Page 60 of Fire Touched

I can’t help the warm smile that tugs up my lips. Yeah. I guess we have.

Chapter Thirty-One


Killian stretches out in our bed, one arm tucked under his head, highlighting his biceps, the other wrapped around my waist. It feels like ages since we’ve slept in the same bed. At the thought, something tugs in my chest; the place where the bond I used to share with Carter once lived.

I stare down at the bracelet glimmering on my wrist. We might not have that bond anymore, but all of us are connected. Like I told Ella today, I won’t be leaving anyone behind. We’re family now.

Killian brushes my temple with his thumb. ‘What’s going on in there?’

I sidle up closer and rest my chin on his big chest. ‘Nothing,’ I murmur. ‘A lot. I don’t know.’ I lay down, my head on his belly. Well, bumpy wash-board belly.

His hand comes down to stroke my hair. ‘I’ve been thinking about where to go when we leave Terran.’ My mate’s fingers make little massaging circles on my head, nearly lulling me to sleep. ‘I wanted to talk to you about it, I think I should—’

‘Air Pack,’ I nod, only partly awake now. It’s been a long day.

Killian’s fingers pause. ‘Yeah. Air Pack. We don’t know much about them.’

I snuggle closer into his chest, barely listening. ‘I know. I’m-a go to Elga tomorrow to see if she can whammy up some magical protection so they don’t kill us.’ The combination of his body heat and my exhaustion overwhelm me. ‘Mm tired, Killian.’

He draws the blanket up over us. ‘Then sleep, love.’ He manages to lean forward to press a kiss to my forehead, but when it jostles me too much and I make noises, he leans back. ‘I love you, Katherine.’

‘Love you,’ I mumble back. Sleep drags me down into the dark.

**scene break**

Consciousness slowly seeps in as someone moves hair out of my face, brushing a warm, familiar kiss to my forehead. Another kiss. Warm arms around me. ‘Good morning.’

I open my eyes slowly. Blearily. It feels early. Too early. I scrunch them shut again. Noooo. I’m not a morning person. I try to hide under the covers.

Killian chuckles. ‘I totally understand your point of view,’ he says, rubbing my back. ‘But I have something for you. Smell that?’

I frown, still hiding, but sniff. I sit up. ‘Bacon!’ My eyes adjust to the dim light. I’d expected it to be bright. I round on Killian. ‘Is it still dark?’

He holds a tray on the edge of the bed. ‘No, baby, the curtains are closed.’ He offers the tray and slides onto the bed beside me. ‘I thought you’d like breakfast in bed today. Look.’

On the tray is not only bacon, but pancakes, syrup, butter and coffee. I grin up at him. ‘Okay, not the worst way to start a day, I guess.’

Killian presses a kiss to my temple. ‘“Not the worst”,’ he says, ‘high praise.’ He produces a bowl of cereal from the bedside table.

‘Are you mad? If you spill milk in our bed—’

‘I won’t,’ he promises, but I don’t miss the mischievous glint in his eye.

‘Mmm-hmm.’ I nibble my bacon, chugging my coffee, thoughts of the bed forgotten.

For a little while, neither of us speak. He lets me eat in peace and quiet—the only acceptable way for a morning to be—and when I’m done, he takes the tray away, setting his own bowl atop my dishes. True to his word, he hasn’t spilled anything. He wraps me up in his arms, and that’s when I see it.

The shadows in his eyes. Something’s troubling him. ‘What’s wrong?’

Killian blinks, forcing the shadows away. ‘What? Nothing.’ He pulls me close. ‘I’m just glad to be here with you. What do you want to do today?’

I stretch in the bed, feeling a bit more awake. ‘I need to go talk with Elga. Approaching Air Pack unprotected is a bad idea. Maybe she has a way to help protect us. Do you want to come?’

‘No,’ he says, too quickly.

I raise a brow.