Page 15 of Fated Crossing

We’ve gathered in my room, awaiting the servant who will escort us to the ball. But the downtime has set everyone on edge; even a glass of brandy doesn’t settle the nerves. Just when it seems like Mikal might rip his tunic off, there’s a soft knock at the door. When I open it, I find an older male servant with kind eyes smiling at me. “If you would be so kind as to follow me, the ball is beginning.” He gestures down the hall, and the five of us follow him.

The servant leaves us at the entrance to the ballroom and we walk inside, and I hate to admit it, but the room is impressive. Large chandeliers hang from the domed ceilings, sending sparkling light dancing across the floor. The walls are a rich cream color and accented with gold trim. Purple-and-gold-clothed tables form a loose circle around the small dance floor where the visiting courts have amassed and the dais, where Niethal’s golden throne sits.

Three of the five kings, Ronan Tullid of Liethe, Fintan Holford of Culhan, and Lancet Briar of Tyrone, are already in the room. The fourth king, Niethal, is likely waiting to make a grand entrance. That means every king except my father is here.


My father does nothing without intent. It makes me question whether he told me everything he knew about this evening.

The five of us move to the edge of the gathering, and a server comes by, handing us each a drink. Liam sniffs it once before tipping it back, taking the contents in one gulp. The server’s eyes widen before taking the empty glass and handing Liam another. He takes a sip this time, and I raise an eyebrow.

Liam gives a one shoulder shrug. “Hey, it’s going to be a long night. Might as well have a few while I can.”

As he takes another sip, movement from across the room catches my eye.

The double doors next to the dais swing open, and in walks Niethal with a female on his arm. My eyes fix on her as recognition flares inside me; she’s the woman from the courtyard. If it’s even possible, she’s more beautiful up close. Her gaze sweeps across the space, taking in the crowd. Those eyes… stars above, it’s as if someone drew her from my dreams. But then I notice how her hand holds his arm and how she grins at him with fondness in her gaze. My smile fades, watching hers grow.

I release a heavy sigh, and Thom takes notice, furrowing his brow, but I shake my head—I’ll explain what happened later.

Niethal and the woman make their way to the dais but stop short of walking up to the throne. He smiles and claps his hands, looking out over the gathering. “My fellow kings, welcome to Selen. I hope your travels were easy. It has been far too long since we’ve gathered, and I thought it would be nice to keep it an intimate affair. While I’m glad to see so many familiar faces,somearemissing.” He glances at me, his charming smile slipping briefly before returning to beam at the crowd. I manage to keep my face neutral even as my hands fist at my sides, imagining how satisfying throttling the prick would be. After a moment, he continues, “I have gathered everyone here today for a celebration. I’ve recently come across awonderfulgift, and I wanted you to witness it, for it impacts us all.”

What could affect the five kingdoms?

“My dear, please come forward. It’s my pleasure to introduce you tomylovely Grace.” She steps forward shyly, hands clasped together. “Grace has come to us from the human realm. She managed a crossingalone.”

The crowd stills.

That’s not possible.

Only the kings, with their tie to the magic in their lands, have access to call crossings to the human realm. There are rare instances when a human with distant fae heritage makes it past the borders, but they get trapped in the veil, the space between our border and lands. They bring those humans inside the cities, never to leave again. But what he’s insinuating, that she made a full crossing on her own without becoming trapped in the veil, isn’t possible.

The fact a human stands next to Niethal is another surprise, seeing as he led the fae rebellion during the war. Back then, Niethal, Lancet Briar, and Fintan Holford were only vassals under the crown’s rule. The three believed when humans consorted with the fae, it diluted our magic. They wanted humans and fae separated, but not behind borders as we are now. They wanted humans subjugated under our rule.

Niethal clears his throat, breaking the silence. “Yes, Grace crossed into my lands, and my guards discovered her. Though, if you ask her, she doesn’t believe she used a crossing. Isn’t that right?” Her cheeks redden under his chiding tone before she looks to her feet, and it grates something inside me to witness.“What she does not know, and I’ve discovered, is how she came to be in my lands. It may come as a shock to everyone, including her.” Her head snaps up when he says this, mouth falling open.“You see, Grace is from the small town of Trimton, only miles from where the once-capital of Esmarae stood, the famed city of Anaeris.”

Kings Briar and Holford glance at each other, a small smile passing between the pair, and an empty pit opens in my stomach.

“Anaeris was the largest mixed city to exist. Bloodlines often blended between humans and fae, and hybrid children were born with magic and exceptionally long lives. As you may recall, there was one such powerful line of fae and hybrid pairing: Gabriel and Alessandra Anaeris.”He stops speaking again, glancing around the room, ensuring everyone pays close attention. “Through my research of Grace’s ancestry and from admiring her beautiful eyes”—his hand strokes her arm, but she remains motionless, eyes focused on his mouth, on every word that passes his lips—“which are identical to Alessandra’s, it was easy to figure out Grace is a direct descendant of the Anaeris line. Thelastdescendant, to be exact.”

Niethal looks at her, his voice softening to barely a whisper. “I’m sorry I did not tell you first. This is one reason you are so special. The other reason I have found because of my magic.” He cups her cheeks with an expression of fondness, and she shudders under his touch.

What magic does Niethal hold? It is more mental, if I remember correctly. He can glean truths and lies, even push his will if the person is unaware or lacks the defenses to stop him. He can also fade, disappearing from one place only to reappear in another.

It comes to me then. If Niethal can glean truths, is it possible he gleaned something about Grace?

Niethal leans in and murmurs to her so quietly, even my keen ears can’t hear. Her eyes dart around the room as if searching for something. And when her gaze lands on me, her eyes widen as if silently pleading for my help.


A tingling sensation runs up my arms, pebbling my skin, and I inhale sharply. It’s the same feeling as this morning; every nerve ending in my body thrums with it.

She lets out a pained whimper, but her eyes remain anchored to mine. A small ripple of gold flows outward through her irises, circling and mixing with the blue and green seconds before she bursts into flames.