Page 79 of Ashes

I’ll finally be free from him once and for all.



My butterfly looksso fucking sexy wearing that pretty white wedding dress that will soon be stained red. The thought causes my cock to thicken in my pants.

We’re upstairs in the master bedroom now. After we had stripped Sebastian and began burning him all over his naked body with the hot curling iron, Lee’s phone started blowing up with calls and texts from Melanie, so she went to the backyard to answer the call. While she was talking, the four of us decided to take our fun upstairs.

My brothers have taken their shirts off, and I’ve stripped down to my boxers, eager for the blood splatter I know I’ll get before the night is over.

They’re doing something to make the deserving bastard squeal, but my attention is on the beautiful woman dressed in white standing in the doorway.

“Everything okay, butterfly?” I ask, walking toward her. Her bright blue eyes meet mine, a smile forming on her lips.

“It was Olivia who called. We need to hurry. She’s homesick and wants to come home,” she says, walking into the room and setting her phone on the dresser.

Nodding, I press a kiss to her pink lips. “You got it, baby. We’ll hurry here and get home to our little girl.” I knew she was anxious about leaving Olivia behind, and even though Olivia was excited about getting to play with Riot, I knew she was going to have a hard time being away from her mother. Away from all of us. My little princess is a strong kid, but she’s not ready to be away from us for very long.

Eli turns his head to look at me, his eyebrows raised in question. “We need to hurry this along. Olivia needs us. She’s homesick,” I explain. He nods in understanding.

Turning his attention back to Sebastian, a manic grin spreads across his lips. “Sucks that we’re not going to have more time together. But we’ve got a kid waiting for us.” He grabs the golf club from the set in the closet, swinging it around in his hands.

“Turn him over,” Eli demands, and Ace nods, rolling Sebastian’s naked body onto his back. His ankles are taped together, and his arms are taped together behind his back.

I watch in awe as Eli runs the cold club along Sebastian’s pale skin, hitting him with it in several places and leaving angry red marks.

The bastard whimpers, begging Eli to stop.

“Did you stop when she asked you to stop?” he asks, slapping his ass cheeks with the club, sliding it between them.

“Fine! Okay! Fuck, Lee, I’m sorry!” he whines, his muscles tightening, his ass cheeks flexing as he clenches, refusing to allow Eli access.

“It’s too late for apologies. You should’ve listened to her when she begged you to stop.” Tightening his grip on the handle, he thrusts it forward, forcing it between Sebastian’s tight ass and inside of him. He screams, thrashing against the bed. Ace climbs onto the mattress, holding him down while Eli works it in further. “Is this the same set that you used to violate her?” he hisses, venom in his words.

Despite Eli’s cold exterior, I know he cares deeply for every single one of us. Especially Lee. If he didn’t care about her, he wouldn’t be so angry that her bastard of a husband abused her for many years. If he didn’t care, he wouldn’t be doing the same things to Sebastian that he did to Lee. Everything that she told us that he did to her, Eli is now doing to him in return.

I call that justice.

“Please! Lee, stop them! Please, I love you! I’m so sorry!” His words fall on deaf ears because none of us give him the attention or pity he’s looking for. The five of us are solely focused on Eli shoving the golf club up his ass.

Once he’s worked the curved handle in, Ace rolls him over, allowing him to lie on his back. His body is clenched tightly and shaking with his silent sobs.

I knew the bitch was going to fucking cry. Pussy ass.

My butterfly stands at the foot of the bed, watching the scene play out in front of her, her face stoic as she stands tall, witnessing everything.

With a smirk, I walk toward the bed and climb onto it, standing on my knees. Pulling my boxers down, I pull out my cock and give it a couple of tugs. “I need to take a piss,” I say, earning a roar of laughter from Rowen and Ace. Rowen steps toward the bed and forces Sebastian’s mouth open by shoving in a bite block, preventing him from being able to close his mouth.

Scooting closer, I keep hold of my cock and release my bladder, warm piss spraying directly into Sebastian’s open mouth. He thrashes around, coughing and gagging, but cannot spit it out due to the bite blocks. Ace grips his head firmly, preventing him from being able to turn it to the side and let my urine fall out. The bitch has no choice but to swallow.

Once I’m done, I give my cock a few shakes, then pull my boxers up, climbing off the bed.

“Drink it, bitch,” Ace growls, keeping his head steady. “Swallow. Now!” I hear a gulp, followed by loud cries, and more pleading for us to let him go.

“Fuck you! Fuck all of you disgusting fucks!” Snot and tears spread down Sebastian’s face, and it’s the most beautiful fucking sight. I have waited so fucking long for this moment.

Laughing, Rowen flips him back over. Using his boot, he steps on the end of the golf club, then extends his leg, shoving it deeper inside Sebastian’s body until he’s screaming bloody murder. The club moves inside his body, causing blood to leak from his ass.