Page 7 of Muffler’s Mayhem

“Oh, you can’t be serious! I can walk just fine,” I complain but then think better of continuing. If they told me they had to strap me into a straitjacket in order for me to leave, I’d let them.

Muffler gathers up the very last of my things, and the nurse comes back in with the wheelchair and my prescriptions. The nurse locks the wheels, and I settle down in the seat. I’m shocked when Muffler reaches out and grabs my hand as I’m rolled out to the parking lot.

“You okay? You seem a little on edge.” I squeeze his hand to give him a clue as to what I’m talking about.

It’s not that I don’t want to hold his hand, but since we’ve been messing around, any public display of affection has been strictly off-limits.

“Yeah, I’m straight. I’m just a little worried about what you’re going to be walking into at the clubhouse. I told everyone to be easy, but you know how they are. It’s a surprise.” He looks away from me, and I laugh at him. He’s such a worrywart.

“I’m ready for all the surprises.” I look down at the hand that he’s still holding, “Speaking of surprises. I’m surprised to see this.” Lifting my fingers, I show him our entwined hands.

“Yeah, well, since all of this shit went down, there was no way that I was able to keep our relationship a secret. Turns out the only ones that didn’t actually know were Hoodrat and Giada. Everyone else already had an idea. Besides, I don’t want to have to sneak in and out of my own room because no one knows we’re in a relationship.”

It really doesn’t seem to bother him in the least that people know. I’d always assumed that he’d give some resistance if I pushed too hard about coming out of the closet, as they say with our relationship, but he doesn’t look phased in the least.

“Did you tell everyone only about the relationship, or did you tell them about the . . .” I use my free hand to wiggle my fingers by my waist, and he just shakes his head no.

I don’t want to press my luck any further. Not right now. Not when he’s finally letting go of some of his worry. He presses the key fob, and the lights flash on a Yukon that I don’t remember anyone in the club having. It doesn’t surprise me that they got a new vehicle, though. The group of them is always buying something.


I whip my head around at the sound of my name being called, and instantly my head begins to pound. I groan, and Muffler bends down.

“Hey, you good? Do you need to go back inside?”

“No. No! Are you crazy? Get me as far away from this place as I can get.” I laugh before I look back up at my brother and Giada, hustling to get to me.

“Shit, my bad. I didn’t mean to scare you,” Hoodrat says. He comes to a stop in front of me, out of breath. Giada’s trying to put something in her purse, and even though my head is still spinning, I know what an ultrasound photo looks like.

“Is that what I think it is?” I say and point to the strip of paper that she’s trying to hide. She looks up at Hoodrat before she hesitantly pulls it out and shows it to me.

I can’t believe she’s pregnant too!

The little bean is barely visible on the paper, but I know just where to look. After examining the photo for a second, I hand it back to her. “Congratulations!” I say and give her a big smile. When I look up at Hoodrat, instead of him being elated, he seems a little upset, my eyes jump over to Muffler, and he’s giving the same expression.

This must be hard for the two of them, seeing as we just came out as being together. I would hate to come between the two of them.

“Good job, brother, but we’ll celebrate better when my head doesn’t feel like it’s about to pop off my shoulders,” I say and reach up for the door, so I can get into the truck.

“I hear that. We’ll be around later,” Hoodrat lets me know while he ushers Giada away.

My head doesn’t hurt that bad, but I just wanted to get a way out for Muffler. We have to fix this one way or another.

The entire ride to the clubhouse, Muffler holds my hand. Now the shock of leaving the hospital has worn off, and I’m starting to feel that same fuzzy feeling I had before. Everything feels a bit off or different, I guess. Everything besides the feel of Muffler holding my hand. He’s my only constant right now, and I know that while I have him, everything will be fine.



Every time Beretta makes a sound, I clench up, waiting for her to call me out on my bullshit. I thought it would be harder to lie to her about what was going on, but so far, she seems to be accepting everything that I’ve told her with very little persuasion.

I’m not looking forward to telling her about Lily, and I know that when that comes up, she’s going to break down. Hell, I might fucking break down too. It’s not like I ever dealt with what happened. I was more concerned with finding and hurting the assholes that laid their hands on my woman, in turn taking my daughter’s life in the process.

I always felt bad I didn’t take more time with Beretta when everything went down. I needed to let her know I was hurting just as she was. I guess there’s no time like the present to tell her how I really feel about the situation.

When we pull up to the clubhouse, I’m shocked at the number of bikes and cars I see. I told Boss, and the rest of the people inside she’d be having some difficulties remembering people, and from what it looks like out here, I’d put money on the fact everyone who could get here that had anything to do with the club, both past, and present, is inside waiting to surprise my girl.

I’m happy they care for her as much as they do. I only pray that it’s not too much for her to handle all at once. When we all get together, it’s like a fucking riot.