She turns on her side, looking into my eyes like she’s trying to understand something.
“What?” I whisper through a grin.
“This just feels so…”
“Yeah.” She whispers with a grin, and I pull her closer to me.
“I feel exactly the same.”
“A day ago, I thought you were gone from me forever.”
“Same. And I didn’t know why I felt that way– why it hurt so bad.”
“And now?” She asks sleepily.
I pull my head back to see her face. “Now I’m all better with my wife in my arms.”
“Me too— in my husband's arms.”
Somehow, we fall asleep at the same time. I don’t know how long we’re out, I just know that it’s very bright when we awake and Olive is standing over our bed, dressed in a gown, makeup down and hair pulled back.
“What the hell?” I groan as she opens the blinds, making it brighter than before.
“Get up.” She claps and Espie throws a pillow at her as I shield us under the sheets.
“Guys, come on. You don’t want to miss this.” She tugs at the end of the covers and Espie peaks her head out.
“I have a surprise for you both.”
“Well, we have sleep we need to catch up on. Is it that crucial that we should go right now?”
“Yes. One hundred percent.” Espie curls back under the covers and I raise my brows at her. She narrows her eyes like we don’t have another option, so I nod, pulling the covers off the both of us.
“Alright.” My grainy morning voice agrees as I pull Espie out of bed with me. Olive grabs Espie’s hand, but places one on my chest to stop me from following them out the door.
“Huh?” I mumbled, rubbing my eyes, confused.
“The boys will be up to grab you soon.” I suck in my upper lip and look towards Espie who shrugs with a sympathetic smile and I sigh, “alright”, before sitting back on the bed.
Just as I’m deciding to lay back down, my phone buzzes on the nightstand. I check it, just to see who’s trying to reach me, and then I see that it’s a crucial call from someone I had forgotten I’d given a very specific task to.
Chapter Thirty Four:Espie
Olive is pullingme through the house by my hand, and I’m rubbing my eyes that have not fully opened yet. It’s sunny and quiet throughout the house. Strange, considering it’s stuffed full of my loud family.
“Where is everyone?” I ask as we head down the steps.
“Oh, they’re out.” She suspiciously intones, and I stop letting her pull me when we’re at the door.
“Where are we going?” She turns around, pouting a little.
“It’s a surprise, okay? Just come on.” We stare each other down for a few moments before I relent, body and mind still too exhausted to put up a real fight. It’s breezy outside, but the sun warms up my face and I inhale the fresh air deeply just before we get into her car.
She speeds down the long dirt pathway and eventually the two-lane road that goes on for miles in both directions. I don’t say much, just enjoy the drive and her peaceful indie music playlist. It’s a sunny sort of day, making me ready for summer and experiencing a new season with Adrik.