Page 32 of Vengeance & Sin

“So, what should we handle next?” I ask her, which seems to pull her focus away from me, and just like that, we are back to the clothes.

We grab the pile of pants and jackets and bring them into the closet. Then, grabbing a hanger, I show her how to hang them. She watches me and then grabs her own hanger and starts hanging things. In no time at all, they’re all hung.

I explain that shirts can be hung or folded, and seeing as her closet is huge, it’s really up to her what she prefers. I find out pretty quickly that I’m terrible at folding and even worse at teaching someone else to fold. So after trying three times, I toss the shirt away from me as it starts to piss me off.

Jade dissolves into a fit of giggles at my temper. I’m caught off guard, but I quickly find myself laughing as well. Her laughter is contagious, her happiness so genuine that I don’t think I could stay angry if I tired.

“Fuck folding these things. Let's just hang them up.” I tell her, and she nods while continuing to laugh at me. We return to the closet after collecting the rest of her shirts.

“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up.” I tell her but shoot her a smile. We get those hung up and hang up the few dresses she grabbed while we are at it.

Next, we handle her shorts. Now, these are something I can fold, at least.

I show her that you only have to fold them in half, and she handles them pretty quickly before going and finding them a home in the dresser as well. While she does that, I store her running shoes and her few pairs of boots in the closet under her hanging clothes.

Looking in her closet with everything she bought is still a sad sight. I don’t even care for clothes much, and I still have easily double what she does in my own closet. It's better than what she started with, but it still needs improvement.

I take a good look at what she’s got and make a mental note to grab her more later. Maybe I can even take her to a few more stores. The mall is cool, but it doesn’t have every store. I’m sure she could find things she likes just about anywhere, given the variety she went with.

I’m lost in thoughts of shopping, of all things, when Jade appears right in front of me, minorly startling me, though I don't show it.

Now I know how the guys feel with me always sneaking around. Jade is even smaller than I am, and I know what using size to your advantage can do for you when sneaking around.

Apparently, I was in here long enough for her to finish with the shorts. She stands in front of me with a huge smile on her face before she turns to the clothes we hung up and runs her hand along them all.

I’ve never really cared if a girl was materialistic or not. I’ve been with all types of girls, but the ones who have to have all the clothes with all the big brands are usually the most stuck up in my experience.

Rick and Spencer hate those kinds of girls, not that it stops them from fucking around with them. But they always tell me they just want us for our status or bank accounts. They’re probably right, but I never keep a girl long enough to worry about it.

I think they’re just worried I’ll catch feelings for one of them since I flirt so much, but flirting is just fun for me, just a part of my personality.

But watching Jade and how genuinely happy she is with this little bit makes me feel like giving her more just to keep this happy look on her face. She doesn’t seem to be happy with spending money or even the brand name on the tag; she is just excited to have things.

Shit, I could give it all to her, and that’s a scary thought.

As she walks among her clothes and back out to her room, my eyes fall to the back of her dress. Her hair’s left a huge wet spot on the back of her dress but that’s not what caught my eye. The zipper on the back is only halfway up.

I reach out and gently place my hand on her upper arm, stopping her from continuing away from me. She looks back at me over her shoulder but doesn’t pull away, even though she looks confused.

“Your dress zipper is down, is it broken?” I ask her as I release her arm.

“Oh no, I don’t think so. I just couldn’t reach it to get it up all the way, and you were knocking, so I was kind of in a rush and forgot about it.” She tells me with a shy smile. She pulls her hair to the side and reaches her hand back to show me where her hand falls as she reaches up.


“Would you like me to?” I offer as I hold myself in place. The amount of restraint I need around her is insane, never have I ever worried about making someone uncomfortable. Shit, I can’t remember the last time a girl didn’t want me all over her, so this is all new.

She lets her hand fall, and her hair covers her back again before she continues back towards her room again.

“No, my hair soaked the back, so I should probably change, honestly.” She tells me before she turns the corner and disappears, leaving me standing in the closet looking after her like an idiot.

I shake my head and start out after her.

I step back into the room, and something catches my foot, causing me to fall forward. I catch myself at the last possible second. My eyes quickly sweep the room to see if Jade saw, but what I find is enough to make my embarrassment disappear.

Jade stands in front of her dresser, with her back to me as she rummages through the drawer she put her shorts in. That alone is normal enough if not for the fact that she’s standing there in nothing more than her bra and panties.

My eyes quickly go back down to the ground. Wrapped around my foot is the dress that she just had on. I quickly look back up to see her still at her dresser. When she said she should change, I didn’t think she meant right now, with me right here.