Page 102 of Mr. Not Quite Perfect

“I mean, I think it’s a very complicated subject,” Dominic said. “But I’m really, really interested in history. In fact, I have relations to some very historical members of the—”

“Oh my gosh, is that the time?” I said, cutting him off. I knew if Poppy found out that he was related to the king of Spain, no matter how many times removed, she would want to have at least one night with him. And I did not want that to happen.

He was too good looking, too smarmy, and just too full of himself. I mean, Travis was cocky, but he had reason to be. He was intellectual, he was fun, and he didn’t gossip about random people who he may or may not have known.

I didn’t like Dominic. He may have been Travis’s friend, but he was definitely not good enough for Poppy. And there was no way in hell I was going to let any flirting happen between them.

“Um, you’re being rude, Molly,” Poppy said. “Dominic was just talking, and—”

“Poppy…Code Red,” I said, glaring at her.

She froze slightly and pressed her lips together. “Really?” she hissed at me.

“Really,” I said.

“Um, what’s a Code Red?” Travis raised an eyebrow and looked at the two of us.

“Code Red is something we created as kids,” Poppy said, glaring at me. “Basically, it means that no matter what we’re doing or wherever we are, if we need a hundred percent of the other person’s attention, we call Code Red.”

“Oh cool,” Travis said. “And you need Poppy’s attention because…?” He stared at me, and I shook my head.

“Nothing. Poppy, come with me right now,” I said, grabbing her arm and pulling her to the side of the hotel lobby. “Poppy, what are you doing?”

“What do you mean, what am I doing? I was just being polite, and—”

“I told you that is not the guy for you.”

“He’s gorgeous! What’s wrong with him?”

“Trust me, girl.”

“Um, I do trust you. I also know that my loins are tingling in ways they have not tingled in years, and I mean years. And—”

“Poppy, please.” I sighed.

“Wow.” She looked concerned. “You really don’t like this guy.”

“I just think he’s a gossip and a drama king, and I just don’t think he’s the one for you. I just see him bringing trouble to your life.”

“Okay.” She nodded seriously. “I mean, I trust you. But can you trust me?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, can I speak to the man? Can I flirt a little? It doesn’t mean I’m going to jump into his bed and have sex or whatever.” She sounded flustered.

I let out a deep sigh. “I mean, I know he’s cute, and I know you haven’t dated in a while, and I know that—”

“It’s okay, Molly. I get it. You don’t think he’s a good guy, and I appreciate and respect your opinion. I won’t let anything happen that you wouldn’t like. Okay?”

“Well, I don’t like that you’re talking to him.”

“Come on, Molly. Be serious. I’m not going to be rude. I’ll talk to the guy and maybe flirt with him. Shit, maybe I’ll even make out. But I promise I won’t let his hands go under any clothes. I won’t have my hands go under any clothes. And we certainly will not do the deed. Okay? If you feel that strongly about him, even though you just met him this morning, I will ensure that nothing crazy happens.”

I stared at her for a couple of seconds and nodded. “Just call it female intuition, but he’s not a good guy. I mean, he might not be Ted Bundy or anything, but he’s not the one who will show you a good and fun time without any heartbreak. Trust me on that.”

“I do,” she said. “And I’m glad you’re my best friend, and you’re looking out for me.” She smiled at me. “But we’re going to a party tomorrow, and he’s going to be there. Maybe I’d like to get my flirt on. You know?”

“I know, but flirt is all you’re going to get on. You hear me?”