Page 77 of Demon’s Reign

I dropped my gaze. “I’m sorry I couldn’t save her—save either of them.”

“Dear, it wasn’t your fault.” She shook her head.

Wasn’t it though? Maybe I hadn’t invited that assassin into the palace like Ari, but I hadn’t been strong enough to stop him, and both Fontaine and Tarra had paid the price for my weakness. I exhaled, but Risa didn’t pick the conversation back up, and the gentle voices of my mother’s sisters filled the empty void.

I scanned over the beautiful daughters of Lilitha, parents to my own sisters who I’d grown up with. Strangers. If only my family could be there, so I could at least say goodbye, then maybe this wouldn’t be so hard. I bit the inside of my cheek, focusing on the pain. Would I get to see Cassie tonight? See her one last time? Was she even still alive?

Loud shouts echoed beyond the door, making me jump. One of the painters muttered a growl as I turned my head. The raised voices continued in unintelligible words I couldn’t quite make out. Several pairs of heavy footsteps hurried away, and the door swung open, revealing a furious-looking Lilitha. All conversation in the room ceased.

Like mine, her hair was loose, pouring down her back before it stopped a hair’s breadth from brushing the ground, its only adornment a braided gold circlet resting over her forehead. She, too, wore a gown of gold, and though form fitting, it did not expose nearly as much skin, just her bare shoulders before it hugged her curves and pooled around her ankles.

“Is everything alright, Your Majesty?” Risa stopped her painting to rise beside me.

The empress glanced my way, as if just noticing me. She took a deep breath, smoothing her skirts and brushing loose gold strands behind her ear. “Just imbecilic guards not doing their job right,” she scoffed, rubbing her temples. “But there’s nothing to worry about. Everything will be perfect tonight.”

She strode across the room and stopped before me, not even an ounce of remorse for what she’d put me through the past few days. “Well, don’t you look lovely today,” she purred, lifting my chin and angling my face to get a better look. I winced as a greedy glint filled her eyes, and I could only imagine she was picturing herself in my skin.

“Is that drool,Mother?” I’d never once refuted this woman in my life. But after what she’d just put me through—after the truth Ryker had told me and the proof I’d seen with my own eyes, I could never look at her the same. She wasn’t my mother. And I couldn’t blame the Outlander’s for calling her a demon.

Her eyes snapped back to mine, a scowl mussing her pretty, painted face. “Is that anyway to thank me for the compliment I just gave you?”

I narrowed my eyes.

“Still ungrateful as ever, I see. I even have a gift waiting at the temple for you,” Lilitha continued, donning a smug air. What new horror was I to face this time? “You can thank me when the time comes.”

Probably not.

“The moon is already in the sky. Is she almost ready?” the empress directed to my silent painters.

Risa nodded with a look of adoration and bowed low. “Yes, Your Majesty; we are just putting the final touches on.”

The empress gave her a curt nod. “Very well. When you are finished, you may be dismissed to join your families at the temple.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” Risa rose and began collecting the bowls and brushes. The woman still crouched on my other side, finished the last few strokes of her brush along the outside of my leg, then stood as well. “All finished, Your Majesty.”

The horde of women gathered together, their white robes flowing around them like angel wings. One by one, they took their turns and stood before me, bowing and whispering the same incantation. “Thank you for your sacrifice.”

Rising on shaky feet, my muscles protesting after sitting for so long, I returned their bows with small nods until the last woman left the room, shutting the door behind them.

“Now, wasn’t that nice?” the empress sneered, coming to stand before me, her fingers trailing down the side of my face. “Everyone loves and adores you for your sacrifice.” Her blue eyes sparkled. Her pale face was an older reflection of my own, save it wasn’t covered in black ink. I looked past the empress to my mother Mariah. Her body would be free to rest along with her soul tonight.Thankyoufor your sacrifice.

“Are you ready, daughter?” the empress asked, snapping me from my train of thought.

Blinking back the burn in my eyes, I didn’t respond. I’d died plenty in the past three days. What was once more?Except this time it’ll be real, a quiet voice whispered in my mind.

Lilitha’s lips curled into a sneer. “You’ll behave tonight, or your sister pays the price with her life’s blood.”

My eyes widened. “She’s still alive?”

“For now. But put one toe out of line, and I’ll end her right then and there. Understood?”

Obediently, I hung my head. Even if I wanted to do something, I was too weak to think straight, let alone summon the power within me I could no longer feel.

“That’s better.”

A sharp sting penetrated my neck, and I spun to find a priestess standing behind me, a needle in her hand. All strength left my limbs, the world spinning around me, and I collapsed to the floor.

Two black armored golems entered. Above me, the empress indicated for them to approach. “Bring her. The time of the Ascension is upon us.”