Page 103 of Mr. Not Quite Perfect

“Yes, Mom,” she said, laughing.

“And if you make out—”

“Which we hopefully will,” she said, grinning.

“If,” I said, “and I hope that you don’t, do not let him slip his mousey little hands—”

“Oh girl. Did you see his hands? They were anything but mousey. They were masculine and firm and—”

“Poppy…” I stared at her, and she started giggling.

“Fine. I’m getting carried away. Any groping he does will be above the clothes. Nothing underneath. And any groping I do will be—”

“There will be no groping on your behalf,” I said.

“Molly, since when did you become such a prude? Oh yeah, you’re not a prude in your own life, just in mine.”

“I’m not trying to be a prude in your life. I’m just trying to—”

“I know. Can we go and get that coffee now? I really need it.”

“Me too,” I said. “And thanks for understanding where I’m coming from. I know it’s probably not what you wanted to hear.”

“I know you’ve always had my back, Molly,” she said seriously. “I know anything you say is said out of love, and you know anything I say is said out of love. So shall we go?”

“Let’s do it.” We walked back over to the men, who were looking at us with curious expressions on their faces.

“Everything okay?” Dominic said, looking from me to Poppy.

“It’s fine,” she said. “Let’s go grab that coffee.”

Chapter 30

“We are goingto be the belles of the ball.” Poppy looked over at me and grinned as we stared at each other.

“You don’t think we look too sexy?” I said, staring down at my heaving bosoms through my cocktail dress. “Um, you look absolutely fantastic.” She let out a low whistle. “Every guy is going to be like, ‘Who is that hot blonde?’”

“No, they’re not,” I said, shaking my head. “They’re going to be like, ‘Who’s that sexy brunette?’”

“Well, you know,” she said, spinning around. “This dress was worth every single one of the two thousand dollars that I spent.”

“Your dad is going to kill you.” I laughed. “But that dress was worth it.”

“You think so?” she asked, looking up at me through shimmery silver eyes.

I had done her eye makeup for her, and I thought it looked pretty damn good, even if I did say so myself.

“Girl, you look better than half the actresses I’ve seen on TV. I wouldn’t be surprised if a bunch of directors and producers came up to you and asked you who your agent was ’cause they wanted to sign you on for their next movie.”

“Yeah, right,” she said, giggling. “I can’t act for shit.”

“Neither can half the A-list actresses in Hollywood,” I said. “Remember that Lifetime movie we watched a couple of weeks ago? Remember how the acting was so bad?”

“I think that was a Hallmark movie,” she said. “The one we were watching while we were on the phone together?”

“Yeah.” I nodded. “Remember how the actor was so stiff, and the actress just kept giggling like she was an idiot?”

“Yeah,” Poppy said, smiling, “but I don’t want to be the idiot actress who can’t act.”