Reign and Kyler step in front of me, and Kyler looks irritated, while Reign looks as if he wants to tear my head from my shoulders.
“What’s wrong with you?” he snaps, stepping into my space, and the moment his scent reaches my nose, I hold my breath, not wanting to be swayed by him. Not right now.
Did Reign do it?
I glance over my shoulder, looking at Posie. Could Posie have done this?
Vienna steps up to me. “The cops are about to be here. We should go.”
“It’ll look suspicious if we leave,” Kyler says, nodding his head toward me. “After everything that’s happened, Lakyn should probably stay. Make a statement.”
I shake my head, not wanting to talk to anyone. “No, I want to go home.”
Archer squeezes my arm. “You sure?”
I nod at him, then turn to Vienna. “Yeah. Can we?”
She gives me a small nod, a sad look on her face as she looks over my shoulder, where the dead girl lies. I don’t even know her name.
“Yeah, Lakyn. Let’s go home,” she whispers.
Later that night, I lie awake in bed, my body racked with chills. Even with sweatpants and a sweatshirt, I can’t find warmth, no matter what I do.
Sleep won’t come easy, and I’ve been staring at the wooden carvings in the ceiling corners of my room.
My phone buzzes, and I grab it from my nightstand, squinting at the bright light.
A text message.
I frown, unlocking my phone and opening my messages.
Unknown:Did you like my surprise?
My blood turns to ice, and my phone nearly slips from my fingers, but I grip it tightly as I press the Messages button, preparing to respond.
I type out a message and delete it numerous times before I hit Send.
Me:She had nothing to do with that night. Why her?
The message comes instantly.
Unknown:There are more people involved than you think. Everyone is connected, Lakyn. To you, to death. You’ll see eventually.
My breath hiccups in my chest, and I ignore the burning in my nose.
Me:Why? What can I do to get you to stop?
I stare at the screen, worrying my lower lip between my teeth.
Unknown:Everything I do is for you.
My brow furrows.
Me:This isn’t what I want.