Page 28 of Vengeance & Sin

He must sense my urge to fight him on this because he holds up his hands in a passive gesture before continuing.

“I’m not saying you have to see them or even that you have to know what we find if you don’t want to. But I do believe that finding out more will give us answers. Don’t you want to know how you ended up here? Something isn’t adding up. I don’t feel like you were just taken off the streets, Jade, and I feel like deep down you don’t either.”

He’s right, but damn him, I don’t want him to be. I search his face but still, I get nothing, he’s good at hiding whatever he’s feeling.

“How many other girls have you met in your life that knew nothing about their past? Not their birthday, where they came from, hell, not even their name?” I don’t justify him with a response because he’s right, and by the look in his eyes, he knows it. I look around at the others and see they know it too. Even if they aren’t the ones pushing me, they know this whole situation reeks of suspicion.

Before I can put too much thought into it, I give a sharp nod and look away. Finding a spot on the wall behind them to focus on.

“I’ll write down everything I can remember.” I say, and he opens his mouth as if to comment, but I cut him off and keep going.

“I’ll help you any way I can, but I don’t want to know anything you find out. I’ve gone without them my whole life and don’t want or need them now.”

It’s bullshit. I know it, and I’m sure they know it. I do want them, I want to belong and know I was missed, but I can’t be who they would need. The little girl I’m sure they missed for all these years, and I would rather go without than disappoint them with the monster I am now. The girls need me, and that’s enough for me.

Maybe if I keep telling myself that, I’ll believe it one day.

“I have one requirement, though, if I’m going to be helping.” I might want answers, but I’ve gone this long without them. I could walk away here and now and be just fine with that. But, if they want my help, I’ll be getting something out of this that matters to me.

“And that is?” Kratos asks, and the other three turn their attention to him. Apparently, he’s the one who has the power to give me what I want, or not judging by how they turned to him.

“I want help with the girls,” I say as I turn to face him.

“Some of my girls have to have families out there. They might need a new home, clothes, I don’t know, just anything. But I want your word that you guys will help-”

“Done.” He says, cutting off my demands and rendering me speechless for a moment.

The other guys are quiet. I’m not sure if they knew he would help or are shocked like I am with how easily he agreed, but I don’t feel the need to know.

I can’t pull my eyes away from Kratos as I look him over. Searching for some sign that this is all bullshit, I find only sincerity in his eyes.

“Just like that?” I ask him just to be sure.

“Just like that.” He responds before turning away from me and back to the guys. My mind takes a moment to catch up, and by the time I shake myself from the haze, they are deep into a conversation about something else. Seeing as it no longer concerns me and I’m not being pushed away, I take a seat at the table closest to them and wait for them to finish.

* * *

The guys wrappedup their meeting not long after. Whatever else they discussed, I zoned out. I can’t remember the last time I opened up that much to anyone. As a result, I need time to put away my broken pieces again.

Spencer tidies up all the papers and stuffs them into the envelope before everyone stands. I follow their motions like a shadow, following them without really making a conscious decision.

They walk off towards the door we came in through. I follow just a few steps behind. Whether it’s because my legs are shorter or because they are trying to give me distance, I’m not sure, but I don’t care either way.

I only make it a few steps before I’m pulled to a sudden stop. My eyes go wide as I turn to look at Kratos. His hand is placed on my arm just above my elbow, and he looks down at me in concern.

How out of it was I that I didn’t hear him come up behind me, didn’t even realize he was there until I was forced to. I need to pull my head out of my ass. Being caught unaware is dangerous. Even if I don’t think Kratos is a threat to me, that doesn’t mean the next person to try it won’t be.

Kratos doesn’t remove his hand from my arm, and I make no move to pull away from him, even though I’m sure we both know I could. He says nothing, but he doesn’t need to; the concern is written all over his face. I place my hand over his on my arm and give him a slight nod hoping he will understand that I’ll be okay.

He continues to look at me for a second longer before he gives a nod and pulls his hand away. He shoots a look at the guys and then back to me before turning away.

He only makes it a few steps before he shoots a warning back to them over his shoulder, “Remember Froggie’s orders, boys. I’ll be in touch.” That's a dismissal if I’ve ever heard one. I pull my gaze away from him when he slips into one of the entrances to the back rooms, and I turn back to the guys.

They wait by the exit, all with varying emotions on their faces, and for a moment, I worry I’ve made a mistake. Have I put them in danger by sharing with them? Made their lives harder? They didn’t ask to babysit me, and I would rather struggle alone on the streets than be their unwanted burden.

The thought doesn’t even get to take root before Zander meets my eyes and gives me his thousand-watt smile, waving me to them. I look at Roderick, who nods, and even Spencer seems less on edge. And while it’s not exactly an invitation, it’s not a dismissal either.

I close the distance between us in a few long strides, and as I reach Zander’s side, he offers me his hand.