Page 74 of Fated Crossing

“He may have told me an unhappy ending to my fated story and possibly our world.”

“Same with me, except he told me my story ends sooner than I’d like, so I win for unhappy endings.” My eyes widen, and she hurriedly continues. “But he said I’d be fine if I repeat some ancient word during the ritual. So… don’t worry!”

She tries to make light of it, but I don’t smile. “You can’t go through with it.”

Even though we have been over this, I can’t accept it as our only option.

Her hand caresses my cheek before she kisses me briefly. “I will not die, Isiah. Atarric said as much, and I know it too.”

She pulls a blood-red dagger from the sheath on her hip and holds it up. “You were right about the ritual, what it involves. This is the knife I’m supposed to do it with.” I move to touch it, but she sheathes it before I get the chance. “There are things I need to tell you about Gabriel’s and Alessandra’s bargain with Niethal.”

I keep quiet, waiting for her to continue, but my mind reels with what it could be.

“The bargain they made with Niethal would have given him rule over Anaeris and the bloodstone. And in return, the fae rebellion would end the war and separate from the humans, so the magical balance of our world would be maintained. But for Niethal to have a claim over the city and use of the bloodstone, he needed to marry one of the blood, tie himself in, andbecomeone of the blood.”

It wasn’t a great bargain, but I can tell that’s not the worst part of it. “But when they died performing the ritual, their deaths nullified the bargain. Or, at least, it did until I was born.”

She stops there. My chest tightens at her unwillingness to continue. If Niethal needed to marry an heir to become one of the blood to use the bloodstone, and no other living magical heirs exist…


It’s the only thought I have. The only word I can think to say. “Niethal can have anything he wants, the relics, the human realm. He can even havefuckingDaminae. But what he can’t have is you.”

A single tear falls from her eye, and I wipe it away.

“He means to marry me once we open Anaeris. But I don’t plan to, Isiah. After I perform the ritual, the bargain I made with him ends. I won’t honor the deal my ancestors made. We can still take the bloodstone and other powerful relics and run, just as planned.” She pleads with me to make it true, and I won’t crush her hope because it’s the thread holding me together as well.

“We will find a way.” I meant it to sound steadier, but the words come out doubtful.

She takes my face in her hands and leans our foreheads together. “We will figure this out. We will, I promise.”

Her eyes search mine, and I muster the bit of hope I have left. “This won’t be the end, not when I just found you.” Our lips meet, and though the bars make it difficult, I deepen the kiss to get a taste of her.

I am starved for her.


Grace startles and nearly hits her face on the bars. “Damnit, Reagan! Now I know you do that on purpose.”

He chuckles and steps forward, closer to the cell. “Did you two discuss anything useful or just relearn the inside of one another’s mouth?”

“I told him about the ritual.” She doesn’t specify more, and for that, I am grateful. Though he seems to be on our side, I don’t trust him wholly.

Reagan nods at her. “Good. If all goes accordingly, Isiah will be there when you are to perform the ritual.” He frowns at me. “I will, unfortunately, need to cuff you in irons for appearances, but I’ll make sure they’re loose. Getting Grace out of there would be best before the ritual begins. Now that you are king, you can access the crossings to the human realm. Go wherever you like, but don’t tell me anything specific.”

It’s shocking how much of his plan he’s revealing.

“I understand you don’t want the fae and humans reunited but helping us escape will be considered treason. If Niethal finds out, you will wish you were dead,” I say to gauge his reaction, but he stands firm, not missing a beat.

“I have considered that. It’s in the best interest of Selen to remain separate from the humans. Their blood taints and dilutes our magic.” His cheeks redden when he looks at Grace, as if he forgot she is still partially human.

Whatever she feels, she keeps hidden—even from me.

“I’ll do everything I can to keep Grace safe,” I reply, “but I will need my guards freed before we leave.”

Reagan’s brow furrows. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to do that without being noticed.”

“I’ll think of something to cover up their departure. Just unlock my friends’ gates the morning we are set to leave.”