Noah froze at the mention of her name, his knuckles becoming white as he gripped the phone while staring at me, desperate for any information.
“We weren’t near there.” I shook my head, trying my best to subtly offer him a sort of comfort. “She wasn’t hurt don’t worry.”
Noah’s breath slightly hitched as he respired with relief. He glanced at the phone screen, and it appeared he was trying to call Joseph again.
“Noah, hang up.” Valentino ordered.
Noah shoved his phone back into his pocket and crossed his arms.
“Isabelle.” Valentino stroked my head, swallowing hard.
“I know.” I dropped my head. “Go wait for you upstairs.”
I lifted my gaze. “What?”
“Go pack a few bags.”
“Isabelle.” He growled. “I don’t have time to explain yet. Go.”
When he was in a playful mood, I had no problem mildly probing to toy with him, but Joseph was nowhere to be found now. Valentino’s tone told me all I needed to know and that was to neither question nor provoke him to become angry. He was officially inbusinessmode.
I jogged toward the house, thankful I had remained in great shape, though pregnancy did make me a little exhausted. As I rounded the corner and climbed the stairs to the patio, I heard him began to bark orders at both Noah and Morrison.
Not knowing what to take, I still mentally packed my luggage on the way to the bedroom. Memories of London surfaced once again as they often did. Oh, how I hoped history was not about to repeat itself. I started to sniffle, about to erupt into tears as my eyes watered but I caught myself, refusing to let Felipe win again.
Even though I was terrified, I was much stronger now. We were prepared as much as we could be. Truthfully, my fiancé was a bad ass. He was trained for whatever was thrown at us, as were his friends and entire security team. I kept reminding myself I was safe now.
As I shoved whatever I could think of into my suitcases, I huffed. The anger toward my horrible uncle boiled through my pores. Placing a hand on my stomach, I took a deep breath.I refuse to raise you in a world where that monster exists.Now, I was not only fighting for my own life, I had a baby who needed both his or her parents. Just as I inhaled a shaky breath and yanked open a drawer, my phone vibrated in my pocket.
Oh my God!Tanya!
Girl, I know! We’re on the way over but we have to pick Laura up first.
I’m kind of freaking out a bit, but I’m trying not to!
Isabelle. William called out from inside the car which let me know Tanya had me on Bluetooth.We got this. It’s going to be okay.
I know. It’s just—
We. Got. This.
Tanya sighed.I’m freaked too, but he told me the same.
Aston began to cry.
Focus on him, I’ll see you guys soon.
Okay, see ya.
I tucked my phone back into my pocket as I stormed into the bathroom, packing makeup and toiletries into another bag. My outward appearance should have been the least of my worries. But in public, I was told to always be camera ready when we were together, so I was making sure whatever he had planned, I would be prepared for anything.
I rushed back to the closet once again, grabbing more clothes. Abruptly, I paused, examining Valentino’s side of the closet.Would he need clothes too?“Always be prepared.” I muttered under my breath as I grabbed a couple of his own brown and tan, leather designer bags and began to stuff them with his things.
Usually, I would have been much more delicate with our pricey clothes, but I was trying to adjust to the urgency in his voice outside. Again, I hurried back into the bathroom and put a bunch of his toiletries into the designated bag with mine.