Page 78 of Ashes

“Take that off! That isn’t yours!” Seb hisses, fighting against his restraints that aren’t budging.

All four heads pause to look at me, curiosity and humor filling their eyes.

King is the first to speak up. “What are you doing, butterfly?” he asks, shoving half his peanut butter and jelly sandwich into his mouth. I spin around, enjoying the feel of the heavy dress skirt flying around me.

When I finish spinning, my eyes land on King. “I’m just admiring this pretty dress.” My hands run over the material.

“Take it off! Courtney had that dress custom-made. You’re going to ruin it!” Seb yells, rocking back and forth in the chair, attempting to free himself.

Ignoring him, I say, “I wore a dress like this on my wedding day. Except I wasn’t allowed to have strapless because Seb thought it was too revealing. It’s funny that his new fiancée can wear strapless.”

Eli sets his phone down and stands, placing his hand on Seb’s shoulder, keeping him steady so he can no longer continue fighting against his restraints.

“She’s not a fucking whore like you are. I was right about you all along,” Seb spits venom, his eyes darkening with hatred as he looks me up and down. “Just another dirty whore. You left me to be with these thugs. I bet you’re fucking them all, too.”

Rushing toward him, King cocks his fist back and crushes it into the side of Seb’s face with an audible snap. “Don’t fucking speak to her that way!” he roars.

Stepping behind him, I place a hand on his shoulder. “King, it’s okay.” I grip his arm and pull him toward me. “He doesn’t have the power to hurt me anymore.” I pull him away, standing in front of Sebastian.

“You hurt me because you’re a coward. The only way to get what you wanted was by inflicting pain on me. You can’t do that anymore because you’re nothing to me and no longer have the power,” I tell him, a weight suddenly being lifted from my chest. “By the way, you are right about one thing. They are fucking me, and they’re so much better than you.”

A smirk spreads on Eli’s face. “Baby, tell me, did he ever make you come?”

My eyes remain locked with Sebastian as I answer, “No. Never.”

“Did he ever eat your pussy and make your toes curl?” Eli asks, stalking toward me, lust in his eyes.

“Never,” I answer.

“You fucking bitch! I fucked you so good that you’d scream for more!” Seb’s face is as red as a fucking tomato from his anger. “You were such a greedy whore that you always wanted it!”

“You’re wrong.” I shake my head, leaning back against Eli’s hard body when he stands behind me. “I hated having sex with you. You forced yourself on me, and for it to end sooner or cause less pain, I’d lie there and go along with it. I hated every single time you touched me.”

“You weren’t good anyway. You could never satisfy me.” His words no longer affect me. Before, I would hope to please him, hope that I was fulfilling his needs and was enough that he’d stay with me. I used to be so afraid that he’d leave me, and that I would have nothing. All I knew was him, and he made me dependent on him so that he could control me.

“What’s your plan, Lee? Tie me up, punch me, try and scare me? Destroy my home? You can do whatever you want, but I promise you, you will fucking regret it.”

“Me? No. I’m not going to do anything to you. You’ll get a taste of your own medicine, and I'll laugh while you’re bleeding and crying. Just like you did to me.” I turn away from him and look at Eli, King, Rowen, and Ace, giving them a sincere smile.

“Do your worst, boys,” I say, walking toward where Rowen sits on the counter. He hops off, kisses my forehead, then joins Eli, who is currently standing before Seb.

“You better let me go right fucking now, or you’ll all be sorry!”

“Wow, I’m so scared. I’m shaking in my boots,” Eli taunts, reaching a long hand forward and firmly gripping Seb’s jaw, applying pressure. “Did you show any mercy to Lee while you were beating the fuck out of her?”

I hadn’t noticed it before, but King has his duffle bag open on the counter to reveal all of his favorite toys. Reaching inside the bag, I pull out a curling iron, a grin spreading across my lips. He brought it just for me. How special.

Taking the curler, I plug it in the outlet near the island where Sebastian’s sitting and set it on the counter, waiting for it to heat.

“Do you remember that time you burned me?” I ask, running my fingers along the curling iron burn at the back of my neck. Years ago, I was getting ready for a charity gala, and I was taking too long curling my hair. His solution was to press the hot iron to my neck until I was screaming in pain as my skin sizzled. I could smell my skin burn.

Seb sits silent, refusing to answer me. But it’s okay; I know he remembers it. He doesn’t need to respond.

Finally, his eyes connect with mine.

“Is this your plan, Lee? Do to me what I did to you? Teach me a lesson?” He sighs, shoulders slumping in defeat. “Okay, fine. Do it, then. Get your little revenge with your thugs because at the end of the day, I’m going to marry Courtney. She’s the love of my life, and I’ll never need to lay a hand on her. She wants to make me happy, and she’s everything you’re not. Do whatever you need to make yourself feel better, then get the fuck out of my life. For good,” he growls, his eyes narrowing into slits as he glares at me.

“Great. Let’s have some fun, then.” I don’t bother mentioning that he won't be making it to his wedding day. Come morning, I’ll be a widow.