Page 108 of Mr. Not Quite Perfect

“I know.”

“I think you’re falling in love with him, too.”

“What?” I said, gaping at her. “No way.”

“Definitely, girl. Trust me on that.”

Chapter 31

“Oh my gosh.I feel like I’m on an episode ofLifestyles of the Rich and Famous,” I said to Poppy as we stood in the corner of the great ballroom sipping on a bright-blue cocktail filled with blackberries and maraschino cherries.

“I know. I think I already saw Angelina and Edward. And did you see Martin?”

“I think I saw Will Smith, girl.”

“Whoa. This is like the party of the year.” She nodded with wide eyes.

“We totally don’t belong here.”

“No, we totally don’t,” I said, giggling. “I’m so out of my element right now.”

“And to think we thought we had expensive dresses.” She laughed. “Did you see that one lady with what looked like real diamonds all over the dress?”

“I know, and I was walking past someone who said a tennis bracelet she was wearing was worth two million.”

“I could not even imagine wearing jewelry that cost two million,” Poppy said. “Shit, when I bought my Hermes handbag a couple of years ago, I thought that was expensive.”

“I know,” I said, laughing. “Wow.”

“Don’t look now,” Poppy said in a low whisper. “But Travis and that guy Brandon are heading toward us.”

“Oh no,” I said. “I don’t really want to speak to Travis and definitely not to Brandon.”

“I know. What’s up with him? Is he like a mute or something? I haven’t heard him say a word.”

“He’s not a mute. He’s just a jackass. I asked Travis about him, and supposedly he’s got a lot on his mind or something and isn’t really into parties. And all I can think is why didn’t you just stay home then?”

“Right,” she said. “He’s really good looking.”

“He’s all right if you like tall, handsome men with dark hair and brooding features.”

“I really like that,” she said, nodding.

“Girl, please don’t. He seems like he would be even worse than Dominic.”

“How is he worse than Dominic? You practically equated Dominic to Satan.”

“Yeah. Well, at least we know Dominic’s flaws. He’s very vocal about them. He’s loud. He’s a gossip and seems like he’s drama. But this guy, this guy seems like he’s bringing all sorts of internal angst to every dimension of his life, and that is even worse than outward drama. Trust me.”

“Girl, you’re acting like some sort of diva.” She laughed.

“What do you mean?”

But before she could answer, Travis and Brandon were standing next to us. “How’s it going, Ms. Malone, Poppy?” Travis said with a searching look on his face.

“Great. Thank you, sir,” I said, smiling at him warmly. “We’re enjoying the cocktails and the finger foods.”

“Yeah, the hors d’oeuvres are amazing,” Poppy said. “I already had this really yummy date with blue cheese and…”She pressed down on her lower lips as Brandon gave her a disinterested glance. “Well, it’s just fun.”