Page 2 of Daddy's Angel

And more lack of sass. Uncle Tony shakes his head, tries no less than three times to start a conversation with Juliana, and fails each time. Once we’re in the car and I know that Uncle Tony is headed to the office, that Sharon is in the lobby and can’t see us, I turn Juliana’s chin and kiss her softly.

“It’ll be okay soon, babe.”

She rubs her nose over mine. “I thought you were done with me, Gio.”

“No.” I shake my head and kiss her again, slowly, licking over the valley of her lips. “That’s impossible.”

“You haven’t touched me since-”

“I couldn’t get fired and not be allowed to see you. After how he handled Konstantin, I’d take not being able to touch you over not being able to see you.”

She softens and I wipe under her eye. “Did you suddenly get good at fake crying?”

“No.” She sniffs. “I’ve been so worried I’m going to lose you and Max too. Losing Kon like that, when I thought I’d still be able to see him, then realizing how hard that would be ... to lose you like that again or Max would hurt. You three make me feel sane and with the anniversary coming up and ...”

“I know.” I squeeze her hand as I get us on the road. “You won’t be alone.”

“I want all this done by then, Gio. I can’t keep looking over my shoulder and I won’t postpone living. The second we solve this, I’m taking everything I’ve saved and I’m buying a house for myself. I’m going to find out what I’m meant to do in this life and I’m going to do it.”

“Leaving the company?”

“I don’t need to be CEO ofthatcompany to achieve my goals. I could start my own business. I could accomplish so much once I have some support and get to do things my way.”

I grin at her and keep rubbing her hand until we’re about two minutes from the clinic. “I have a surprise for you, by the way. Max said it would be impulsive and congratulated me for thinking of it.”

“Really?” She narrows her eyes. “You and Max are getting along?”

“We’re civil.” I hedge. “But if he approves ...”

“I’ll like it,” She says softly. “what is it?”

“Just do what you need to do in counseling and you’ll see at the end.”

“If it’s your dick ....”

I park at the clinic and arch an eyebrow. She smiles. “I’ll be delighted. We can drive to some off-road place and go at it like teenagers.” She laughs.

I kiss her softly again. “I’ll be in the lobby if you need anything, but considering who you’re meeting, I doubt anyone would be stupid enough to come here.”

“They fear the Volkovs that much?”

“Didn’t you know? Valerie’s gained ‘queen of the mafia’ title all on her own. She’s just as vicious as those men, if not more since so few people expect it from her.” I kiss Juliana. “You’ll be good friends.”

She moans and pulls me back against her, pressing her body against mine. I feel heat tease my nerves. It’s been too long since I’ve been able to touch her, kiss her, feel her. We keep devouring each other until my alarm goes off.

The car’s all steamy and Juliana’s lips are puffy. She scratches my jaw. “You need to shave, Gio.”

“I’m letting it grow a little. Might get Max to stop calling me ‘kid’.”

She giggles and whispers in my ear. “As long as your scruff doesn’t rub my thighs raw.”

I groan and watch her head for the door. I need to get my cock to stand down before I head inside. I text Konstantin quickly, from my personal phone, telling him he has an hour to get his ass here.

Juliana kisses my cheek when Valerie comes out. Her shoulder-length dark hair makes her seem younger, and she’s so friendly looking and approachable that I understand how people underestimate her. She’s not exactly tall or imposing, but her eyes flick to me after Juliana says something and in that second, I could picture her showing venomous fangs and slitting my throat without hesitation or regret.

But then a smile returns and she guides Juliana back to her office. I play with my thumbs, put together a puzzle for something to do, then see one of the Volkovs himself saunter in. I take in the curly hair and cocky smile given to the receptionist and peg him as Hunter.

“Audrey.” He croons.