Page 76 of Slashers & Secrets

My heart splits between two, and I didn’t have enough of a healed heart for one.

My love floats to Reign, because he sings to my soul with a look and a caress.

The masked man drives me into the darkness parts of my soul. The depravity that I feel is nothing I ever wanted to enter, but now that I’ve stepped foot in it, I never want to leave.

Light and dark.

Dark and dark.

Darker and darkest.

I can’t make up my mind, yet they both pull me in deep, and I feel the only thing I can do is fall to my knees with my palms in the air and pleadtake me, hoping I make it out in one piece.

A scream rips through the air, snapping me out of my dark thoughts. The hair on the back of my neck stands on end, and my body tenses. As if on instinct, I begin sprinting through the forest and back toward the house. More screams erupt, and I stumble over branches and oversized rocks, tripping my way to the yard. Hidden behind a bush is a pair of naked legs and feet with red heels. My eyes widen, and I spot Posie, who looks shocked, with her hand to her mouth.

I come to a stop, leaning over her shoulder. “What’s going on?” I ask with a shaky voice, though it’s naïve, because I know exactly who did it.

It was him.

He’s here.

I grip Posie’s shoulder, leaning over to stare at the face, my brow furrowing.

I’ve seen her before, but I don’t know exactly who she is. I’ve had a class or two with her, but we’re nothing more than acquaintances.

Stepping back, I glance around as people go into absolute hysterics. Blood soaks the girl’s shirt, clear stab marks cut through the fabric. She has a dribble of blood running down the corner of her mouth, slipping past her chin.

“Holy shit,” Vienna says as she steps up to me, Creed standing next to her with wide eyes.

Glancing over my shoulder, I see Reign, Kyler, and Archer walking up to us with curious expressions on their faces.

Who did this?

I feel like my chest is going to explode as hysteria thumps through my veins. My breathing picks up, and I spin in a circle as I look for the masked man, expecting to see him in the corner around the house, standing behind a tree, lurking in the shadows, watching me.

But he’s not. I don’t see him anywhere.

“Lake, you okay?” Vienna asks, stepping away from Creed and walking up to me. “You don’t look so good.”

My hands shake, and suddenly Archer is there, his hand around my waist. “What’s wrong?”

I shake my head as my teeth start chattering, feeling the eyes of so many people around me. And glancing toward the group, I see a few girls’ eyes widen once they see me, and they turn back around, their shoulders hunched to their ears as fear rolls through them.

“Lakyn,” Creed snaps, grabbing hold of my cheeks. He turns my face toward his, and I stare into his eyes as my breath wheezes from my chest.

“Talk to me, baby. What’s going on?” He looks angry and worried, staring at me with narrowed eyes. “Did someone say something?”

I shake my head, my eyes shifting to the side. People are whispering, and I hear it.

“Lakyn, Lakyn, Lakyn.”

“I didn’t kill her,” I mumble, Creed’s hands bunching my lips together. “I didn’t do it!” I shout.

His eyes flare, and he pulls me away from the crowd. “Obviously you didn’t fucking do it.”

I shake my head, my legs akin to Jell-O. “They think I did. They think I’m the murderer. I didn’t kill anyone, Arch.” I look up at him, and he nods, his arm wrapping around me.

I lean my head on his shoulder, grateful for his comfort, though a part of me, deep inside, wonders if he’s the one who did it.