Page 6 of Muffler’s Mayhem

“Boss, there’s one other issue,” Cowboy says, and when we look at him, he’s holding Destiny up in his arms. She’s fast asleep. The almost six-year-old little girl is probably so tired.

“Fuck, I didn’t have her eleven years ago. I’m not going to be able to stay in the clubhouse while she’s getting her memories back or until you tell her what’s really going on. Destiny, Cowboy, and I will stay away until you do. As for everyone else, all the patched members that weren’t here all those years ago, we’re just going to say that you were crossed over from our sister clubs. Honestly, if you don’t have to talk to Beretta, just keep your distance. We’re trying to make this transition as smooth as possible for her. She’s family, and she’d do the same thing we’re going to have to do for us.”

I look around the room after Boss’ speech to see if anyone has anything smart-mouthed to say, but to my surprise, everyone just goes back to work.

“Boss, what about you guys? Where are you going to go?” I ask.

“We got a few places. Don’t worry about it. I’ll be in to check on things daily. Just keeping Destiny away, it’ll be harder for us to explain to her what’s going on.” She walks over to me, crosses her arms over her chest, and stares straight into my eyes, “Look, I know we’re all focused on just trying to get through this for her, but are you going to be straight? You went through a lot of shit, too, and now having to take her on as your woman, even if it’s only fake, can’t be what you want to do. If shit gets too heavy, don’t try to take it all on by yourself. I don’t need the both of you burned out.”

I can’t tell Boss that pretending that Beretta is my woman is the only thing I’m looking forward to.

Even after all this time, Beretta is the only woman that I ever truly fell for, and nobody knows, not even her.



My eyes dart back up to the clock on the wall.

I’ve been sitting here for at least thirty minutes already. Honestly, how fucking long can it take to print out some papers?

I’ve never wanted to get out of somewhere so badly in my life. I’ve only been awake fully for two days, but it really does feel like I’ve been here for years. I had to ask Hoodrat if I’d been stuck in one of those long-term comas that you hear about on the news. He shook his head, but he didn’t laugh like I’d expected him to.

No matter what we talked about, it seemed as if my brother just couldn’t break out of whatever funk he was in. I want to chalk it up to him just being upset with me in the hospital, but he’s not even happy to have me leaving today. I’m not the coddling type of sister, and he knows that, so whatever is eating at him, he’s going to have to work it out on his own. I have other things to do besides baby him. For instance, I have to figure out the quickest way for me to exit this place.

Getting up from the bed, I pace in a tight circle as I wait for the doctor or nurse to show back up with my paperwork. When the door opens, and the nurse walks in with a stack of papers, I nearly jump her to get them.

This paperwork is the only thing keeping me here right now, and the fact that so far, I don’t have anyone to take me home. I know Hoodrat or Muffler is going to be here for me, so I’m not overly worried.

“Now, you remember all the instructions from the doctor, right? You have to take it slow, and while you’re at home healing, there may be some memories that click back into place for you. It’s going to be jarring, but it’s normal. If at any time you feel overwhelmed, you have strict instructions to either get an appointment back here with us or to go see your primary care doctor. We are going to need to see you back here in three weeks to check on your progress.” The nurse lets out a soft breath when she sees me racing through the paperwork. I’m not reading one word here. If I find out three years down the line that I sold my soul to the devil in one of these pages, I’d believe it.

Just as I’m signing the last of the paperwork, the door to my room opens again. This time instead of it being one of the healthcare workers, it’s Muffler.

My cheeks hurt. I smile so wide. This man makes me so happy, and it’s absolutely not fair that we have to keep our relationship a secret. He deserves better than just being my secret man. Only able to hold me behind closed doors. I intend to talk to him about it when we get back to the clubhouse.

From what he told me last night, I’m going to be staying with him at the clubhouse just in case I need any help in the middle of the night. I don’t think I will, but I’m not going to turn away the opportunity to get some much-needed alone time with him.

Muffler moves to the side wall and leans against it. He pulls his leg up and crosses his arms over his wide chest. He doesn’t say anything to me, but his presence in the room is undeniable. The once calm nurse is now slightly red and flustered. I smile and move a little slower, signing the last few pages.

I know exactly what she’s feeling right now. Muffler is one sexy man. Not only in the looks department, but the man has an aura about him that commands attention. It’s one of the reasons I’m so drawn to him. Looking up through my lashes at him scrolling through his phone, I’m struck by how badly I want him right now. His eyes squint, and I can’t be sure, but from where I’m sitting, it looks like he has a few more lines in the corners of his eyes. His scruff is thicker, and I’m almost positive he’s put on a little bit of weight, but still, he’s so fucking gorgeous. When he pulls his bottom lip into his mouth absent-mindedly, I suck in a gasp.

Muffler’s eyes jerk over to mine, and for the briefest second, there’s confusion followed by the heat of desire. He knows what I was staring at.

“Ehem.” The nurse clears her throat, and I go back to quickly signing the rest of the papers. The faster I get out of here, the faster I can get Muffler home and hopefully less clothed than he is right now.

“Here you go, I think that’s it. Am I free?” I ask the nurse, shuffling impatiently from foot to foot.

After flipping through a few pages, she nods. With a clap, I beeline straight for Muffler. “Where’s Hoodrat? Downstairs?”

“Ah. No, he’s actually not going to be able to ride with us back to the clubhouse. I’m sure you’ll see him later. He’s going to want to make sure you’re all set and comfortable.”

I run my hand up Muffler’s arm and give his bicep a small squeeze. “I’m sure you’re going to make sure I’m very comfortable tonight.” My words come out in a soft whisper, and he smirks at me.

“Are you going to be taking her home?” the nurse asks from behind me, and I roll my eyes at the obviousness of the question. Did she think I was going to set up an air mattress in here for him? I’m getting out of here.

“Yeah, the doc said she was cleared,” Muffler replies.

“No, she can go, but we can’t let her leave on foot. It’s policy. We need to get her a wheelchair.”