Page 6 of Feared By Monsters

"You were so mean to Ariel," I said sternly, pointing a finger at the blue guy. "All she wanted was to find true love, you mean old fish."

The kitty holding me vibrated with deep laughter; I melted into the sensation. Was he purring? It felt like a purr.

"Fuck this," the surly blue man spat. "Let's go. If you won't give me the damn necklace and you're so set on keeping the human, she can come back with us."

"To the void?" the cute kitty gasped, clutching me tighter.

"Mmm," I murmured, my eyes fluttering. "Feels good."

The furry end of his tail brushed my cheek tenderly, and I sighed in contentment.

"Mav, the void could kill a human as sweet as my girl," the kitty complained, ignoring my curious fingers as I mapped out his strange face. It was skin, but with stripe markings, and his face was far more rugged than any man I'd seen before, all harsh ridges and sharp bones. I wondered what he looked like without his Cheshire Cat costume.7

"Good thing this one's not entirely human then," the blue guy called Mav muttered, and threw open the doors to the building.

I cried out in excitement when bright pink birds raced into the lobby, their wings covered in glitter that reminded me of craft days when I was a kid—good days, when I got to spend time by myself, when no one would hurt me.

Wait, why would anyone hurt me? I laughed at myself, shaking my head as the big kitty bent and knocked my legs out from under me, lifting me into his arms.

"Wow," I whispered at how easily he'd picked me up, the glittery birds circling us as he carried me outside. I felt so high up, and my skin prickled at the height, at how easily I could break my bones if I fell. But my Cheshire Cat wouldn't drop me.

"Wait until you see what else I can do," he teased, a breathy note in his voice, too. "I'm going to sit you on my horns and keep you there for hours while I dive into your sweet pussy with my tongue. I want to feel you shaking against my mouth, gasping for breath. You’re going to cover my face in your cum."

My eyes blew wide, and my breathing came fast, my pussy throbbing wildly. "Yes," I gasped, barely even noticing the birds now.

Dazed and thrumming with need, I had eyes only for my strange kitty monster as his wide lips split in a sharp grin and he carried me around the back of the community centre.

"Shit, look at her," Mav—or Ursula as he should have been called—snorted when we met him in front of a big green industrial bin. I wrinkled my nose at the smell, but it wasn't sun-baked trash or rotting food—it smelled like decaying flowers, all sweet and sickly. "Sure you didn't OD her on your venom, Sang?"

Sang—kitty man—tilted my head with a claw on my chin, peering into my eyes. "She'll be fine. Won't you, sweet human?"

I nodded, another sugar rush making my eyes glossy and smile wide.

"You better leave enough for me," Mav muttered, shaking his head and throwing open the lid of the bin. The sweet floral smell intensified until I turned my face into Sang's striped neck to escape it. "You're not the only one who wants to play."

My lips parted as their words hit, as the buzzing pleasure in my whole body rose to a fever pitch. "Can I play? I like playing."

Mav came closer, his beautiful, blue face smirking as he leant over me. "By the time the three of us are through with you, you'll have played so much, and in so many positions, you'll be a wreck of a girl."

I stared at him, my dazed head struggling to catch up. I gasped when his threat—or promise—registered, and his smirk deepened before he shot Sang a look.

Wait … did he say three? Thethreeof us?

Woahhh, there werethreeDisney characters for me to play with? I hoped the third was Scar—I'd had a crush on him ever since I saw the film in the rec room at—actually I couldn't remember where. Those memories were hidden behind a film of gauze and glitter.

"Into the bin. Now."

"Don't think you're in charge just because God of the Void isn't here," my kitty man huffed, clutching me tighter and bringing us closer to the bin. I expected it to be full of flowers, but instead darkness writhed like a swirling tornado, and I caught my breath. Oh my god, there were sparkles in the shadows.

"Hold tight, sweet human," Sang murmured. "And close your eyes."

I giggled when his claws gently tugged my eyelids down and snuggled into his chest with a sigh. I was so glad I had friends like this. Life would be so dark and empty without them.

I couldn't resist peeking when Sang moved, watching him pull us onto the lip of the bin. I caught my breath in the split second before the fall, and then we tumbled into darkness more black and complete than anything I'd ever seen.


"What the duck?" I groaned, my tongue dry and mouth like sandpaper as I licked my lips, dragging open heavy, sleep-crusted eyes.