Page 62 of Unveiled

In total, I had managed to pack three duffle bags and three suitcases. I dropped to my knees and zipped them all before making multiple trips with them to the bedroom. My mind flashed back to Joseph standing in my bedroom in the penthouse, counting down the time I had left before we had to evacuate. I remember running around frantically and confused as he counted backwards, yelling.

I felt a squeeze on my arm from behind. “Bella.”

Startled, I jumped and spun around, throwing myself into his arms, holding onto him as tightly as I could muster. I buried my face into his chest, breathing in his rich and manly cologne. He hugged me, inhaling deeply before pulling away. It was then I knew he was not coming wherever it was I was about to go.

“Where are you sending me?”

“I didn’t want to do it this way.” He gestured toward the bed. “Sit.”

He led me over with his hand in mine. I perched on the edge as he sat next to me, twisting his body toward me. He drew one of his knees up onto the mattress.

“One of your birthday presents is an island in Tonga, South Pacific but it was delayed through some paperwork and formalities.” He waved his hand back and forth. “Anyway, not important.”

My eyes widened. “I want to be really excited about this, but I have a feeling I know where this is going…or where I’m going.”

He took my palms in his, circling his thumbs on the back of my hands. “Yes, I’m sorry. I’m sending you, Tanya, Aston, and Laura there until Felipe is gone. You’ll go with other security.”

I gasped. “How long will that take?! What about Noah and Joseph?!”

He lifted his gaze to the ceiling, exhaling a deep breath before bringing his eyes to mine. “Well, I need Noah here since Joseph is…God knows where right now.” He closed his eyes then slowly opened them, displaying a look of worry for the first time. “Morrison went to find him and took Giacomo with him as well. I guess I have no choice but to send Noah with you. Fuck. There is no way I can send you without him. I know he’ll keep you guys safe.” He buried his head in his palm and groaned.

I rested my hand on his arm. “Is this about Lau—”

“No.” He stood, folding his arms, “I just can’t send you alone but also—”


We turned to the open doorway where Noah was leaning against the frame.

Valentino lifted his hand. “Come in.”

Noah marched in with a stack of paper tucked under his arm. His earpiece was back in place. He came to a stop in the center of the room by the sitting area and dropped the papers on the end table. “Boss, they shouldn’t go to that island really.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well,” he ran his hand over his mouth before settling his hands on his hips, “what if we just make him think they’re going there?”

“Stop speaking in riddles for fuck’s sake, Noah.” Brow creased, I folded my arms over my chest.

Before he could respond, the notification of the security letting William through the front gate came through my earpiece. Noah sucked his bottom lip into his mouth and rolled his tongue over it.

“We’ll discuss this downstairs.” He muttered.

Bending over I grabbed two of Isabelle’s bags, Noah scooped up the others then grabbed the folder from the table, following us downstairs to the grand foyer. We set the bags by the door, and I lifted my chin toward the formal living room.

Laura took a seat between Tanya and Isabelle on the long, white sofa. William cradled his sleeping son near the fireplace. Crossing my arms, I perched on the edge of an elegant, grey accent chair and arched a brow at Noah. He offered a nod and stood before us, clearing his throat. The room was already silent, waiting.

“The island you told me about—” He cocked his head, darting his eyes back and forth, unsure if he should continue.

I bowed my head. “There’s no surprise any longer. Continue.”

“Well, I did the research on theothersurprise as you requested too.” He sighed, flashing his palms at me. “But not for the reason you asked, sir.”

I took a deep breath, my fists clenching. Uncrossing my arms, I slid hands into my pockets, determined not to snap. Confusion was written on every face in the room. My gaze caught William’s. If he had not been holding Aston, he would have appeared just as angry as I was.

Noah proceeded with caution but determination. “When you told me to look at the island next to the big one for a second purchase,” he pulled out a folded slip of paper from his pocket and handed it to me, “I tracked the distance between the two. But I also came across something you’ll want to see. Just a sec.” He held up a finger then jogged over to the foyer.

Our eyes followed. Kneeling, he began to dig through his bag. Isabelle poked the side of my thigh with her finger. I glanced down.