“Let’s not make this harder than it has to be, huh, beautiful.” He says to her, his voice soft but condescending nonetheless. I can see her eyes harden, but he doesn’t seem to notice as he continues signing his death warrant, and I can’t bring myself to step in, too curious to see what she does.
“Just tell us what we need to know, and you can be on your way.” He trails the knife along her throat before stopping at the other side and lightly applying pressure, not enough to break the skin but enough to show he could. “Or you could stay and get acquainted here.”
The clear implication in his tone has me clenching my jaw so hard I worry I might chip a tooth. I take a step toward them to step in, but Jade’s voice has me pulling up short.
“Sorry, but I don't waste my time getting acquainted with nobodies.” Her words come out dripping with false sweetness, and I have to bite back a smile. As she speaks, she pushes forward enough to increase the knife's pressure on her neck, and a single drop of blood runs down her neck.
I watch Ant for his reaction and get the satisfaction of seeing his face screw up in confusion for a moment before Jade slams her head backward and smashes the back of her head into his face.
He’s completely caught off guard, and as her head makes contact with his nose, I hear the crack of bone that lets me know she broke it.
He rears back from her, holding his face as blood pours down, and he lets out a howl of pain and probably a bit of shock.
The smile on her face is all satisfaction as she turns her head back to meet my gaze.
Jamerson is in front of her before I even register that he’s moved from my side. I was clearly too focused on her and not on what was happening around me.
Rookie mistake.
He hauls off and smacks her right across the face so hard that the chair wobbles, and her head turns violently.
“FUCK!” I scream, running up to Jamerson and pushing him to the side away from her.
“You can’t put your hands on her!” I shout, looking from Jamerson to Ant and back again to ensure I’m completely understood.
“So we're just going to let her take hits at us and do nothing?” Ant spits the question at me as he wipes the blood from his face on the back of his arm. The outrage in his voice is clear, but I don’t give a flying fuck.
They have no idea I’m saying this to save their asses, but no matter why, they don’t get to question me.
“You’re going to do whatever the fuck I tell you to do, and if you have a problem with that, we can take it to the boss! Is that understood?” I roar in his face.
They both look like they want to argue for a moment, but like I knew they would, they both back down and give a simple “yes sir” in the way of an acknowledgment.
“Tsk tsk, Spence. Can’t even keep your men in line.” Jade says, pulling my attention back to her. “What would your boss think?” She asks in a mocking tone that pisses me off. I clench my jaw and focus on that anger as I stalk up to her, trying to ignore the fact that she just used my nickname. I hate her. She doesn't get to call me that.
Damn it.
I did hate it, right?
“Just tell me what I need to know so we can be done with this shit.”
“What? You want to be done? Already? And here I thought we were just getting to the fun part.” Her eyes sparkle, and somehow I don’t think she's being sarcastic right now.
“Just tell me, damn it!” I scream at her. I know I need to calm down. Letting her see how much she’s getting under my skin isn’t doing me any favors right now.
Easier said than done with her, though.
I take a deep breath and try again.
“Listen, I don’t want to hurt you.” I tell her calmly now that I can talk without screaming.
“But I will if I have to. I will do anything to keep my guys safe, and whatever this shit is with you, it's dangerous.” I stare her down, hoping she sees just how serious I am about this.
She searches my face for a moment, her face a mask that I can’t read once again. A mask that’s been missing for over a week now. I hate that I’m the reason it’s back, but I wasn’t joking. I won’t let her hurt them.
She leans forward as much as her restraints allow, bringing herself closer to me.
“It’s not my secret to tell.” She whispers before she sits back and gives a shrug, as if this is all some fucking game to her, no big deal.