Page 5 of Feared By Monsters

I brought my foot down on my attacker’s instep, throwing my elbow into his gut and gasping at the pain that erupted down my arm. Jesus, what was he made of? Solid iron?

"Shh, I've got you now, I've got you now," a rushed voice said against my ear, hot breath ruffling my hair and sending a freezing shiver down my back.

I tried to elbow him again, but the striped arm tightened around my waist and suddenly I was moving, pressing into a yellow breezeblock wall chest-first.

"Ow!" I cried out, my boob pulsing with immediate pain. Poor thing was gonna have a bruise later. If I actuallyhada later and these monsters didn't justeatme.

You can do this, Hala. Think. You can fight your way out.

I tried stomping on my attacker's instep again, but he just pressed me harder into the wall until my cheek smushed into the brick and then—

A long, wet tongue licked up my throat. And I meanlong. I couldn't see a thing, pressed against the wall as I was, but it felt like Venom's tongue.


Oh, hell.

I was in really bad trouble now, wasn’t I?

Shadowkind didn’t usually lick their victims before they killed them. Did these monsters have something worse planned for me?

I shuddered.

"Mmm," the monster cooed against my neck, swiping his giant tongue down my throat to my collarbone and ducking under my vest to taste the curve of my poor, aching boob. "That's better. I like your taste, sweet human."

I tensed my hand into a fist and readied myself to drive it back into his dick—presuming monsters had dicks—but a rush of disorienting bliss made me waver.

My fist dropped back to my side, fingers uncurling, and I stared at the wall with wide, dazed eyes. Oh, wow. This felt like the best sugar rush. Like I'd eaten a whole bag of sweets and chased it down with a two litre bottle of Coca Cola.6

"Woahhh," I said, a breathy giggle escaping when the long tongue slid up my neck and flicked my cheek. It tickled.

"Has she got it?" a rougher voice asked, and I laughed as I was pulled away from the wall, the world swirly and colourful around me. I reached up a tingling finger to pop a rainbow-coloured bubble floating in front of me, and laughed in delight when it burst and rained down SanRio characters.

"Come here, sweet human," the crooning voice coaxed, and I blinked up at—wow. Where didthisguy come from?

"You're so cute," I cooed, staring at the nine-foot-tall man holding me. Althoughmanwas maybe the wrong word. His brown skin was striped like a tabby's all over, the pupils of his yellow eyes were slitted like a cat's, and he had fuzzy ears! Too cute to handle cat ears that twitched when I touched one of them.

"Oh," I breathed, my fingers brushing something harder and hot—horns! Huge, smooth brown horns curved up from his forehead like he was a giant, adorable devil cat. "What kind of kitty are you? Are you a stray?"

The blue, tentacled guy barked a loud laugh. "Oh, he's a stray, alright. Sang, I want to see the necklace."

"Mm," the kitty murmured and bent his tall body over me to kiss my neck. I couldn't see the huge tongue I felt before, but I knew it was hiding behind his teeth. I really,reallywanted to feel it inside me. And I didn't mean in my mouth. "Here, look," he huffed, a clawed finger curling around the gold chain I never took off.

"Hey, that's mine," I protested weakly, but a rush of bone-melting pleasure made me forget why I couldn't let him touch it, and I reached for a bright rainbow bubble floating above the kitty's sharp horns, laughing when it burst.

"Give it to me," the rougher voice demanded, but a sudden growl shook my throat. Ohhhh, the cute kitty wasn't happy.

"Look, but don't touch," he warned, rising to his full height and tucking me into his body.

"Soooo warm," I murmured, snuggling deep. It felt amazingly good to be held like this, to feel the heat of another body against mine. My touch-starved soul burst into song. Pleasure and tingles fizzed up and down my body. I knew for a fact I'd never felt this incredible before. I had to stay with the kitty and the blue man.Forever.

"I'm playing with her first," the cute kitty hissed, glaring at the blue guy. I laughed in surprise when a long, brown tail tufted with black fur swished against my leg. He had a tail? So cute! I squealed. "You can see the necklace; now leave me alone with my human."

The tentacled man stared at my locket with an intensity that made me squirm but I gasped when my thighs pressed together and hot pleasure brushed my clit. I writhed again, seeking more of that amazing feeling, my face split in a smile as I watched rainbow bubbles float around us.

Was this Disneyland? It must have been, right? I'd never been before, but I'd heard of it when I was trapped—wait, where was I trapped? I couldn't remember. Ilovednot remembering.

I dragged my stare from the magic floating around me and glanced between the sea monster and the cute kitty holding me possessively close. Ursula and the Cheshire Cat—that's who they were.