Page 102 of Vengeance & Sin

Roderick and Spencer walk in front as Zander comes up next to me, throwing his arm over my shoulder without care. People around us move out of their way as they cut through the crowds of people standing around talking or making their way to their classes. Some whisper, while others point and stare, and I try not to let the feel of all of their eyes on me make me uncomfortable. Just because I’m used to attention doesn’t mean I like it; I actually can’t stand it. Nothing good has ever come from being the most looked-at person in the room, at least not for me.

As if he can sense my unease, Zander gives my shoulder a tight squeeze pulling my attention to him and away from those around us.

When I look his way, he gives me a smile that's so cute I can’t help but return it.

Zander has been the easiest for me to get along with from the start. He was the first to talk to me and the first to accept me into their lives, so it’s no surprise that I tend to default to him. But as I look at him, I can’t help but notice how much he’s changed since I first met him. His smile used to have an edge to it, like he was one second away from losing his shit. And while I can still see that in his eyes sometimes, more often than not, when he looks at me now, I see something a lot more tender there, something that I can’t name. It makes my stomach knot, and I have to push the feeling down hard to stop myself from turning into a puddle whenever he looks at me.

“Rick’s going to take you to meet Hazel for your books. I have a double block in the auto garage today, and Spencer will be in the library for his free period. Rick has your afternoon class with you, but if you need something, I got you this.” He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a phone, not unlike the ones the guys seem to have on them constantly, and places it in my hand.

I look at it before I look back up at him in confusion. I’ve never used a cell phone or any phone before. It’s not something you’re given when people hold you against your will. I’ve seen him playing with his a lot over the last week, but I have absolutely zero idea how to use it.

“Um..” I trail off, not wanting to sound ungrateful but also, what good could this possibly do me?

“Show her how to use it, dumbass.” Spencer huffs as he shoulders past Zander without a backward glance at us as he takes off across campus to the library, I assume. I watch him go for a moment, noticing once again how everyone around him moves, some girls smile and wave at him, attempting to get his attention, but he ignores them all.

It might make me feel the tiniest bit better knowing I’m not the only one he gives the cold shoulder, but I would never admit it.

Zander facepalms, “Oh duh,” he says more to himself than to me before he swipes the phone from my still outstretched hand.

He gives me a quick lesson on how to use the phone to make phone calls and send out messages.

“I can show you all the other stuff when we get home today, but for now, that will be enough for you to reach us if you need to. I’ve programmed our numbers in there for you already right here in the contacts.” He says as he hits a button that pulls up their names, and I see Kratos is also listed there. I wonder if I message him if he would answer, but shake the thought away quickly, I need to get my brain under control.

He hands the phone back to me, and I take it with a smile before sliding it into the back pocket of my jeans. It weighs more than I would have thought for something so small, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. The guys seem to have no issue with having theirs on them all day.

“Thanks.” I tell him because even if I never use the phone, I appreciate the thought. I’ve never been given things for the sake of me just having them, and I’ve never been given something that’s meant to keep me safe. It’s a nice feeling to have someone watching out for me.

He smiles at me, and it lights up his whole face. The pure happiness is so much that I look away as I feel a blush creep up my face. What is it with him that makes me feel like this?

I need to get myself under control.

Before I get the chance, he leans forward and gently kisses my forehead before taking a step back.

“I’ll see you after class.” He says as he continues walking backward away from me. I look up in time to see him throw me a wave “Have a good day in class, Doll.” He says a little louder now that he’s a few feet away. I raise my hand to give a small wave of my own before he disappears around a corner, and I’m left staring at where he just was, with my hand still raised like an idiot.

“Come on.” Roderick says from behind me, startling me out of my thoughts.

I drop my hand and turn around to see him already headed to the front doors, and I rush to follow after him, so I don’t get swept up in the sea of people around us.

We make our way into the office, which is just about the only place that feels familiar to me, even after my tour a few days ago.

I see Roderick as he walks over to Hazel just a little ways ahead of me, and I hurry to catch up, not wanting him to have to wait around for me as I’m sure he has other things to do.

Just before I reach them, someone sidesteps right in front of me with their back to me. I wasn’t paying close enough attention, and in my haste to get to Hazel and Roderick, I was walking too quickly to stop before I crash into them. I almost land on my ass, but I get my feet underneath me at the last second.

The person I just slammed into turns to face me, and when I look up at them, I can see the concern on his face as he looks me over.

“Shit! I’m so sorry.” He says in a rush. “There are so many people here that I was trying to get out of someone's way and didn’t even think about who could be behind me.” His cheeks turn slightly pink as he runs his hand through his hair. “You're not hurt, are you?” He asks.

I take a second to assess myself mentally before I turn my attention to him. He seems like your average guy. His skin is just tan enough that it could be natural or a sign that he spends a lot of time in the sun. He’s tall, not quite as tall as Roderick, but at least as tall as Zander, which means he still towers over me. His black hair is short on the sides and just long enough on the top that he has it pushed back.

I shake my head in response before I look up at him into his startling green eyes, eyes that are a lot like my own. I know from my time with the girls that green is a pretty common eye color, but seeing someone with a shade close to mine brings me up short. The closest I have ever seen to a close shade is Roderick’s one green eye, but even his is a bit darker. He’s the only one of my guys with green, though.

Wait, what the fuck?

The guys.

Not my guys. I mentally scold myself.