Page 128 of Vengeance & Sin

I hold my hands to the guys to tell them to stay back. They both look unsure but stay all the same.

Jade steps towards me, and everything in my body screams for me to move back. But I stand my ground, keeping my hands raised in the air as she approaches me, knife still in her hand.

She twists the knife with such skill and precision that I’m sure Zander would fucking bust a nut if he ever saw her do that.

I knew Jade was dangerous, and I’ve been careful to treat her as such, but I’m worried that even knowing that didn’t do justice to just how dangerous she is.

I keep my eyes on her face. She looks menacing in the most insane kind of way. Like a horror movie killer, her delicate features are such a sharp contrast from one another that they almost make her seem fake. It shouldn’t be possible for such stark differences to coexist, yet they do.

“I know you want to know things, Spencer. It’s just who you are, after all. In fact, I applaud your dedication to trying to find the answers. The long nights of researching, countless hours of missed sleep, snooping through my things.” She lists these things off on her fingers like they are common knowledge. I have to work hard to keep the shock from showing on my face. I wasn’t aware that she knew all of this, the research, sure, but not the rest.

“But there is one big problem with all of this.” She waves her hands around the room as a whole with the knife still in her hand.

“None of this is scary. No, this is a walk in the park compared to what I’ve done. The things I’ve seen.” Her voice cracks at the end, and for a moment, I see the terror in her eyes at whatever memory just worked its way into her brain. But it’s only there for a moment before she gets ahold of it again, and her mask is back. The only other emotion on her face is one that I could only describe as psychotic.

“You want to threaten me? Fine, but know this won't do it.” She says, holding up the knife between us. “You think I’ve never been hurt before? Never been stabbed?” She laughs, and the sound is dark, with not a drop of humor. It’s enough to raise the hairs on my arms.

I watch in horror as she twirls the knife one last time before slamming it down into her thigh. I couldn’t have stopped her if I wanted to, having not realized what she was doing until it was too late, but I find myself moving forward anyways.

“What the fuck.” One of the guys says from behind her, but neither of us pays him a second's notice.

She doesn't so much as flinch as the knife cuts through the skin all the way to the hilt before she pulls it out again, letting the blood flow down her leg without a care in the world.

“You see, physical pain isn’t really an issue for me anymore. So I can’t think of anything you can do to me that will hurt enough for me to give you what you want.” I can’t help but cling to the verbiage of what she just said to me.

Without using so many words, she just let me know that she wasn’t scared for her own safety.

Flashes of Charlotte and the other girls fill my mind, quickly followed by Zander, Rick, and Kratos.

I would never use any of them for this, and judging by the look on her face, she knows that.

She gave me an answer, I realize as an afterthought. It might not have been a question I asked, but it still feels good to learn more about her.

Too bad I can hardly focus on that right now as her leg continues to bleed at a rate that could become alarming if we don’t handle it soon.

“Jade, you need to wrap that before you pass out.” I tell her, trying to sound in control, but there's a hint of desperation in my words that I’m sure she didn’t miss.

She ignores it and my words of warning, instead taking her fingers through the blood and pushing it around like finger paint.

She slowly brings her hand to her face before she uses the blood to streak her face, giving the appearance that she has war paint on. After she’s done, she pops those same fingers in her mouth before sucking them clean like she was cleaning the remnants of a sweet.

“So I’m going to tell you this one last time, Spencer.” She waits a moment until I look up from her stab wound and back to her face, now covered in blood but no less beautiful.


Control yourself, Spencer. Now is not the time to be sporting a stiff cock. I mentally berate myself.

Jade’s voice pulls me from my very inappropriate thoughts.

“These are not my secrets to tell.” She repeats her earlier answer, and I nod because, yeah, I got it.

“If you have an issue with not knowing, take it up with Kratos.” She says before turning back to the table to drop the now blood-covered knife. It bounces on the table, splatting her blood everywhere, and for some reason, I can’t take my eyes off it.

“Now, if that was all you needed, I had a study date that I seriously needed to get to so I don’t flunk out of my first semester of college, and you guys so very rudely pulled me away from it.” Gone are all traces of her crazy as she drops her mask in place again, and she's the same girl I have been dealing with for a couple of weeks.

I don’t know how she does that with her emotions, but I swear it’s enough to give me whiplash.

She turns to move away from the table but doesn't make it far before movement sounds from upstairs, causing us to look toward the ceiling.