Page 127 of Vengeance & Sin

Fine, if that’s what she wants, I can play her fucked up game too.

I can make her talk.

I’m no Kratos. He’s our best when it comes to interrogations. Shit, I’m not even as good as Zander because I like to think I don’t have as many screws loose as they do, but right now, I feel unhinged enough that I’m willing to try.

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket before it stops, only to start up again. I don’t even need to look at it to know who it is.


Which means they know, and that means I’m running out of time.

I push off the ground from where I had been kneeling in front of her and hold my hand out to Ant. “Let me have that knife.”

He places the knife in my hand, and I just stare at it for a moment.

Is this really worth it?

I’m not sure the guys will ever forgive me if I keep going now. It’s one thing to go behind their backs like this, another to cause her intentional harm at my hand, on a chance that she’s not been telling us the truth.

I swallow past the lump in my throat that threatens to choke me and turn my gaze back to Jade.

With her mask firmly in place, it’s hard not to think she's here to destroy everything we worked for, but I also remember who she is below that mask.

I remember the way her smile lights up her eyes. The happy dance she does when she learns something new, like when she cooked that damn egg with Rick. I remember the look of terror in her eyes when she told us of her past and the determination that shone through her when she told us about keeping the girls safe all these years. The way Charlotte screamed for her and ran to her at the restaurant just last week. Would a monster be willing to give up so much for strangers just because she didn’t want others to suffer like she did?


The answer is so simple and easy that I feel my shoulders sag in defeat because no matter what I find about her, I know it won’t point to her being the problem.

Which means I can’t do this.

It was one thing when I was worried she was a threat to us, but looking back on these few weeks with her, I can’t think of a single time she couldn’t have taken us out. Either in school, when we slept, or when we spared, anytime she could have made a move, but she didn’t. She let us in instead, and I’ve treated her like shit the whole time.

Fucking fuck..

I can’t hurt her for information just because I want to know, no matter how much I want to know.

I let my hand holding the knife drop to hang at my side before turning away from her to put it back on the table.

“Awe, Spence, don’t go soft on me now.” She calls as I walk away, but I ignore her. “Weren’t you just telling me you would have to hurt me if I didn’t cooperate? What could have possibly changed that at the last minute?” She’s confused, I can hear it in her question, but I also hear a bit of frustration.

I wouldn’t be happy to have to go through all this shit for nothing either, but maybe since I didn’t go further, I’ll be able to get past this with the guys.

Damn it. Zander’s going to want my nuts as a trophy for this.

A shout behind me has me turning around, but I don’t even get fully turned before something knocks into me and damn near sends me to the ground.

I steady myself at the last second, and my too-slow brain registers that the shout was the guys calling out a warning.

I look over to try and figure out what the fuck is going on and I’m shocked to see Jade standing where I just was at the table with the knife I just set down in her hand.

She tilts her head at me as she watches me stand back to my full height after nearly crashing to the floor as if I’m the one acting oddly here.

Jamerson and Ant stand just a few paces away from her, having moved forward when she lunged, not getting too close but there if I need them. Not that it did any good for us when she was within their reach moments ago.

Somehow she not only got to me, but she busted her restraints and got to me without them having time to intervene.

She might be even better than I feared.