Page 104 of Mr. Not Quite Perfect

“Don’t worry, girl. No one will be paying attention to your acting. They’ll just be staring at your gorgeous face.”

She shook her head. “Well, I guess we should go to the lobby. Didn’t you say that Travis said we should be ready at eight?”

I nodded. “Yep. Travis and Dominic.” I stared into her eyes.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” she said, grabbing her handbag.

“Because I just want to remind you that Dominic…”

“I know, I know. Trust me. I’m not interested in him in any way after he was acting like a fool at the coffee shop.”

“I told you. I mean, he’s cute and all, but I did not expect him to be going on about how he banged a girl at that same coffee shop.”

I rolled my eyes. “I don’t even believe the story, actually. But if he thinks that’s going to impress you…”

“It’s totally not,” she said. “And to think I was going to make out with him.”

“Girl, the night is not over yet. If I know you, you might still make out with him.”

“True,” she said. “But if another potential exists tonight, Dominic doesn’t stand a chance.”

“Well, good, good, good.”

“And don’t forget, Molly.”

“Forget what?” I said.

“Well, you know.”

“No, I don’t know.”

“Trust me. If you’re thinking that I’m going to make out with Dominic, that would not happen in a billion years. Not even if you offered me a billion dollars.”

“You wouldn’t make out with Dominic for a billion dollars? Really?”

“Well, I mean maybe for a billion dollars. He’s not ugly, but his personality sucks.”

“Who cares about their personality when you’re kissing them?” Poppy said with a smile.

“True,” I said, grabbing my handbag. “So shall we do this?”

“Yeah. But what I was going to say,” Poppy said as we left the hotel room, “is that remember, you don’t want anyone to know that you and Travis are hooking up. So you have to be purely professional. In fact, you should probably flirt with other guys so no one gets suspicious.”

“Um, I don’t know about that. I don’t think Travis would really like me flirting with other guys.”

“Why not?” she asked, looking confused. “I thought you guys weren’t in a relationship.”

“We’re not in a relationship,” I said quickly, “but we did say that we’re not going to hook up with anyone else.”

“Flirting is not hooking up.”

“I know, but…” I press my lips together. “It just seems kind of, you know, weird.”

“I guess. But didn’t you say he’s super excited that you got your period?”

I laugh. “I wouldn’t say he was super excited, but he did seem relieved.”

“Weren’t you relieved, too?”