I nodded. “As soon as Valentino gets back, we—”
“Miss Ayala—” Suddenly, he paused, cocking his head to the side. I opened my mouth, but he held up his index finger and shook his head. Eyes now wide, he dropped his cigarette to the cement and twisted his heel on it. “Get inside right now!” Grabbing my arm hard, he speedily ushered me back into the house. He locked the door and snatched my hand, pulling me down the hall almost faster than my feet could move.
“What’s going on, Noah?”
“We have to go now.” He was verbally calm, muttering under his breath, but there was a sense of firmness and authority in his tone.
The moment we entered the living room, he let go of my hand. The girls stopped chatting and turned toward us. I darted my gaze back and forth between them and Noah.
“We have to go right now.” Noah ordered.
Tanya shot to her feet with Aston in her arms. “What about the guys?”.
Noah shook his head gesturing toward the foyer with urgency. “We don’t have time to wait.” He started to pick up bags and spun to us. “When I say so, I need you guys to get your asses into the dark grey car to the right, just outside.” He lifted his chin toward the front door. “Am I clear?”
“I need a car seat for Asto—”
“We don’t have time!” Noah snapped.
Laura took a step forward. “I’ll go get it out of the other car real fast.”
Noah paused, then took a deep breath, shaking his head. “No, I’ll do it.”
“Tanya, I’ll sit in the back with you and Aston so I can help you.” I whispered, picking up as many of the bags as I could carry.
She nodded.
“Go and stay down!” Noah hissed as he wrenched open the front door, his arms full of luggage.
Laura scooped up the remaining bags as we bolted outside. Noah popped open the trunk, and we began to heave suitcases and belongings in it. Tanya handed him the key fob to their car. Ducking down, he moved with haste to retrieve Aston’s car seat. I closed the trunk as quietly as possible then hurried into the back seat of Noah’s car.
“Crap!” I remembered the laptop on the coffee table and jumped out.
“Miss Ayala!” Noah growled.
I made brief eye contact with him before sprinting back into the house to get it. He continued calling after me in a loud whisper, but I ignored him. I grabbed the computer and files next to it then dashed out the door again. Noah ran next to me.
“You should not have run off!”
“Here!” Panting, I handed him the computer and folder.
He smirked, shaking his head. “You’re going to be the death of me but thank you. Now, get in.” He cleared his throat. “Please, Miss Ayala.” He studied our surrounding as he opened my door for me then got in the driver’s seat. He glanced back over his shoulder. “Is he secure?”
Tanya strapped him. “Done.”
“Brace yourselves.” Noah pressed his foot to the accelerator, racing down the back driveway toward the exit we only ever used for emergencies. He glanced in every mirror. “Get down, now!”
Bright headlights from behind were suddenly illuminating the car. Laura hunched over in the front. Tanya, leaned over Aston shielding him, as I bent as far forward as I could with my seatbelt on. Bullets were hitting the car, but they were not penetrating.
“Don’t worry too much. Armored car, bulletproof windows.” Noah commented. “But I don’t want them seeing any of you in case the lights hit the tint just right.” A loud beeping came through the speakers.
Noah, we have Joseph and we’re on the way back.
Sir, don’t go back to the estate. We’re in the car being followed. I need to get them out of the country now.
Lose them and get to terminal four at the south entrance. The gate code is 5779-3. If we’re not there in twenty-three minutes, don’t wait for us and go. We’ll take my other plane.