The stunning dark blue dress she had on, cut low in the bodice, drew the eyes of all the young men in the hall, his sister’s work, no doubt. Damn her interference. Kenna’s hair was pinned up, golden and gleaming in the dusk light, and it made her look elegant, but instead, he wanted to tear it loose, so that it fell like a golden curtain into his hand. He wanted to push his fingers through it, wind it around and hold her by it, hard against him as he took her, over and over until she was his slave. This lust he had for her, it hit him so hard, and so suddenly he thought he would break under it. Kenna was not just pretty. She was glowing and truly beautiful.

Dunslair appeared to have tamed her, but he longed for the wild, adventurous Kenna to return, the one who risked everything for freedom, the one who leapt up mountains with no fear, who ran like the wind, who melted when he touched her and gasped her passion out to the night under his tongue and his hands. He wanted her with a burn deep in his loins, and he wasn’t the only one. Others were staring, admiring, and their leering made him want to grab her and hide her away. She wasn’t theirs. She was his.

Suddenly she turned and walked towards him in a strange, halting way. She was twirling a ringlet of hair through her fingers and holding his gaze in hers. An empty glass was clutched in her hand, and she waved it around when she started to speak.

‘Were you not inclined to talk to me?’ Her tone was angry, and so his companions melted away.

‘I was coming to see you, Kenna. I was delayed, that’s all.’

‘I can see that. Where have you been these last days?’

‘Riding, hunting, helping my father.’

She was swaying ever so slightly from side to side, and her face was very pink.

‘Kenna, are you alright?’

‘No. In fact, I think I am very thirsty.’ She licked her lips slowly, and he really wished she wouldn’t, for it was suddenly making him want to kiss her, despite her belligerent tone with him.

‘Here have this.’ He took the glass from her and handed his over. Kenna threw it back and made a face.

‘I always thought you’d be able to drink like a man,’ he said, laughing.

‘Well, I’m not a man, am I?’ she snapped.

‘No, you are not and I must say you polish up nicely. Maybe we’ll make a lady of you yet.’

‘A lady?’ Her smile was sarcastic. ‘Like Elspeth perhaps?’

Conall rolled his eyes. ‘Oh, God.’

‘What is she to you?’


Kenna poked her finger into his shoulder. ‘Really, for she told me you two are in love.’ Poke. ‘She told me that you did not want me here.’ Poke, poke, poke. ‘She told me that you wanted me gone, that you pitied me.’

‘Well, none of that is true now, is it, and besides, why should you care? You have enough suitors of your own. Look at them all leering at you.’

‘No, they’re not, and you didn’t answer my question.'

‘Alright, I almost bedded her once, that is all. She has a big mouth and a bad reputation, and she’s lying if she says I am in love with her.’

Kenna looked at him in a sullen way, and suddenly, Conall felt terribly sorry for her. Dunslair wasn’t the kindest of places, and Elspeth’s spite, on top of the way Darroch and the others had spoken to her, would break the strongest of spirits.

When he saw tears in her eyes, Conall took her arm. ‘I’m sorry, Kenna.’

She looked down into her empty glass and shook him off. ‘Leave me. I’m braw.’ She looked around the room with a frown. ‘Take a turn with me,’ she said hesitantly.

‘I think you are a bit unsteady on those feet just now. Why don’t we go outside for some air?’

‘Please, come and dance with me.’

‘I’m supposed to ask you to dance, not the other way around.’

‘That is a silly rule, in my opinion. Come on, Conall, I so want to dance.’ She grabbed his hand and started to pull him.

‘No, Kenna, I don’t want to, and there are many more worthy partners than me who would be honoured to take your arm.’