Page 61 of Fire Touched

‘I don’t like her. More to the point, that old crone sure doesn’t like me.’

I gape at him. ‘Well, no wonder. So rude. Fine. I’ll take Ella.’ I move to get out of the bed. I still don’t like the water, the idea of it pelting down on me, but I also don’t like the idea of not being clean—

‘Wait.’ Killian pauses. ‘Are we still on for our beach dinner tonight?’

I make a face. ‘Will that dinner be sandwiches?’

He barks a laugh. ‘No. Something better, don’t worry.’

‘Then yeah. I’ll meet you on the beach if I don’t see you before then.’ I pause before leaving the bed. Maybe there’s just a lot going on, but it almost feels like something’s wrong, or missing. I measure his gaze once more, deciding to drop it, and climb into the shower.

**scene break**

Elga pours three cups of tea, handing them to me and Ella with a warm smile. ‘It’s so nice to see you girls, and, well, to properly meet you, Ella.’

The Water wolf inclines her head. ‘I’m sorry we weren’t properly introduced. Katherine says wonderful things about you.’

Elga nods as though that’s to be expected. Today, her long white hair is in a neat bun at the nape of her neck, her knees pressed together primly in an indigo gown. ‘What can I do for you girls?’ Her gaze falls to me. ‘How’s your fire power going?’

I try to smile, but it falters. ‘Not the best,’ I admit. ‘But way better than before I got here.’ Leaning away from Ella in the large armchair we’re sharing, I hold out my hand, palm up. A small ball of fire blooms bright, my fire flickering. To think, a couple of weeks ago, Ella’s ability to smash two rocks together created better fire than I could.

I close my hand, the fire dying with a tiny puff of smoke.

The witch smiles. ‘Very good. You should be proud.’

Ella leans into me, smiling. ‘We’re actually here because—’

Elga reaches out and takes Ella’s wrist. For a long moment, she stares silently at the bracelet she’s wearing, identical to my own. ‘Where did you get this? No. Never mind that. How long have you been wearing it is the better question?’

Ella chuckles nervously, her wrist firmly in the grip of the stranger. ‘Um. Yesterday. We got them yesterday.’ She tries to tug her hand back, to no avail.

I clear my throat. ‘Uh, Elga, that hand your holding actually belongs to Ella,’ I say pointedly. ‘It’s just a bracelet.’

After another heartbeat, Elga releases Ella’s wrist with a murmured apology, but her gaze is distant. ‘You have one too,’ she says, without looking at me.

‘Yup.’ I shrug, slurping my tea. ‘Hey, do you have any more of the biscuits?’

Elga holds up a hand. ‘Shh!’ she hisses.

My friend looks at me, blue eyes wide. ‘I thought you said she was nice.’

‘She usually is.’ I turn to the old witch, wondering what her problem could be.

After a moment, her gaze refocuses on us. ‘You are connected. Each of you.’ She smiles, but there’s something deeply sad behind her eyes. ‘It will be… important. Connected, but not.’ She nods now. ‘Yes. That’s it. That’s how it will be.’

‘What are you mumbling about? Look, we came to ask you if you could help with some magicky protection for when we approach the Air Pack.’

Ella and I watch her expectantly, but she seems lost in thought.

‘Maybe we should… come back later?’ Ella sets her tea down.

Elga raises her hand and motions for Ella to sit. ‘No.’ She sniffles. ‘No, forgive me, I—’ She clears her throat. ‘Seeing the future is… a heavy burden sometimes.’ Her gaze slides between us. ‘You two… you’re a good team. I know what happened in the town yesterday. You did well.’

Ella and I exchange a look. ‘Thank you.’ Ella recovers first. ‘Ma’am, did you, uh, hear what Katherine said? About looking for magical protection?’

Elga huffs a dry laugh. ‘Yes. You’re wise to be cautious. Though you are two capable young women, I fear your powers wouldn’t do you a lot of good against Air Pack. They are strong and ruthless.’

I cut a glance to Ella. That’s the most anyone’s ever said about Air Pack wolves and their abilities. ‘What… what can you tell us about them?’