Page 78 of Demon’s Reign


A Gift

Smoothstonewallsanda low arched ceiling faded in and out of my hazy vision. The murals painted on the surrounding surfaces flickered in the light of the intermittent sconces. Marching footsteps echoed around the tunnel, the air cool and stale on my exposed skin. I leaned heavily on the golem carrying me. More surrounded us, all with shiny black armor, their glowing eyes peering through the slits in their helmets. It wasn’t lost on me, the similarities of this night to the one just a month earlier. Except then, I’d been carried toward safety, toward life. Now I was being carried to my death. I’d almost died that night, and tonight, I would. No one would save me this time.

We slowed our pace, I lifted my head once more, against the haze of poison still threading my veins. A large metal door marked the end of our journey. Several guards milled about before it. They weren’t alone.

“Ari?” My voice broke.

Her head rose slowly, as if she could no longer muster the will to do even that. Dressed in a plain cotton shift, shackles fell from her thin wrists. Sadness filled her gaunt features. “Kaleah.”

The guards parted, and the golem set me on my feet, allowing me to approach. Wobbling on unsteady legs, I lurched forward.

She caught me in her thin arms, and held me close, murmuring soothing noises. “It’s okay, Kaleah.” Her fingers combed my hair, repeatedly moving from the top of my skull down to my shoulder blades.

Tremors rippled through my body. “I don’t want you to die.”

“Shh,” she murmured. “I’m not afraid to die.”

But I was. I’d tried my whole life to deny that one small fact. I’d become so used to the notion of my death, I’d become numb to it. But if the poison the empress had tortured me with had taught me anything, I’d been lying to myself all along.

“What will it be like?” I choked out the words I had no answer for. “What happens to me when her spirit takes over my body?”

Ari tightened her grip around me and exhaled on a sigh. “I’ve been told it’s like falling asleep.”

“Will it hurt?”

“If you don’t fight her, you won’t feel a thing.”

A sob escaped my throat, and I hid my face in her chest. I was too weak to fight anymore, but just giving in, giving up, felt so wrong.

“You don’t have to be afraid; it’ll all be over soon.”

“I’m not just afraid for me,” I whispered, breathing in her unique and familiar scent of lavender that still lingered on her skin. “I’m afraid for you, for Cassie.”

Her hands stopped their caressing, and she lifted my chin. “Do not fear for us, Kaleah. You cannot change the fates we’ve made for ourselves.” Her eyes searched mine. They radiated peace and love, so different from the turmoil and hate I’d witnessed upon my return.

“Ari, I’m so—”

“Enough.” Marshal snapped, stepping between us with a warning look. “I will not have a repeat of earlier. Not tonight.”

Weak and delirious as I was, I mustered up a sneer just for him. “What? Afraid of a broken little girl?” He grimaced, but another guard knocked his shoulder into him, shaking his helmeted head. Marshal scoffed and jerked Ari forward, harder than was necessary. I winced when she released me, and I tried to follow as the heavy door swung outward and Ari disappeared, but another guard loomed before me, blocking my path.

“Give them a moment,” a familiar voice snipped and through my glazed vision, the empress appeared in the arched doorway. “A pity you weren’t feeling well enough to join me in the litter. The parade the people put on in your honor was quite… memorable,” she gloated.

I let my head droop, not caring one bit about the festivities. If only they knew the truth, would they be so excited then?

“Oh well, at least you won’t miss the rest of the festivities, the ones that really matter.” She tossed her golden hair over her shoulder and moved to leave. “Bring her,” the empress directed to the guard. “I’m almost surprised she’s able to stand after that sedative.”

The guard ducked his head and gripped my arm, pulling me forward. I stumbled beside him, and we approached the door, the golems shuffling behind. The bright light flowing in burned against my eyes, making me squint. Down a short, marbled hallway, the sound of thousands of hushed voices closed around me, suffocating me. Thick black curtains barred our way, Marshal and Ari stood to one side. I attempted to reach out to her as we passed, but was yanked away and through the curtains as two priestesses pulled the fabric aside.

My heart dropped. A grand stage stretched out into the massive room, its arched ceilings glowing in blinding crystalline light. The full moon was just peeking over the edge of the glass high above us. Three regal, gold thrones stood as a massive centerpiece, a gilded altar before them. The raised golden and jeweled pedestal sat in the middle of an intricately painted circle of the divine runes and sigils. My breath hitched, and I gulped, fighting down the panic that threatened to overwhelm me before a loud clap jolted me back to the present.

The empress stood center stage, her golden ambiance glowing under the lights as she gestured to me to take my seat before turning to face the reverent crowd of worshipers filling every space. I tried to lift my head a little higher while the guard helped me across the cold floor. I only stumbled once crossing the smooth marbled stage, and my heart stopped as we rounded the back of the thrones.

Cassie! She sat slumped in the farthest left seat, her head lolled to one side, eyes closed as if asleep. A silver mask covered the lower half of her face while a matching dress hung from her painfully bony looking shoulders. Her chest rose and fell in uneven gasps. Struggling in the guard's grip, I tried to move toward her, but he ripped me back, shoving me into the seat to the right of the center throne.

“Stay put,” he hissed, leaving my side. Panting, I pried my eyes from my sister’s unconscious form and stiffened in my seat, thousands of eyes were riveted on me. I only recognized a few of the many faces close enough to make out. Risa sat in the front row, pride lighting her features, and beside her sat… Tarra’s love? The sad-eyed boy no longer looked sad, but calm, his hand clasped with the veiled figure who sat on the other side of him. How could he move on so easily?