Page 79 of Demon’s Reign

“Greetings, my people,” the empress' voice rang loud and clear over the silent crowd, staring up in wide-eyed reverence. “I’m so glad you could join us for this momentous time in history, as I Ascend yet again, thus allowing me to remain among you for a while longer.”

A murmur of gratitude shifted through the crowd.

“I bring you wonderful news, my people. As the first act of my Ascension, I will heal your princess, Cassandra, who’s fighting for her life.”

It took me a heartbeat to comprehend her words, and tremors racked my body. A relief I’d never thought I’d feel rushed through me, an immense weight lifting from my shoulders. Cassie would live! I glanced over at her slumped form, my vision blurring.

The people before us raised their voices in excitement, but the empress lifted her hands, calming them. “Unfortunately, there are a few unpleasant matters of business to attend to before the moon reaches its zenith.” The empress gestured back the way I’d just come, and Marshal appeared, leading Ari by the chained manacles. She shuffled after him, head hung low, and shoulders hunched.

My joy muted, my lip trembled, a whimper escaping before a quick glare from the empress cut me off, reminding me of her earlier promise. No matter how much I loved Ari, I would not make my sister suffer more or jeopardize her chance to live, not when nothing I did now could ever save Ari. The empress turned away, redirecting her attention to the crowd, and I settled for scowling at her back.

“As I’m sure many of you are aware, this past month, we’ve been dealing with threats on the princess’ life,” Lilitha spoke, sounding concerned. “We have finally found the source.” She raised her hand to indicate Ariadne, and a collective gasp passed around the room.

“My advisor, my best friend and confidant, Lady Ariadne. She colluded with the Outlanders, allowing them into our midst, and made it possible for them to kill one of our own in addition to poisoning my other daughter.” She paused to gesture to Cassie’s slumped form with a frown. “Ariadne is a traitor. Though it pains me to lose one who was such an asset, I can not make an exception for one woman, despite how much I cared for her. It would wreak chaos on the order I have worked too hard to create in this great empire.”

Silence reigned. Several confused looks passed between members of the congregation, and I leaned forward in my seat. Many knew Ari, they knew of her kindness, devotion, and unwavering loyalty. Did they agree with this sentence? Would they retaliate?

“Do you have any last words?” The empress ignored her people’s lack of enthusiasm and turned toward Ari, who stood dejectedly beside her.

The woman who had raised me and loved me as her own lifted her head, a spark still glowing in her eyes. “I never wished you harm, Your Majesty. I only wished to save my son.”

The empress' lip curled into a sneer. “I hope the price was worth it.”

Ari stared at the empress, unflinching. “It was, because at least I did everything in my power to save him. Unlike you, I will never stand back and watch my child die—”

Lilitha jerked forward, cold fury etched across her face. She planted her hands on either side of Ari’s face, and leaning forward, whispered in her ear. Ari’s eyes widened before bright light pooled at the empress' hands. Lilitha smiled, and Ari stiffened. Her head wrenched back, a high-pitched scream tearing from her throat and rising in octaves until it disappeared.

Tears pouring down my face, I curled into a ball on the throne and forced myself to watch. Ethereal light filled Lilitha, and Ari grew paler by the second. She was draining her just like I had that guard. The horror of that realization hit me a heartbeat before Ari went limp, her lifeless body falling to the floor with a sickening thump.

Silence reigned.

Lilitha turned back to her people, lifting her hands. “Do not let this blemish ruin our special day. Rejoice my people, for soon I will be refreshed and my power greater than ever. Nothing will stand in the way of peace and prosperity.” The empress' voice filled the silent room, chipper and bright as if nothing had just happened. As if she hadn’t just killed a woman with her bare hands. I choked on my sobs, and Marshal reverently carried Ari’s body away, an impassive look on his features.

Do you see the error of your ways now?I wanted to shout, to scream at him, at them all. How could they be so blind? How could they not see the evil parading in someone else's skin right before their faces? How had it taken me so long?

“Well, now that’s been taken care of, we can proceed with the ceremonies.” Lilitha clapped her hands, and my brows furrowed. Ceremonies? Plural?

“This Ascension is not customary,” she continued, making my stomach churn. “Most Ascensions take place when the Princess is eighteen after she has been wed and born the next heir. But unfortunately, we could not wait. My body is dying, and Kaleah’s life is in danger. The only way to keep her safe and to allow me to stay in your presence is to perform the ceremony now.” Liar.“However, I wanted to give my daughter every chance at happiness, and as such, an engagement was arranged, one with an Outlander to show our good will toward them. She was to be bonded to him today, but after it was revealed he intended to kill her under Ariadne’s direction, he disappeared.”

A concerned murmur echoed off the temple walls. I struggled against the poison lacing my veins, trying to focus on the empress' speech. Why was she bringing this up? My eyes darted to the altar raised before me, and her earlier words drifted back to me. “I have a gift waiting at the temple for you.”

Panic choked me. She wouldn’t bond me to some complete stranger… would she? My eyes flicked to Cassie, who was still completely out of it and oblivious to everything happening around her, then back to the empress. She watched me with a smug smile.

“Nevertheless, justice will always prevail, and the evil among us burned out.” Lilith curled her fingers, and shuffling echoed behind me. Two guards appeared in my peripheral vision, and I couldn’t breathe.

Between them, chained, shirtless, barefoot, and dressed in black pants, stood Ryker.


A dismayed cry rang through the temple, and my heart kicked into overdrive. Like me, he was painted in ink, but instead of black, intricate patterns of white dye stood out in stark contrast to his tan skin. They twisted along the muscles of his arms and chest, mingling with several purpling bruises.

I glanced at his face. His black hair fell down his back in a loose wave. Dark circles emphasized his golden eyes, as if he was lacking sleep, while a deep gash ran the length of his cheek. I winced, and it took everything in me not to call out to him.

“Just yesterday, we found and caught the assassin, sneaking around the palace, intent on trying to kill our precious heir one last time,” the empress scoffed. “This man, who was chosen for the greatest of honors to be bonded to the heir, betrayed us. It just goes to show that no matter how many chances they’re given, the Outlanders will never change. They will always be our enemy.” A ripple of agreement emanated from the crowd, tearing into me like barbed hooks. They were wrong.

The empress sneered, crossing the stage to stand before Ryker. She lifted his head, forcing him to look at her. “But no matter, this assassin, as his people have the gall to call him, will be made an example of. Today, he will be blood bonded to Princess Kaleah in a show of subjugation, and his strength will become hers. Then, once I carry the next heir, he will be publicly executed. Let the Outlanders see that no matter who they send, nor how many times they try, they will never overthrow our kingdom. Maybe with a half-Outlander in line for the throne and under our control, they will finally concede their loss and bow to me at last.”

A rallying cry rose through the room, making my stomach churn, my eyes still glued to Ryker. He didn’t react, just stared straight back at the empress, blank faced and impassive. Her sneer remained, and she dropped his face, nodding toward the altar. The two guards led him over, and he followed, not fighting at all. Had she sedated him too? They shoved him forward, and he knelt, facing a furious-looking people.