Page 73 of Fated Crossing

“There, now you can always keep it on you. I do so enjoy a woman with a knife.” He smirks before leaning away, and I slam the blade into the sheath harder than necessary. “That’s enough time off. Back to the words.”

“Fine, butpleasestop telling me about emphasis, or I may hit you over the head with thedamnbook.”

He stares at me with genuine shock. I don’t suppose people often threaten physical harm to him. The corner of his mouth twitches before he heads back to where we sat earlier.

I promise myself after this, I will visit Isiah. Now that Niethal has shown me the ritual, I can tell him everything about my plans and how they’ll work out.

At least, I hope so.




ake up, Isiah.”

Though her back is to me, I’d know her anywhere, in any place or time.


Her shoulders tense as she turns, peering behind her into the courtyard. The sight of her glowing in the early-morning sun tears and mends my heart in the same beat. If ever I come to the end of my days, let it be her who ushers me to the beyond. Let her face be the last I see, for she is a light in my darkest night, and I refuse to leave this world without her forever etched in my mind.


I jolt awake.

My head snaps toward the cell bars to find Reagan again, though he’s not alone this time.

“I’ll be back shortly, Grace. It won’t go unnoticed that you are here, so be brief.”

The cell no longer feels empty with her here, smiling at me.

Reagan leaves the two of us in the darkened space, and I rush to her. Our arms push through the bars at the same time and cling to each other.

“I’ve missed you.” Her arms tighten around my back and grip my tunic.

Relief floods me, having her skin on mine. I breathe deeply, inhaling the familiar lemon and lavender scent I’ve come to know as hers, and the fragrance transports me out of this cell and into my bedroom. It’s a warm summer breeze through my window as I stare at the valley below. It is home. “I’ve missed you too.” Leaning only far enough to look at her, I cup her cheeks, memorizing every crease and freckle, before kissing her. When our lips meet, energy snaps between them. It’s like coming up for air after being underwater.

I have missed her far more than she knows.

Mikal and I have talked about my parents and the past, good times and bad, and it has helped. The death of my parents isn’t a pain that will ever go away. It’s one I will have to learn to carry with me. But being without Grace during this time only added to the grief. While speaking through the bond is wonderful, nothing compares to having her against my skin, the familiar hum that resonates in my bones.

Our lips part, and she casts a glance down the hallway, voice lowering. “I know I said it before, but I’m sorry about your parents. I wish there was something I could do, something I could say to make it better.”

“You do more than you know. Having you here, touching you.” I caress her cheek, and she leans into my palm. “Even this helps.”

“I asked Reagan to let me in with you, but he said it was too risky.”

“I am grateful he brought you. Has he been helping you as well?”

She looks thoughtful. “In a way, yes. He took me to meet someone named Atarric in the library yesterday.”

If it’s the same Atarric I’m thinking of, I can’t imagine why Niethal would bring his librarian to Daminae.

“Ancient fae with pale blue, nearly white eyes?” I ask, though her face answers enough.

“I take it you two have met?”