Page 1 of Daddy's Angel



Iclear my throat as I knock on Juliana’s door. The new bodyguard, Sharon, opens the door. She shakes her head and puts a finger to her lips while looking me over hungrily. She hasn’t been shy in the last few weeks. Ignoring Juliana and her depression for making eyes at me whenever our schedules overlap.

I’m hardly surprised she’s been trying to flirt, but just because I’ve been keeping my eyes off Juliana doesn’t mean I want someone else. She’s upset and needs time. Even if it means I end up taking a shower every time I’m here because just being around her makes me hard and if I don’t get some kind of relief, I might actually go insane.

Just thinking of Juliana kissing me, touching me, what we’ve done in bed and in the kitchen. Fuck, if we didn’t haveveryimportant plans today, I might see if I could convince her to do a video chat while I’m in the shower.

“Mr. Giovani is having a talk with his daughter right now,” Sharon says.

I go to the kitchen to eavesdrop. Juliana and I used to play games to see who could get the most information without getting caught. I’m glad it’s become a useful skill.

“Honey, is this really about Konstantin?”

“I liked him and you punished us both for me having emotions. Mom wouldn’t have done that,” Juliana whispers.

It’s a low blow and we both know it. But I’m sure she means it. Her mom was her support for so long.

“Mom would have been happy that I found someone I liked so much. She told me I should let my heart run away with me while I’m young, to explore everything that excited me, and I ... I feel like I’m failing her all the time.” Juliana sniffs.

My heart aches for her. Her tears extinguish the little spark of jealousy I feel. I know she’d cry if any of us had gotten kicked to the curb. And I know the date of her mom’s death is coming up fast. I’m sure none of it is easy on her.

“Why don’t you go shopping or something? Get something that does make you excited.”

“You can’t just replace a person with shopping, daddy.” She sighs. “I have a counseling session. Am I allowed to go to that?”

“Yes. It’ll be good for you. Get ready and let me talk to Gio.”

She doesn’t offer any sass either. She doesn’t argue, doesn’t comment, just lets her father close her bedroom door. I look at Sharon. “Go ahead, Sharon. Thank you for your diligence. Watch the lobby once we leave and make sure no one attempts to get into the penthouse.”

“Of course.”

Sharon adjusts her dress and gives me a thorough once-over before heading downstairs. Uncle Tony elbows me. “Now that’s a good catch for you, Gio. Strong, smart, obviously interested. She might be just your speed.”

“I don’t let a coworker get in the way of a job,” I say, ignoring the fact that I will absolutely let the person who is my job get in my head. “The appointment is in an hour. I believe she’s scheduled for a full seventy minutes since it’s a first-time appointment.”

“I’m amazed you were able to find someone to meet with her this late in the day.” He waves that away. “Keep track of her mood. I’m worried about her ... taking action.”

“She’s worried something has happened to Konstantin,” I report dutifully. “Is terrified that the Volkovs hurt him since she can’t reach him. There’s an easy way to fix this, Uncle Tony.”

“If I let him come back, I know they’ll pick up right where they left off.”

“You also know he has twice the reason to protect her. Is it really the worst thing? Compared to the alternative you’re worried about?” I ask.

That jealous side kicks me in the dick. Why would I welcome him back when I could potentially have more time with Juliana? But the truth is obvious: I’m crazy about Juliana and I would do anything to keep her happy. Knowing how upset she is proves that none of us are a passing fad. She really does care.

Max has been working hard to make sure that she finds a way to get in touch with Kon and that she knows he’s on her side. And I’ve been trying in my own way, without revealing my intentions.

Uncle Tony sighs. “Just go. I have things to think about.”

Juliana comes out in leggings and a t-shirt. It’s so different from her normal fashion choice that her father does a double take. She barely has makeup on and her hair is tossed up in a messy bun. She nods to me.


“Ready to go?”
