Page 64 of Unveiled

He nodded once.

I spun to all the girls. “Listen to him and do whatever he says.” I enveloped my arms around Isabelle.

She rested her hands on my shoulders then laid her head against my chest before peering up into my eyes. “Hurry and get him back so we can end this.”

I pressed my lips to hers before hurrying to the door. Noah followed me, stopping at the entrance. Pivoting to face him, I fought the urge to be a dick.

He sighed, putting his hand on the doorknob. “I promise I got this.”

Bobbing my head, I flickered my gaze once more toward my fiancée as I memorized every detail about her once again. “Thank you, Noah. Be ready and have your plan ready to execute by the time I return. I care about those people in there and if anything happens to them—” I could not even finish the thought.

“Don’t worry.”

In that moment I chose to trust Noah with my my most accomplished thing in life. Unfortunately, the last time Felipe was involved in something, not all of us came out of it alive. I said a silent prayer as I got into the passenger seat of my Mercedes.

I was frozen in place, staring at the closed door in the foyer. Suddenly, I felt arms wrap around me and squeeze. I spun around and hugged Laura.

“My brother is a smart man.” She whispered. “He’s got this. You know that.”

Laying my head on her shoulder, I nodded, fighting any fear.Please, history don’t repeat yourself. Aston’s cry ripped me from my thoughts. I glanced over at Tanya who appeared exhausted. Exhaling, I glided over, scooping him up from her arms. “I’ll take care of him so you can rest for a bit.”

“He might need to be changed.” She nudged the diaper bag with her foot. “I was about to check him.”

I rolled my eyes. “I always pick the perfect timing, don’t I?”

“Get used to it, lady.”

She giggled as she handed me his bag. Sitting on the floor with him, I got out the little padded mat and decided to change him where we would all still be together. Laura was buried in her phone as if she were trying to distract herself. Noah’s brow was furrowed as he typed furiously on his laptop, paying no attention to anyone in the room. They had barely swapped looks at all, so I was hoping it was just because we were all distracted with tonight. Something felt off.

“I’m going to go wash my hands.” I placed a blanket on the floor then laid him on it for a moment.

“Okay.” Tanya moved down next to him as I exited the room.

I hurried through the hallway to the closest restroom. Scrubbing my hands, I watched myself in the mounted mirror above the sink. It would all be okay.I’m strong. I’m a bad ass. We all are. I grabbed the soft, maroon hand towel and dried my hands before rushing back to the room.

Laura was sitting on the opposite end of the couch, chatting with Tanya. “You seem so calm and collected, Tanya.”

“I’m terrified.” She repositioned her weight. “But I know Liam and Valentino are tough. Joseph seems to be super-human, so I know they’re going to come back safely.

My eyes adverted to Noah who was sitting on the floor pursing his lips as he stared at his laptop on the coffee table. Swiftly, he stood, glancing at Laura before he marched toward Valentino’s office. The girls were still deep in conversation, so I followed him.

He went straight for Valentino’s desk, jerking open the top, side drawer. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes. I crossed my arms, staring at him.

He paused igniting the lighter, lifting his gaze. The flame’s reflection flickered in his eyes. “These are mine. I put them in here.” He let his thumb off the lighter and stepped over to the back door, opening it.

“I didn’t say anything, did I?” Pressing my lips together in a tight line, I smiled.

A hint of a smirk appeared on his face as he stepped outside onto the porch then lit it. Leaning in the doorway, I crossed my arms once again.

“You shouldn’t be near me while I smoke, Miss Ayala.” He took several steps backward and leaned against a pillar facing the other way.

“I’m far enough away and the wind is blowing in the other direction.” I sighed, looping a strand of my hair behind my ear before folding my arms into my stomach again. “Noah, are you okay?”

He pivoted toward me, inhaling his cigarette. Narrowing his gaze, he blew the smoke to the side. “Yeah. I’m just in deep thought.”

“Listen, I trust whatever decision you make for our safety, so just tell me what you need from me to help make your,” I waved my hand toward him, “security job easier.”

“I need to get you guys to the island as soon as possible.” He flicked his ash off the porch into the shrubs. “In my experience with my previous jobs,” he wiped the arm of his jacket across his forehead, “he’s coming for you from a bunch of angles, and we have to get rid of him sooner than later. If we don’t, someonewillget hurt.”