Rory took hold of her face and kissed her. That full mouth fit perfectly to his, her lips soft and yielding, and he wanted her so badly his loins ached. He moved forward, pressing Monnine gently against the wall at her back. She whimpered softly and grabbed onto his arms, squeezing as the tip of his tongue found hers. Grabbing her waist, he pinned her to him, and his kiss became deeper and more passionate. But at that point, Monnine’s hands came up to his chest, and she slowly pushed him away.

‘I can’t be your whore, Laird.’

‘If that is what you think I am after, then you do not know me at all, Monnine.’ He let go of her, breathing heavily. ‘Go, if that is your wish.’

She ran away from him, and as her soft footsteps faded away down the hall, Rory was left with his hurt pride and his regret at having said anything. It seemed his affection for Monnine was a lost cause after all, and now she thought of him as just one more man who wanted to use her.


Kenna strolled around the hall feeling self-conscious in a silk gown that Ilene had insisted on giving her. ‘I am far too fat to ever fit in it again. You must have it, for it brings out your eyes,’ she had insisted cheerfully, and Kenna did not want to disappoint her. Ilene had styled her hair beautifully too. ‘Two filthy brothers I have, no sister to dress up and make pretty, tell confidences to. And now I have sons, not daughters, so you will just have to bear it, Kenna.’

There were many eyes on her, among them Darroch’s, glowering from across the hall, his face swollen and bruised. Meyrick appeared at this shoulder and mouthed something into the young man’s ear, and he left the hall in a hurry, fuming. Meyrick nodded at her, and she gave him a weak smile. If only her other protector were here, but she’ ha not seen Conall since their row.

Kenna spotted a decanter of whisky on a side table and poured herself a full glass, and downed it. It tasted vile, but perhaps it would help to dull her sense of anxiety. As she moved off, she felt someone barge into her, hard. She turned to see the brown-haired girl who had been glowering at her on her arrival at Dunslair, and she had a vicious look on her face.

‘You would do well to get out of my way,’ she spat.

‘I’m not in your way.’

‘Aren’t you?’ She sashayed closer over, hands on hips, the stance of a child picking a fight.

‘My name is Elspeth Muir.’

‘And what of it?’ said Kenna.

‘You stole him.’


‘Conall, that’s who. He is mine, and you are trying to steal him with your black arts and endearments.’

Kenna opened her mouth to speak, but Elspeth was taken away on a tide of spite and jealousy, and there was no stopping her.

‘I don’t know why you are still here hanging around. Conall doesn’t want you. Oh, he is grateful to be sure, though why I don’t know as it as your miserable clan who imprisoned him in the first place, but now he wants you gone.’

‘That’s not true. Conall gave me a place here.’

‘Out of pity. He doesn’t want to be stuck with you forever, but still, you are here, following him around, sniffing after his fortune, no doubt. You’ve given up the goods, so now he’s finished with you. Be gone and leave him in peace.’

‘I will ask him about it. I am sure he will say differently.’

‘He’s too kind to say so to your face, but he tells me things. We are very close, he and I, in love. And I can tell you this too.’ She looked Kenna up and down spitefully. ‘Conall likes a woman with meat on her bones, not a skinny drab like you.’

‘I don't think you have any idea what Conall likes or what he thinks and if you don’t go away this instant, I will thump you into next week.’

Elspeth lunged at her, but Rory appeared between them as if from nowhere and hauled her back. He gave Elspeth a stern look, and she scuttled off into the crowd.

‘Who is that girl to Conall?’ said Kenna.

‘If you want to know, go and ask him. He is over there.’

Conall was in a dark corner with his back to her. A large group were gathered around him, and he was laughing and relaxed, holding court. Several young ladies hung on his every word. Kenna watched them fawn over him, their hands on his arm, casually, twirling their curls around their fingers and making eyes at him. Kenna had never done such a thing. She had only held onto his arm to vomit or because she was terrified.

Her hair suddenly felt heavy on her head and the fine dress far too tight. She was ridiculous and unwanted, and everyone knew it. Anger with Conall and the whisky in her belly made her face burn and her heart race. Why did he not come over and talk to her? It had been days. Surely if he was angry, he could have gotten over it by now, and none of those silly milksops saved his life now, did they? He liked being flattered. That was it. Well, if he wouldn't come to her, she would go to him. ‘What do you have to lose?’ said the devil on her shoulder. ‘A deal of pride,’ said her saner side. Grabbing herself another glass of whisky, Kenna knocked it back in one gulp.


Conall stole a glance at Kenna again, as he had been doing since he arrived at the dance, unable to fathom the change in her. She had a bloom on her, and he wasn’t quite sure why he resented it and loved it all at once.