I look down at it and then back up at him. His other hand goes to the back of his neck as he rubs it in a gesture of nerves, and his cheeks take on the slightest shade of pink.
It takes me longer than it probably should to understand what he’s offering. When I do, I feel my own cheeks heat. I just hope the low lights are enough to keep the others from noticing as well.
Sex is easy. I use my body to get what I need and keep people safe. Sex is just a part of that. There are no emotions when you're doing it out of necessity.
Displays of affection, though.
That’s new.
I occasionally offer the girls comfort and affection, but I’ve never needed that from them. I have very few people who I have ever received affection from.
After Ashlynn, I couldn’t bring myself to let someone care for me, not when I knew I would be putting myself at risk. But these guys aren’t the same, and they can take care of themselves. Even if they couldn’t, I’m not the same as I was back then, but most importantly, I’m no longer property to be used against someone, and the idea is freeing.
For the first time since I’ve been out from under an owner's thumb, I realize I’m free now.
I reach out and slip my fingers through his before he gives my hand a squeeze, his impossibly large smile grows even wider, causing me to smile back at him.
Affection might be something I can get used to. If these guys prove they can’t look after themselves, I know damn well I can handle enough for the three of them. I’ll be damned if I let someone take anyone else away from me.
We make good time returning to the house now that we aren’t hitting mid-afternoon traffic.
Jade held my hand the whole way there. I’m unsure if it’s because she forgot or because she wanted to, but I wasn’t going to say anything either way.
By the time we get back to the house, she looks exhausted. I’m sure she’s hardly used to doing so much in a day, but she doesn’t say anything. I half expect her to head to her room for a nap, but instead, she goes to the kitchen, fills a glass of water from the sink, and sits at the bar.
Before she can take a sip, I slip the glass from her hands and dump it.
“Hey.” She shouts in protest, but I grab a water bottle out of the fridge and toss it to her before she can really get mad.
I’m so used to the guys that I didn’t even think about the fact that I just all but chucked a water bottle at her until after I'd done it.
I turn around just in time to watch her snatch the water bottle out of the air with ease before she cracks it open and takes a big sip. She twits the cap back on as she gets up from her seat and heads out. As she passes me, she stops and looks up at me, putting her finger under my chin and pushing my mouth closed. I didn’t even notice it was open.
“Careful, or you’ll catch flies.” She giggles before turning the corner and disappearing down the hall toward her room.
“Did she just make a joke?” Spencer asks, and I realize they are both watching the doorway where she disappeared, just like I am.
“Maybe she’ll be able to handle Zander after all.” Rick says as he moves from his spot by the back door, shoving me out of the way of the fridge. He reaches in and grabs a beer for each of us, putting one in my hands and tossing one to Spencer, who catches it just like Jade did. Somehow it’s less impressive when he does it.
“So what now?” I ask them both as I pop open the beer and take a long drink. Exactly what I needed after all the shit we just learned today. Honestly, we could probably all use something stronger, but we don’t often drink the hard stuff. You never know when you need to handle something, so it’s better to keep a clear head, just in case.
“Classes start back up in less than two weeks.” Rick says, sounding anything but excited, while Spencer huffs.
School starting back up means that we will in fact, be going to a few parties, and while I love parties, they don’t. I also can’t say I’m super excited, given the current situation.
Usually, I love the attention. I love the girls who try to throw themselves at us and the overall power trip that comes with our earned status. But with Jade here, it somehow doesn’t have the same appeal.
“What about Jade?” Spencer asks the question on my mind, and we both turn to Rick.
“I don’t know, honestly. I'll have to talk to her and Kratos about it. I don’t even know if she can go to school, let alone if she should.” I hadn’t really thought about that. I doubt Jade has ever been to school, so college probably isn’t even an option. Though Kratos may be able to get her in if Froggie decides it’s for the best, again, that’s if she even wants to go.
The idea of her at college both excites me and freaks me out. I’m sure she would love it, but how will she handle it? Regardless, I would love to have her there with us.
I jump up to go ask her if she’d be interested, but I don’t make it two steps before Spencer grabs me.
I turn to look at him, confused.
“Let’s have Rick talk to Kratos before we talk to Jade. I don’t want her to get excited about something they could shoot down. That girl’s been through enough.” He tells me and lets me go before heading over to put his bottle in the recycle bin.