Page 56 of Captive Hybrid

Chapter Nineteen


Fear has made itself at home in my gut, roiling like a thunderstorm. I lift my nose, sniffing the air through the open window of the truck. Zenna’s spice and earth scent strengthens, just a little. Jana gives me a look from the rear-view mirror. ‘Do you have something to say?’

‘No. Nope.’ She glances at Jaken with raised brows.

Apparently this witch is not used to being around werewolves. I turn to Divina beside me. ‘Can you touch her mind yet?’

Divina’s eyes have been closed for a while. If it were not for her perfectly straight back and rigid posture, I might have thought she were sleeping. ‘Not since you asked me ten seconds ago, no.’

I growl into the night air. Zenna’s scent would not have lasted long out here. I drive as quickly as I can, as slowly as I dare, searching the forest and mountains. The road winds between low valleys. I can’t help but think it would be a lovely place to live, to hunt the wild deer and boars and build a cabin.

That’s something I’ll have to think about. Sometime. Wolf Grove has been destroyed. My home. My pack and coven’s homes have been scarred with blood and fear. They will not likely want to return. We need a new home.

Zenna, we’re close.

I can feel that something in her has changed, her patience and temperament finally having snapped. I wonder what triggered it. I pray she’s alright.

A low grumble comes down the bond. She’s angry, indignant. I can feel she’s physically okay, but mentally, emotionally, she’s wrung out. She’s been on edge for about ten days underground. I would be at the very fucking edge, too.

I’m coming for you, Zenna.

All I get are waves of determined focus from her, slammed down the bond like a wall, as though she’s trying to block me out. Whatever she’s doing requires all her energy and concentration.

I clench my teeth, desperate to know what’s going on. Where she is. What she’s facing. Alone, no doubt. I thump my hands on the steering wheel. ‘Damn it. I lost her scent again.’ Clouds form high above as rain threatens. No, no, no.

Vale sticks his head out the window and swears. ‘If that rain comes soon, we’ll have no chance.’

Divina finally opens her eyes. ‘I think I have something. Keep driving, but slow down. I can almost feel her.’

I do as she says as the first drops of rain splatter the windshield. I can’t let Zenna escape by herself. I have to get to her. She’ll get herself caught, killed, even if Drusilla wants her alive today, that doesn’t mean the woman wouldn’t torture her or decide to kill her for the trouble.

Heart slamming wildly, I snap at the witch, ‘Where?’

Her black hair ripples, as though in concentration. Or annoyance. ‘A little farther. I can sense her, but I can’t touch her mind yet.’

Jana scrambles forward. ‘Should we continue on foot?’

‘Or paws?’ Vale asks.

If I keep distracting Divina she will curse me or something, but more importantly, she won’t find Zenna. My knuckles whiten on the wheel. Please. Come on, I think impatiently. Zenna, are you okay?

Behind the wall she’s put up, I sense fear, as though her racing heart is my own. Perhaps it is. Zen, please tell me you’re okay. We’re close. We’re coming. My hands shake, fingers bumping the dash loudly.

Divina’s eyes flare. ‘Stop.’

‘I’m sorry, I—’

She raises a hand and the truck screeches to a stop with her magic. ‘I meant the car,’ she says calmly, climbing out. We all scramble out behind her.

‘Do you have her?’ I nearly shout. I want to shake her. I feel as though I haven’t slept for weeks, as though my adrenaline is determined to give me a heart attack.

The four of us follow the Dark Witch as she walks, maddeningly silent, off the road, into the forest as rain drips down on us. I inhale and swear vehemently, glancing over at Vale.

‘What is it?’ Jana asks, looking between us.

‘The rain,’ Vale says defeatedly. ‘It enhances every scent. We—we won’t be able to find Zenna in this.’