Page 99 of Heiress Billionaire

The thought of him makes my heart race a little and my lips curl into a smile. I hope he’s okay with my brothers. Whatever the plan is today, it’s certainly strange that they’re surprising us separately and so far apart. We’ve been driving for an hour and a half. Almost like we’re going— before I finish the thought, we’re pulling into Pops’ house.

I can see part of the garden, covered in white flowers and sheer curtains flowing around the edge. The house looks as if nothing horrendous ever happened to it. No bloodstains, bullet holes, shattered windows or broken doors. It’s pristine, as it’s always been.


“Vince called his guys.” She grins over at me as we park.

“And the garden—“

“Not yet!” She raises a finger for me to stop asking questions, and we get out of the car at the same time. I’m awed by how this could have been done so quickly, but Vince is certainly the type to get the impossible done. It’s why he makes a great leader and why I’m going to need the number for hisguys.

“Come on.” She excitedly grabs my hand and pulls me to the front porch steps. The front door is just like new, better than it was before, in fact. They part open and we step inside to a foyer completely decorated with every white wildflower imaginable. They’re in a garland on the railing, hanging in place of the chandelier with lights glowing somewhere within the canopy of them, and in every direction I can see.

“Holy—“ I can’t even finish my sentence, I’m so gob smacked. By the time I have the proper words, Olive takes my hand and leads me upstairs to our room. When the doors part, a flood of squealing voices envelops me.

My sister in-laws— Jess, Stella, Kira, and Scout, dote over me and begin discussing what we should do with my hair and makeup, and I’m just looking between them all with utter confusion.

“What is going on?” I finally asked when there was a brief pause between their chatter.

“Oh! You didn’t tell her, Olive?” Jess tenses her brows and Olive shakes her head.

“I thought we were going to surprise her.” She shrugs with a laugh.

“How much more surprised can I be?” I laugh, and the girls join in before Stella takes my hand and the girls part for us.

Hanging on the wall is the most gorgeous wedding dress I’ve ever seen. It’s a princess dress, but not too puffy on the skirt, stitched with colorful flowers. Slim A-line and sheer plunging neckline. The sleeves are just the right amount of poof and continue down into a sheer fabric that stops at a full-sleeve length. It’s cream and dream-like, yet colorful and absolutely me to a T.

“Do you like it?” She nervously bites her lip, looking between me and the dress. I nod vehemently, grabbing her hand and squeezing it.

“Oh my God, this dress is revelatory. It’s magical, truly, Stella.”

“I put it together for you a few months ago when all of this contract business was brought up. It was partly my fault that it happened, and I felt awful about it, so…” She waves a hand at it to present it to me again with a laugh.

“Stell, you are too sweet. And honestly, if anything, you’re responsible for my chance at happiness in a way.” She shakes her head.

“No, that was fate. I can’t take credit for it. You two are meant for each other.” She walks over to the dress, pulling it off the hook and laying it flat on the bed behind us.

“I’ll take her hair!”

“I’ll take her makeup!”


Everyone is running around like mad women, fully dressed and ready for a wedding I showed up to in a hoodie and sweats. I feel as though I’m in the center of a tornado, just trying to keep my eyes focused on one thing at a time, to no avail. This goes on for an hour or so and then it’s all hands on deck to get me into the glorious princess dress and I haven’t even seen myself in a mirror yet.

The back is a laced corset, so Olive holds my hips as Stella tightens it on one side and Jess on the other. After it’s fully laced, they bring out shoe options. It sounds weird, but I’ve always had this dream of getting married without shoes. Some sort of dreamy, lush outdoor wedding where they weren’t required. After everyone is giving their input and reasons why I should choose one shoe or the other, I just shake my head.

“I’m going barefoot.”

They look between each other for a second, and then Kira nods, “Barefoot it is, then.” And they scramble to put the shoes back as Olive helps me over to the bathroom to see myself in the full-length mirror. I nearly lose my breath when I catch sight of myself. My makeup is subtle and beautiful. Shimmery mauve lips, warm pink cheeks that look natural and flushed, soft brown shadow, and brows.

My long dark hair is partially pulled back. Half of it is held back by two large braids on either side and wrapped into a bit, with ringlets hanging from it and flowing down the rest of my hair. Wildflowers are fixed into the braids as well, and the dress is partially off-the-shoulder, revealing my skin that looks soft and glowing.

“Olive.” I shake my head in disbelief, and she grins, taking my hand and twirling me around.

“You’re a vision.” Scout smiles fondly as the other girls join her, looking at me through the doorway. It feels like a sweet moment, calm and peaceful after the length they went to put me together.

“Are we ready to start?” Jess asks, looking at her phone like she got a text.