey, who has ever called her that?”