Page 33 of Vengeance & Sin

Was she trying to tell me to stay in the closet while she changed? I run back through what was said, but nothing I can remember makes me feel like she meant for me to stay.


I’m staring.

I know I need to look away, but I can’t seem to actually do it. My eyes rake over every inch of her body, and I’ve never felt like such a creep for checking someone out before. I’ve looked at girls naked and not felt like they were as exposed as Jade is to me right now.

Her underwear and bra are both the same burgundy color. The color looks good with the slight natural tan color of her skin. The underwear isn’t anything crazy. They cover most of her ass, unlike the small pieces of fabric that most girls seem to wear.

It isn’t her body being on display that has me staring, though. Well, it is because she’s fucking hot; no matter how much I refuse to hit on her, I can’t deny that. The blood rushing south in my body only proves that.

But it’s more than that, it’s how on display she is. Her body may be malnourished, but there is no denying she has taken good care of herself. She had to in order to be able to protect those girls, and it’s clear to see as I look at her. Even with her more petite frame, you can see she has muscle definition. I can’t help but wonder how amazing she will look in a few months with a proper diet and access to our gym.

I’d seen the scars on her legs last night when she returned my knife and again this morning in the kitchen when she walked around in nothing but my old shirt. She has a few that litter her arms as well. Most are old and would probably be easily overlooked, but when you work in the underground, you grow used to seeing battle scars. Hell, Kratos is a great example but not the only one I can think of. Those small scars had been enough to boil my blood, but sadly, those were nothing compared to the rest of her.

Her back has a few small scars that mirror the ones she has on her arms and legs. However, the one that pulls my attention most is the large jagged line from her right shoulder blade across the small of her back to just before her left hip. It’s old, but judging by the scar, it was painful and more than likely got infected a time or two before it finally healed.

Seeing her scars feels like I’m seeing something I shouldn’t be. Yet, I can’t pull my fucking eyes away from her.

Even now, as she pushes the drawer back in and turns towards me, I can’t look away. When she turns around, will there be more scars? Is the person who did this to her still alive?

God, I hope so, so that I can kill them.

But with her list of bodies, I highly doubt it. I’m unsure if I’m disappointed by that or happy to know she probably got to make them suffer more than she had to at their hand.

The thought of her dishing out revenge brings a smile to my lips. Man, that shouldn’t be attractive, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t.

She turns to face me with a pair of shorts in her hand and a slight smile on her lips. I wait for her smile to drop when she sees me ogling her body because whether I want to or not, my eyes are currently taking in every inch of her as I search for more scars.

She goes back to her bed, and I see that she has a shirt there that I didn’t even notice she grabbed from the closet a few minutes ago. She drops her shorts with the shirt before she turns to look at me. Her smile is still on her face even as she watches me watch her.

Again she has small scars and bruises but nothing quite so gruesome as the one on her back. I feel my shoulders sag a bit as I exhale in relief.

“It’s just skin, Zander.” She tells me, and my eyes snap up to meet hers as she steps toward me.

What the fuck.

That is not what I was expecting. Though, to be fair, Jade often does the opposite of what I expect she will.

She takes another step toward me, and I have to fight the urge to take a step away. It’s tough not to be sex-driven with her looking at me like this while looking like that. I take a moment to thank the universe that I was smart enough to wear jeans today. If I had gone with sweats, there would have been zero chance of me hiding just what her “skin” is doing to me. Though judging by the pressure from my jeans' zipper, I doubt they are hiding it very well, either. I don’t dare look to see.

Then, she’s right there in front of me. I look down at her as she looks up at me, with hardly any space between us.

She tilts her head to the side as she just stands there looking at me as if she’s looking for something specific.

“Jade?” Her name comes out like a question because I’ll be damned if I’m not confused. How did we go from joking and putting away clothes to her standing here in her underwear? I mean, I know exactly how, buthow?

“Yes?” She responds, matching my questioning tone, and I can’t hold back a groan as I see heat in her eyes. I’m sure my own mirror hers.

Her smile widens as she continues to search my face as if she found whatever it was she was looking for. Before I can answer her, she’s in my space; her body pushed up against mine.

Yeah, there's no way she won’t notice the effect she has on me now.

“Jade.” My voice comes out strained even to my own ears, but I don’t pull away from her.

Her finger trails up the exposed skin of my arm, causing goosebumps to break out in its wake.

“Yes, Zander?” She doesn’t look away from my eyes, even as her finger continues to travel up my arm before moving to my chest.