Page 14 of Fated Crossing

My toe dips in the water, and it’s near scalding, too hot for most, but I slide the rest of the way in with a sigh. Ilovethe heat. There are few things I enjoy more than warmth on my skin, whether from the sun’s rays or heat of a fire. I have never tried because I’m not acompletefool, but sometimes, I wonder what would happen if I put my hand in the flames of a fire. Would the heat welcome me as I it?

Resting my head back on the tub’s rim, I shut my eyes and allow the warmth to soothe me.

Steam rises from the tub, and the warmth relieves the dull ache in my feet. I dump another bucket of water overhead, washing away the grime from traveling. The soap works into a thick lather between my palms before I scrub my chest and abs, then reach lower to rub—I jolt awake, flushed from the bath and daydream.

That dream feltsoreal, as if I had washed myself, except the hardness of the body was wrong.

The water in the tub has cooled, so I climb out and wrap in a towel. My reflection in the mirror only confirms what I already knew. While I consider myself fit, I don’t have a muscled chest or chiseled abs.My cheeks heat more, thinking of what was almost lathered last.

Someone knocks at the bedroom door, and I pull the towel tighter around myself.

“My lady, we are here to help you get ready. May we enter?” Delphina’s familiar voice sounds on the other side, and I exhale.

“Yes, come in. I just finished in the bath.”

Delphina’s work is magical once again. She adds black kohl to my eyes, a light rouge to my cheeks, and a bold red lip. My hair is loose with long curls reaching just below my chest. “I’m convinced you use magic to make me look this good.”

“Well, I’m glad you like it,” she replies with a grin. “You are radiant.”

“You do look beautiful, my lady,” Serafin adds as she buttons the back of the dress.

I half turn from the mirror to glance at them. “Will you both be at the ball tonight?” Having familiar faces in the crowd would make this entire thing less overwhelming.

Delphina shakes her head. “Only the kings and their courts will be in attendance. King Grager has kept it small.”

Serafin finishes buttoning the dress and steps around me. “The king requested you wait for him at the throne room’s side entrance so you may go in together. That door is closest to the dais where he plans to introduce you.” My mouth dries, knowing I will soon stand before the fae kings and their courts. “Delphina will take you there now if you’re ready.”

I glance in the mirror once more at my reflection and barely recognize myself. But if I linger much longer, I’ll lose my courage. “I’m ready.”

As we make our way through the halls, Delphina is unusually quiet.

“Is something wrong?”

“No. Nothing is wrong.” Her mouth opens as if to say more but then closes. Whatever she is holding back, I can’t worry about it now. I’m barely holding it together myself.

We walk in silence the rest of the way before finally arriving at the doors, where she curtseys and leaves.

My legs itch with nerves, and I shift from foot to foot. Where is Niethal? Could I be in the wrong place? Just as I am about to search for him, footsteps echo from down the hall. When he rounds the corner, my mouth falls open.

Resplendent in his amethyst surcoat with gold embroidery and black trousers, he stands tall, shoulders pushed back, with a dazzling smile on his face. He wears a cape for the occasion, which I would typically think silly, but on him, it looks regal. A golden crown sits on his head, set with purple stones and diamonds along the length of the band.

Goosebumps slide along the back of my neck as he looks me up and down, his gaze scorching my skin. His eyes roam my frame as if admiring each strand of fabric in my dress. “You are utterly spellbinding, my dear.” He takes my hand, brushing a featherlight kiss across my knuckles, and breathes in deeply. “Are you ready for the rest of your life to begin?” He lifts an arm in invitation, and I rest my palm on the bend of his elbow.

Thinking his word choice odd, I nod, and as if given a silent cue, the double doors swing open, and we stride into the ballroom together.




his tunic is too tight. There’s no place for my knives under here.” Mikal groans as he tugs on the hem of his clothing.

“Yes, we feel the same, Mikal,” Corren says. “Politics and civility are a bore. I say once we finish pretending, we get good and drunk in Grager. We passed a few taverns on our way in. The one where the drunks fell out the door would be a great place to start.”

“Sorry to be the bearer of bad news,” Thom says as he rises from his chair and marches toward Mikal, knocking his hands away from fidgeting with his clothing. “But we won’t be leaving the castle tonight, will we?”

Thom turns to me, and I shake my head. “No, unfortunately not. You know why my father sent us here, and it wasn’t to get drunk.”